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Chapter 12

'Just for today, smile a little more.
Just for today, ask someone how he or she is really doing.
Just for today, remember, while some may have it better than you do, there are others whom definitely have it worse than you!
Just for today, just let go, just for today.
Good times are a reminder and a reward for dealing with the difficult and challenging times we all go through.
The trick is to celebrate the good times in advance of the difficult times. Always remember, good times await you after the difficult times pass.'

❤❤❤❤ THE ATTACK (Part One) ❤❤❤❤

Continuation from the Last Episode:

Taloc who was shocked and speechless nodded his head. "It is indeed fate but you know I cannot kill the boy myself. I can't live to see my daughter in pain." He said to Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled and nodded his head as if he knew Taloc would say that. "Then you don't have to worry about it, I have someone who will do that for you." Lucifer said.

Taloc heaved out a loud sigh of relief when he heard those words. "That will be great Lucifer, you know my daughter loves the boy so I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings if I kill the boy." Taloc said. "And come to think of it, Tamara didn't tell me Jason is a Tribrid." He added after a while.

"I wouldn't blame her maybe she was afraid of telling you or she wants to see her daughter happy since she is in love with Jason." Lucifer chip in. "But like I said, there is someone who will do  the job for us so you don't have to worry." He added.

"Okay, so who can it be?"

"Someone you will get to know when it's time." Lucifer said with a mischievous smile.

"On the day of his death, I will act as if I am surprised when you kill Jason in front of us." Taloc said. "But how did you get to find out he is a Tribrid and his mother is the druid that broke my Mate bond?"

"I have my ways my friend, whatever Lucifer want Lucifer gets ." The devil said with a smirk.

Taloc nodded his head.

"So when are we visiting the supernatural kingdoms?" Taloc demanded. "I can't wait to see that stupid Likarica and kill her myself." He added in an angry tone.

"What if I say we attack them tomorrow, they will be so surprised and unprepared when we attack." Lucifer answered.

"I will tell Tamara the little I can about we attacking the supernaturals tomorrow." Taloc told Lucifer.

"No problem my friend, I will see you in the supernaturals tomorrow. Between you and me, we can take down the whole kingdoms." Lucifer said. "See you soon friend." With that he disappeared into thin air leaving Taloc alone.


Lillian House:

Jason thanked Lillian for the food he ate and stood up to go.

"I need to go and check on my parents and tell them where I slept in case they have been searching for me." Jason told Lillian.

"You have to no problem Jason, greet your mother for me and tell her I will pay her a visit tomorrow." Lillian said.

"I will do that." Jason said smiling.

Jorkallun and Sarah stood up to their feet also. "Thank you auntie for giving us your delicious food." Sarah said and Lillian smiled widely.

"We will come with you just to keep you company when you face your father." Jorkallun told Jason.

"Thank you Jorkallun." Jason said and faces Rae. "Are you also coming Rae?"

"Nah, I don't want your father to see me and all his whole hatred will be directed to me, I will follow you next time when you and your father has settled." Rae answered still seated and picking dirt in her fingers.

"Okay then." Jason said his face crestfallen a little.

"Don't worry Jason I will bring her with me to the palace tomorrow when coming." Lillian said assuring Jason.

"Thank you Mrs Lillian." Jason said and bend to Rae's head level and placed a kiss on her forehead. "See you tomorrow Rae and of course you Mrs Lillian." He added.

Lillian made a little smile appear in her lips.

"I have to start going now." Jason said and his Phoenix fire wings came out of his back.

"I will meet you there Jason." Jorkallun said taking Sarah hand and leading her out of the house so that he would change into his dragon and fly Sarah to the Palace.

Jason kissed Rae once again on her lips and made his Phoenix wings encircled him when the fire has disperse, Jason wasn't there.

Rae stood up from her chair and excused herself to her room.

Lillian quickly wash the plates, after she was done cleaning the kitchen, she took the book Rae has gotten from Mrs Ashley and teleport to her room. Once she has settled herself on her bed, she opened the large book to find a spell.


Sea of Nile:

Lydia was about leaving the sea when she was stopped by her father guards who told Lydia her presence was needed immediately.

Lydia followed them and entered the throne room. She swam towards her father and stopped when she was only a few metres away from him.

"Father, you sent for me." Lydia said bowing her head in respect.

"Yes I did Lydia." King Nile said. "When last have you heard from your husband?"

"A little while ago, we spoke." Lydia answered. After she has spoken with her daughter, she immediately contacted the King of Centaur, her soulmate. He knows of her mission and has given her and his daughter his full support.

