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      OK, I need to apologize for the delay all these while..... It's been so rough and we still kicking..
I wish to finish this book as soon as possible and start on another just for the fun, not because the likes are encouraging.....
The journey of the supernatural family will sooner that you think come to an end and I am glad that you were on this journey with me and Isabella.......

Enjoy the chapter....

Chapter 25

'Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat.'


Continuation from the last Episode:

Lucifer laughed at their surprised faces. "Come to me Tharollin and kneel down before me." He commanded Tharollin who fought to resist the commanding voice but find it too difficult. He found his feet moving towards Lucifer, he stopped once he reached his front and kneel down before Lucifer.

"No, it can not be, you don't have any control over light, and light is Raphael." Micheal said.

"I know that holy one but he belongs to me now. Tharollin, attack them!!" Lucifer ordered Tharollin.

Turning to face them at a slower pace as he slowly stood to his feet, they noticed the man standing before them wasn't the Tharollin they once knew. He stretched forth his hand and his dark sword made out of darkness formed in his hand. He started advancing towards them slowly.

Tharollin was trying to get hold of himself but he couldn't.

"This is not happening." Lillian whispered mostly to herself.

Michael brought out his sword from his angel wings purse that he normally keeps his sword. It magically expanded and was filled with light.

"Raphael fight it. Use your light!" Micheal yelled out the words as he pointed his sword at Tharollin stopping the dark angel from moving forward.

Tharollin closed his eyes and opened it staring at him.

"I can't control it, I told you once before I am darkness, it has encircled around me. It feeds from me." Tharollin said his voice and eyes back to normal briefly before it became very dark again.

"You got that wrong Raphael, it's not about the darkness being in you, It's about you accepting the fact that you are darkness. You weren't created in darkness, you are light. The Creator created you in light Raphael, find your light and defeat the darkness in you." Micheal told him.

"Oh just shut your mouth Micheal, he is under my control and there is nothing you can do to change that. " Lucifer told Micheal with a grin and turn his gaze to Tharollin. "Attack them right now, destroy them all and bring that stupid Taloc alive." He commanded Tharollin.

Without any hesitation, Tharollin ran towards Micheal, throwing his sword towards the angel.

Micheal ran towards him also used his sword to block the attack, Tharollin sword quickly dissolve into nothing as another formed in his hand.

Michael sword encounter with Tharollin sword when the dark angel raised it up to strike his heart.

Another sword emerge from his other free hand and he used it to thrust into Micheal stomach.

Before his dark sword could finally reach its target, Lydia prevented it from the sword Lillian had used her magic to create for her to use.

He disappeared right in front of them and reappeared at their back, kicking them hard on their back which sent them flying into the air before landing with a loud thud painfully on the ground. They groaned in pain as they lay on the ground. Thick darkness surrounded them like a cage.

He glanced at the rest and ran towards them.

Roen was the next, he changed into his huge Wolf and stopped Tharollin. They fought and Tharollin fling the wolf to one side after a few minutes of fighting him, caging him in darkness.

Sarah wanted to fight with him but was prevented from going by Selena.

"You are no match for him kid, he will kill you before he throws you out. Let the fighters fight him off." Selena told her.

"Selena create me a sword like you did to Lydia." Vertimax told the mermaid goddess who did as she was told.

Collecting the sword from her as he held it by its hilt, he breathed fire against the shining sword-fuller transforming it into a fire sword.

Vertimax and Taloc attacked Tharollin at once.

Tharollin leapt into the air and disappeared into the darkness in the sky.

Taloc and Vermitrax have their backs against themselves to prevent Tharollin giving them a surprise attack.

"Where are you coward, come out from your hiding place if you are not scared of us." Taloc shouted into the air. As Tharollin didn't appeared to them surprisingly as they were expecting. He was taken too long.

30 minutes later, Tharollin landed in front of them and a long whip made of thick darkness wrapped themselves in both of his hands and he ran towards them.

His whole body burning of darkness as they continue to increase in size as he approached the two men.



Artemis appeared in the presence of the rest of the gods as they had gathered to discuss why she hasn't come to inform them about her findings since she set out a few days ago.

"And we are just going to discuss about you Artemis, we thought you had been caught." Eros taunted.

Ignoring his taunt, Artemis bow her head to Zeus. "There is great chaos in the land of the Supernaturals Zeus. The man who you all had seen in Reon's palace was actually Lucifer. I also noticed the first Tribrid who had caused great killings in the past is still alive but he is at the side of Tharollin. Tharollin daughter was the one who had poisoned Roen and his household with his family friends. Lucifer has risen his fallen angel once again and the Gate of Darkness has been closed forever." Artemis narrated what she had investigated.

"I said it father, I was right when I told you I didn't believe what Roen had said." Ares said.

"Then let's go straight away to help Roen defeat his enemies. He might be held captive in his own palace." Zeus said getting up from his seat.

"Yes, as we speak, they are in need of our help. Lucifer has turned everything into darkness. He and his fallen angels had attacked the Fairy Kingdom and the Davea Kingdom." Artemis told Zeus.

"Let's waste no time then, Roen needs all the help he can from us." Zeus said as the rest of the gods all stood up from their various seats. "Artemis, you are coming along."

So saying he disappeared and so did his son, Ares and one after the other they disappeared leaving the room they sat empty.


