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Chapter 29

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'Myths are different than fairy tales or legends. Legends are stories based in history and are more or less true. Myths, on the other hand, are stories containing a deeper truth—stories that transcend time. If you were to travel the world, you would find myths that are remarkably similar to one another—stories of heroes fighting the darkness with the light.'

❤❤❤❤ ☀️MY RAE OF LIGHT (Part Two) ☀️ ❤❤❤❤

Continuation from the last episode:

"And what can that be mother?" Dean asked anxiously. "Tell me and i will do it." He added.

"If you seek for the forgiveness of the Millennium Wolf, and he forgives you, maybe you will be safe and won't die as i was shown, that's the option you are given. Confess all you have done to him, how you join hands with Lolly and her father and if he doesn't forgive you, well you have yourself to blame. Your father and I warned you before you carried out the act. It was because of you and your stupid actions that prompted Lucifer into killing all the whole Royal family just to have Rae." Jasmine said. "You do realize everything was your fault, if you haven't shown Rae to Lucifer, he wouldn't have to think about doing all these, he would have just wage a war on us and we will fight him, then the best side wins." She added.

"I have realized my mistakes mother, I will do as you've said, I just hope he forgives me." Dean said really sorry for his past act.

Lolly came to meet them.

"Why did you want to see my father?" Dean asked taking Lolly's hands into his.

"She told him what Lucifer and his comrades did to the kingdoms he had attacked and where to keep our people safe like they are doing to the other kingdoms he hasn't attacked yet." Jasmine supplied the answers, shocking Lolly.

"Wait how did you know that-" she stopped when she suddenly remembered that Dean's mother is a seer. "Oh, I remember now, sorry for my silly question."

Jasmine smiled. "Let me leave you both alone and go and meet my husband. Dean don't forget what we discussed." With that she left their presence and started walking towards the direction her husband went.

"So I have been dying to ask, when did you realize you have feelings for me?" Dean asked once they were alone.

"Well on the night you showed Rae to my father and Lucifer." Lolly answered sincerely. "Honestly speaking, I was feeling jealous of you talking about Rae, and I brushed it off, but I didn't know why I felt that way was because I was growing soft feelings for you Dean. I love you so much." Lolly said to him.

"I love you too Lolly. You know if I didn't ask your mother to show Rae to Lucifer, all these problems we are facing would have already been gone by now. I am the cause."

"Don't say that Dean, Me, you, my mother and my father are also the cause, do not blame only yourself."

"My mother had once told me to wait for love or I will die by the hands of Rae, but I couldn't listen and my stubbornness resulted to this. Now she told me the only way to redeem myself and prevent death from occurring is to seek for Jason's forgiveness. I don't know if he will forgive me, we've never followed the same path ever since I set my eyes on Rae. But now that I love you, I want to rectify my mistakes." Dean said to Lolly.

"Jason will forgive you, his whole family and everyone we've offended has forgiven us. Apologize to him and see how it goes from there." Lolly said to him. "I will be with you when you want to speak with him."

"Thank you Lolly, I am really grateful." Dean said in happiness. "Well since I am doing nothing, let's visit King Roen's Palace, my parents will be coming there soon."


Dean surprisingly carried Lolly in his arms, bridal style, and ran with his vampire speed to the Wolf king palace.


Great Sea of Nile:

King Nile was ready when his daughter came back to meet him.

"Father I hope you haven't told any of my five sisters what I told you?"

"No, I will only tell them when the war is over and Selena is back." King Nile answered.

"Thank goodness I don't want any of them to know yet. Let's be going."

"Wait, did you tell your husband it's a war you are going?"

"Yes father, he will join us with his Warriors once he sees if our side is losing." Lydia replied her father. "Let's go."

They swam out of the Mermaid Kingdom until they were above the sea.

"It's dark up here." King Nile said staring at the dark clouds.

"That's the handwork of Lucifer, if we defeat him, the darkness will clear." Lydia respond.

They swam until they reach the shallow waters of the Nile Sea, Lydia changes her tail into a human feet.

Nile did same, his tail transformed into his human feet.

"Father, I think we are going to swim in the water to cross the reef that separates the Nile Sea and the others. I forgot to tell the witch to create a portal that will bring us back." Lydia said.

"You don't need to be bothered about that Lydia. Portal or no portal I still have other means to travel to my destination. You've forgotten that I am the god of the sea." King Nile said to his daughter and whistle loudly towards the Sea.

A Hippocamp (half horse and half fish) came out of the water and Lydia smiled when she saw the half-horse and half-fish her father uses in traveling in case he doesn't feel like swimming. The Hippocamp swam towards them until it gets to the shallow water, where father and daughter went to meet it and climbed on it.

"Let's go." King Nile said. "Tell my Hippocamp where to go."

"Take us across the reef." Lydia instructed the Hippocamp and the Seahorse did as commanded.