"Okay, I have been hearing rumours of you seeing another man outside the sea that is why I sent for you to know if what I heard is true." King Nile told Lydia.

"Whoever told you that is definitely lying. I am not cheating on my husband with any man father. Probably they saw me with my friend who needed help in begging his lover he betrayed some years ago and just concluded I am seeing him." Lydia said surprised that someone has been monitoring her movements and reporting whatever she does to be father. "How can I be cheating on my husband? It doesn't make any sense father." She added.

"I believe what you said, I hope I won't find out you are lying." King Nile said taking his Trident staff and pointed it at Lydia who didn't shiver in fear. "You know what I will do if I find any of my daughters who are married cheating on their soulmate?"

"Of course I know father." Lydia said.

"Any news on Selena yet?" King Nile asked changing the topic.

"Not yet father but I can assure you once I see her I will let you know of her whereabouts." Lydia told the sea King.

"I am counting on your words Lydia. Just in case you see her, let her know how much I have missed her and how I was harsh on her." King Nile said sadly.

Lydia smiled. "Will do that father."

"You may go Lydia and sent my regards to this new friend of yours." King Nile said. "And do not forget to call on me when you need help. It has been ages since I have seen the surface ever since I banished Selena so call on me whenever you need my help."

"Thank you father and I will call on you when your help is needed. So for now just relax yourself and look after your people. I beg to take my leave now father."  Lydia said and with Nile nod of head, she left the sea kingdom and came out of the shore of the Sea Nile.

Quickly changing her mermaid tail to her human feet she couldn't wait to tell Micheal what Sarah has told her.

Entering the cave Lydia saw Micheal and Tharollin discussing amongst themselves but stopped when they noticed her.

"Hello little fish, I heard you went home and here you are without any roasted fish accompany you. You do know we have a stomach that needs food, sea food to be precise." Tharollin said to the mermaid.

Lydia ignored Tharollin and turn her gaze to Michael and smile when she said. "Guess what Micheal."

Micheal was surprised when she directed her question to him. "I am not a good guesser." Micheal said wondering what Lydia wants to tell him.

"It's about Selena." Lydia revealed finally.

Micheal eyes went wide in shock and Tharollin wasn't left out.

"What happened to Selena? Did you see her? Where is she? Please don't tell me she is already seeing someone else." Micheal poured out his questions after he overcame his shock.

Lydia grin at him. "I can only answer your questions if you will do me one thing." She said.

"What can I do for you Lydia? Tell me my ears are itching for answers." Micheal said ready to do what the mermaid tells him to do as long as his questions are answered.

"Well like Tharollin said, we are hungry, could you please prepare us anything that will stay in our empty stomachs for long, please." Lydia told him.

"Is that all?" Michael demanded.

"Yes Michael that's all, once you are back with food I will tell you everything that relates to my sister."

"I will be right back with food." Micheal said and ran out of the cave jumping into the air as his wings came out of his back and he flew higher.

"You are wicked Lydia but I like it." Tharollin said with a smile.

"Well I am learning from you Tharollin."

"But is it true what you told him about Selena?"

"Yup, I am serious. My daughter was the one who gave me the information since she and your daughter saw Selena." Lydia answered.

"Okay, I can't wait to eat the food Micheal prepares cus I am hungry, haven't eaten anything except for a guard soul I took. I need to eat to have strength." Tharollin said showing off his muscles.

"You don't have to show me your muscles, I am not Avonmora and just so you know, you have a thin muscles Tharollin." Lydia told him.

"Yeah I know, but Avonmora likes it that way." Tharollin said touching his Mate arms softly.

"Don't worry Tharollin, it may take her time to forgive you but she will."

"I hope so Lydia, I want her to just wake up right now."

"She will wake up when she wants to Tharollin."


One hour later….

Micheal came back with roasted meats which he gave to Tharollin and Lydia.

They sat down in circle munching the roasted meats.

"Hmm, where did you learn how to cook?" Lydia asked after taking one bite. "You tried but you are not as good as I am in terms of cooking."

"I learnt my cooking skills where I came from."

"How did you manage to catch an antelope?" Tharollin asked.

"I searched for them and caught one before killing it in the forest and decided to cut and clean up the body when I saw a river, and also decided to roast it there." Micheal said and faces Lydia. "I have done as you told me so please answer my questions."

"Well Selena is alright. My daughter told me how they saw her in the Mer-Clan kingdom, I think they summoned Selena because of the blood ties she has with your granddaughter. And she is not seeing another man." Lydia answered not too sure if truly Selena is seeing someone else.

"Thank you Lydia. So only a person who is related to Selena can summon her, right?" Michael asked and Lydia nodded her head. "Well in that case I have to go and see Rae so that she could summon Selena for me." Michael added.