Roen's Palace:

He swung his whip expertly at them and Vermitrax uses his fire sword to cut off the whip. He uses the other whip to push Taloc to the far edge of the Palace, out of sight.

Tharollin made the other whip grow longer and thicker and use it against Vermitrax. The Dragon King did his best to keep on with his fight and when he wasn't paying enough attention to his surroundings, Tharollin sneak his darkness behind him which formed into thick rope and used it to tie the dragon King body leaving him hanging in the air.

Taloc wasn't seen anywhere since he pushed him into the far edge of the Palace. It remains only the women.

"Yes!!" Lucifer shouted in happiness going to meet Tharollin. "Finish the ladies off but leave the one called Selena, do not kill her, someone wants her." He told Tharollin.

Rosa and Lillian started whispering some magic at the same time when Tharollin started walking towards their direction.

"No, do not do it Lillian and Rosa, leave Tharollin to me." Avonmora voice stopped them.

"What!?" Both Rosa and Lillian shouted and stared at Avonmora as if she has grown four heads.

"Do you want us to go down like the others Avonmora?" Lillian question.

"Trust me on this Lillian." Avonmora said and left their midst blocking Tharollin from proceeding further. He stared into Avonmora dangerously but she wasn't scared of his stares.

"Stop what you are doing Tharollin, please, you are hurting your friends, hurting me your mate." Avonmora said and moved closer to him, he wasn't moving, she continues. "I am your Avonmora, your soulmate. Do you really want to kill us, to kill me?" She added and finally close the gap between her and Tharollin.

"Don't listen to any of her word she is saying to you Tharollin, finish her up, end her life and kill the women, then come and end the ones still alive." Lucifer said behind him.

Tharollin hands changed into claws.

"Listen to me Tharollin, once you have killed us all, you will feel guilty if you regain yourself." Avonmora said placing her hands on both sides of his cheeks, ignoring the thick darkness that still emanate from all over his body. "I love you Tharollin---no, Rapheal, I love you Raphael. Do not let darkness win over you. Find your light that is still in you and embrace it."

"Funny enough, he won't listen to you, the only voice he obeys is me. And he will follow my orders. Don't worry yourself, I will let him know what you said once I free him." Lucifer said in a smirk, mocking Avonmora.

"Rapheal listen, it's me, Avonmora. Your Avonmora who still loves you regardless of the stupid act you did in the past." She said placing her head gently on Tharollin forehead, the thick darkness coming out of him started fading away slowly, Lucifer didn't notice it.

"Why are you not moving, kill the lady standing close to you and stop listening to the rubbish she is telling you." Lucifer told Tharollin.

Why isn't the fool killing her?

Lucifer wondered.

The darkness completely fade away and Tharollin took a deep breath smiling down at Avonmora and turned to look at Lucifer. "No, I won't kill my soulmate neither will I kill my friends." He told Lucifer with a huge smile.

"You are a fool Tharollin, a big fool. I will have your daughter kill everyone in your presence and finally you." Lucifer said with clenched teeth.

Crossing his arms and laughed. "Really? Lucifer, sometimes you have to bring down your ego and realize that you are not the only one cunning." Tharollin said.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is this. The game is over." Tharollin said and Michael and Lydia who had been pretending to be in pains stood up from the ground without pains as the cage formed in darkness faded, they went over to meet Tharollin. The darkness in the form of rope holding Vermitrax faded and he joined Tharollin. Roen who was on the ground stood up to his feet as the cage formed in darkness faded and he stand beside Tharollin. Taloc who was just resting his back behind the building the darkness had taken him came out and join the rest. Tharollin smiled at Lucifer shocked face. "Lillian and Rosa had to play along with my Mate. I did all these just to distract you and made him bring my daughter back from you." Tharollin concluded pointing behind Lucifer who turned to look at his back. To his utmost shock and surprise, he saw Jason who grab hold of Rae's hand and vanished together with her. He was so fast in his actions.

Lucifer wasn't the only one shocked and surprised to see Jason.

Everyone except Tharollin looked surprised when they saw Jason disappeared with Rae. They hope their eyes were not deceiving them.

"No!!!" Lucifer screamed.

"Yes!!!" Tharollin scream out also. "My original plan was to make Vermitrax and Taloc quickly grab my daughter when I throw them in that direction. But when I leapt into the air and disappeared when they wanted to attack me, I saw Jason and his friend with another and quickly fill them the plan, that is why I had delayed my reappearance and have to take Taloc to the to the far edge of the palace and tie Vermitrax." Tharollin told Lucifer. "So you see Lucifer, you are not the only one that is cunning."

"How did you manage to do all these things with my darkness still in you?" Lucifer demanded in anger. He couldn't feel the presence of the brat who took his bride away.

"When I recovered my loss memory your hold on me doesn't control me that much." Tharollin answered.

"You are a fool."

"You keep saying that."

"I will turn my darkness inside you against you. You shall die a horrible death Tharollin." Lucifer said and started singing. He sang and sang and saw nothing happening.

"Oh, did I forget to mention." Tharollin began once he saw the confused face of Lucifer. "That I have exhausted your whole darkness in me? I have no darkness in me anymore Lucifer." He added and to prove his point.

His wings came out of his back, instead of his wings to come out black, the wings came out pure white.

"This is Rapheal, the messenger of the Creator, standing before you."

To be continued........

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