Raphael flew higher into the sky until he saw the Golden Gate of Light. Entering the Gate of Light ☀️ he started walking until he reached the throne of Light ☀️ on it was the Ever Shining Light of ages, the Creator. Rapheal closes his eyes to prevent the Bright Light from blinding him. He knelt and lower his head before the Light. No one can see the Creator.

"Rapheal." A gentle voice was heard coming from the Shining Light.

"My Creator."

"What kept you so long from reaching out to me? I thought you'd allow darkness to win and rule over you."

"I am sorry my Creator, I was deceived and helped a stranger not knowing he is Luci-" Rapheal begin to explain but stopped when what the Creator had said fully digest into his head. "You know?"

"Yes I know. I am not blind, I see everything Rapheal." The Creator answered. "All these years that went by, you nor Micheal has never asked for my help once."

"It escaped my mind and I thought I would handle Lucifer, but I cannot fight or defeat him without your help my Creator."

"I know why you are here, go back and when it's time, I will help you."

"Thank you my Creator." Raphael said and left the presence of the Creator. Soon he left the Gate of Light.

Flying back to the Supernaturals.


Roen's Palace:

Dean saw the dragons flying the people still tripping into Roen's palace to safety.

He saw a flash of red hair putting children on a dragon back and hurried towards it. Dropping Lolly to her feet he hurried towards Jorkallun.

"Hey Jorkal-" he stopped short when he saw a familiar face he had mistaken for Jorkallun. "Crimson!" He shouted in surprise. Lolly was surprised too.

"Dean." Crimson said leaving what she was doing and went to hug Dean.

"How did this happen? I thought you had died, I was at your burial." Dean said in shock, he hopes his eyes were not deceiving him.

"It's a long story my friend but all I can say is my brother brought me back to life." Crimson answered and smiled at the other girl beside Dean. "Lolly, you should know that i am not angry at you for no longer dating my brother." She added as Lolly smiled at her.

"So where is your brother, I need to talk to him."

"Jorkallun! Someone is here to see you." Crimson shouted and Jorkallun and Sarah walk out from the other side of the dragon. "Dean is looking for you." She added pointing at the vampire Prince.

"Oh, hello Dean, to what do I own this august visit of yours?"

"I came here to see Jason, can you please tell him I am looking for him."

"You know his chamber, why are you telling me to call Jason for you?"

"He will want to come out once he hears your voice and not mine. Please, it's important I see him. And also don't tell him it's me that requested for his presence. Please I am begging you."

"Okay, wait here let me go and call him." Jorkallun said and left their presence.

"Hey Dean." A familiar voice said behind him. Turning around, he saw Kate.

"Hey Kate, how have you been doing?"

"Fine, what happened to us, you don't check on me again and you stopped caring."

"Sorry, I didn't tell you sooner. I do not want to hurt your feelings, but I am breaking up with you. Am in love with someone else, am sorry."

Taking a deep breath. "Who is the girl, Rae? Because I saw the way you were looking at her."

"Not Rae but Lolly." Sarah's eyes widened in shock. When did this happen?

Facing King Alf daughter. "I wouldn't fight you. I am not that type. I wish the both of you luck in your new found love."

"Thank you Kate." Dean said. "So are you going with the Dragons to their lair?"

"Nope, I am staying behind to fight."


Rae and Jason has just finished dressing up when they heard a knock and Jorkallun voice.

Opening the door widely and Jason and Rae both step out.

"Someone is here to see you Jason, it's really important." Jorkallun said once he saw his friend. He didn't wait to explain further, he started walking away.

Who can that be? Jason wondered.

"Someone is looking for me Rae, let's go and see who's it." He said as he and Rae followed Jorkallun.

They came out of the courtyard and saw Jorkallun talking to Dean. Jason growled when he saw the Vampire Prince.

"What is he doing here?" He growled out the words with much venom as he finally reached their side.

"Relax Jason, he just want to talk." Jorkallun replied .

"Wait he is the person who wants to see me?" As Jorkallun nodded his head in confirmation, he continues. "I am not going to listen to any of his bull crap, if you still want Rae, you gotta fight for her here and now. And I won't show you mercy."

"I do not want Rae anymore, am in love with someone else, am just here to talk."

"To talk about what?"

"I did a lot of things which had resulted in this, I am sorry. If it wasn't for me, Lucifer and everything happening now will be prevented. All I ask is for you to forgive me. I am really sorry, from my heart."

"Jason, everyone deserves a second chance, I have forgiven him, forgive him also." Rae said quietly.

"Okay, for the sake of my mate, I have forgiven you."

"For real?"

"Yeah, for real I have forgiven you."

"So we are back as friends?"


"Thank you!!!" He shouted nearly scaring the people there.

At that moment, a portal opened closed to them and everyone stepped out of it except for Micheal and Raphael.

"Father, Lucifer was here and threatened to attack tomorrow." Jason said. "We have to stop him at all cost."

"Yes, since he said he will attack tomorrow then let's make sure everyone is out of danger." Zeus said and Micheal landed on the ground going to meet Selena before facing the others. He held Selena's hand in his.