"Why do you want to disturb my niece when she will be having fun with her Mate and friends. Avonmora is here and she is Selena's daughter, so pray for her to wake up and summon her mother herself." Lydia told Micheal.

"Okay, I can't wait to see Selena and seek for her forgiveness." Micheal said sadly.

"We are both on the same boat Micheal and I hope they forgive us both." Tharollin said.


Reon Palace:

Jason appeared in the courtyard and ignored the greetings of some of the wolves around him, they were already leaving, some alone, others with their mate the moon goddess has blessed them with the previous night.

Jorkallun landed next to him and some wolves quickly moved out of the Dragon way. He waited until Sarah was on the ground before he transformed into his mortal form.

"Come on, let's go." Jason said and led the way, going towards the throne room to check if he will meet his father there, if he is not there, then he will check the garden.

"Did you notice anything strange about Rae?" Sarah send her thoughts to Jorkallun.

"No I didn't, was she behaving strange?" Jorkallun asked her though his mind.

"Yes, like when Jason kissed her on her forehead, she grimaced a little bit and quickly covered it up, but she didn't know I was watching her." Sarah said. "I think something happened to her when she went to get the book from Mrs Ashley house."

"Well don't jump into conclusion yet Sarah, if something had happened, Jason or I will know, including Lillian. Rae won't keep quiet if something had happened to her."

"You are right Jorkallun, lets just hope I am wrong." Sarah said and they realised they have gotten closer to the throne room.

Jason knocked and opened the door a little bit and saw his father with Vivian and her parents. His cousins was there too.

He entered with Jorkallun and Sarah following behind him.

They greeted the elders there.

"We were just talking about you Jason, I was praying I see you before leaving for my kingdom." Roen brother said with a smile and went to hug Jason. "Your father is a very hard man, tried talking to him about accepting who you choose as your mate but you know him." He whispered in Jason's ears.

"I heard that Robert." Roen told his brother who laughed at it.

"So you are going today?" Jason asked his uncle.

"Yes we are, will we see each other again in the next coming wolf festival." Robert said and left the throne room. Robert wife kissed Jason on his forehead and left with her husband. Their children following them out of the throne room.

Only Georgia stopped to hug Jason and bid him her goodbye, she also hug Sarah before running to meet her siblings.

"It was a nice festival King Roen and I enjoyed myself regardless of the little drama that took place." Vivian father spoke after a while.

"I am glad you enjoyed yourself." Roen said with a smile.

"We will come again probably when you need us." He said facing Jason as he said those words. "Until then, take good care of yourself and your family." He added and left with his wife.

Vivian stopped once she got to Jason side.

"You know where to find me if she eventually leaves you. I will be waiting for you Jason." With that she followed her parents out of the throne room leaving only Roen, Jason, Sarah and Jorkallun.

"Father I know you are angry at me and Rae, that is why she could not follow me here." Jason said.

"I am angry but that is not the issue right now, who is the girl beside you Jorkallun?"

"My soulmate and Rae's cousin Sarah. She is also a mermaid which proves that Tamara lied to your face." Jorkallun answered Roen. "If truly Rae is the last mermaid like we'd all thought, then how come Sarah is also one?"

"Just because she has some sort of blue hair doesn't make her one." Roen said still not believing.

"Show him Sarah, please." Jason said.

Sarah nodded her head and went to stand in front of Jorkallun incase she falls down. She whispers some ancient words and her feet transformed into a blue fish tail.

Jorkallun caught her in his arms and look at Roen to see his reactions and he wasn't disappointed by what he saw.

Roen eyes were as wide as sockets when he saw Sarah transformation.

Sarah quickly turn her tail to her human legs saying her thanks to Jorkallun.

"So you see father, Rae isn't the only mermaid that we have so there is no need tagging her as the last mermaid that will be used for sacrifice by me." Jason told Roen. "Tamara lied to us all, who knows how many lies she has told you."

"Lillian was right after all." Roen said mostly to himself in shock. "And I didn't even believe my wife. I have made a grave mistake."

"You can start rectifying your mistakes by arresting her father." Jason suggested to Roen.

"That's very hard my son, no one knows where she lives. She appears from the tallest mountain we have here and disappeared from that same spot, that is it. It will be very hard to trace Tamara."

To Be Continued
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Finally, it's about to go down!!!!!!!!
Showdown time!!!!!!!!!!!
Is Sarah correct about what she thinks she saw?
If Sarah is correct, then
Who is Rae?
What happened to her?
If something happens to Rae, Will Jason survive this war?

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