Meanwhile Vermitrax, Jorkallun, Crimson and Sarah had gone to help the people now that the vampire people  were seen coming in.

"I see Lolly told you." Rosa said as she saw Jasmine and her husband.

"Yes, and my husband quickly informed everyone, so we are here."

"Where did you and Raphael go too? Where is Raphael, father?" Avonmora asked.

"Gabriel, another angel in the sky, gave me a signal to come. So we left and he told us Lucifer and the king of Angels are joining hands to fight us." Micheal answered. "And Raphael went to meet with the Creator."

As soon as the words left his lips Tharollin landed.

Avonmora went to meet him and gave him a slap on his head. "Hey, what was that for?' Raphael asked massaging his head.

"For going with my father without telling me."

"Did you meet the Creator?" Micheal asked.

"Yes and he promised to help."

"Good." Selena said and looked around them. "Have you seen my sister?"

"She went to the Nile Sea." Lillian answered.

"Selena, look at who is with me!" Lydia voice was heard and when they turned to the main Gate that leads to the entrance of the palace, they saw Lydia and King Nile.

Selena and Michael was surprised and when Selena tried to remove her hand from his, the Angel didn't release it.

Lydia and King Nile soon reach where they were standing.

"Selena." King Nile said in tears going to meet her and hug her, surprising her. "I have missed you so much my child." Those words made Selena to wrapped her arms around her father, crying with him, releasing his hold on her and stare at her. "I was harsh on you and wasn't thinking straight, will you ever forgive me?"

"Father all that I have ever wanted is your forgiveness."

"I have forgiven you since Selena."

"And what about Micheal, he is sorry."

Turning his gaze to the Angel beside his daughter. "You are forgiven Micheal. I hope you keep my daughter happy."

Micheal breathed out deeply. "I will, all the days of my life." He promised.

"And is this my granddaughter?" Nile asked pointing at Avonmora who went to meet him and hug him.

"Yes father, Rae come here." Rae left Jason's side and went to meet them. "And this is your great granddaughter."

Nile hugged his granddaughter and great granddaughter together.

"So happy to finally meet you both."

"Grandpa, I thought you would never leave the sea." Sarah said walking up to him for her own hug.

"Sarai." Nile hugged Sarah.

"Zeus, long time no see friend." King Nile said facing his fellow god. "And you too Ares, Eros and all of you." The Sea King said in happiness.

"King Neptune, good to see you too." Zeus said happy to see his long time friend.

Lydia and Nile were filled in the latest news.

Soon they all helped Vermitrax by helping the people who didn't want to fight on the backs of the dragons.

Before long the palace courtyard was cleared of people, the few ones who remained stayed to fight.

Once they were done, they left for their chambers, the new kings and Queens joining them were given a room to stay. And since Selena and her daughter had settled with their soulmates, they shared a room.


Lucifer was livid with anger as he appeared in his cave.

"Get prepared, we are attacking all kingdoms, meet me at the Gate of the holy Angels." He ordered one of the Skeletons and disappeared.

He reappear in the kingdom of the Angels. He walked majestically to the throne room.

"It's time. I need your Angels." He said Aaron once he sees him

Aaron brought out his golden trumpet and came outside to the largest compound and blew it, within two minutes, all Angels has gathered with their swords. Gabriel wasn't seen.

"Today we are fighting alongside with Lucifer. You are to obey every one of his command, if you go against my orders, I will end your life. Now, who amongst you doesn't agree with me?" When no angel came out, Aaron smiled. "I thought so."

"I will like to speak with you Aaron before we go." Lucifer said and they both walked back inside the throne room.

Lucifer quickly placed his hand on the nose of Aaron making the Angel to go unconscious. He left Aaron's body on the floor and walked out.

"Your King will be joining us later and like he said, you should obey me. Let's go." Lucifer said leading the way as the holy Angels followed him.

Once outside the Gate, he saw his own fallen Angels and together they flew downwards towards the Supernaturals.


Roen's Palace:

Gabriel who had sneaked out of the kingdom when he saw Lucifer, flew towards the Supernaturals, he was able to follow Micheal scent to Roen's palace.

"Michael!!!' He yelled out his friend's name before he even landed, he ignored the Warriors of different kingdoms in the large compound staring at him, ready to attack. Micheal and the rest who have been resting left their chambers to see who it is.

Micheal and Rapheal quickly reach him.

"What is it Gabriel." Micheal demanded.

"He is coming, they are coming."

All knew who he was referring to.

"Then we will wait for him to make his appearance." Raphael said as they started preparing their weapons. Since the fallen angels can't be killed, the Warriors will stay at their backs while Raphael, Michael, the gods and the rest will stay in front.

Since Avonmora and Selena are both healers, they stayed at the back with the warriors. Rae, who was still weak from the darkness, was with her mother and grandmother as Jason made sure his Phoenix fire surrounded Rae.

They all awaits for Lucifer presence.


Lucifer led his armies of Angels and they entered all the whole kingdoms, to his surprise he finds the kingdoms empty, no single person was in sight.

Which would mean Roen is harbouring them.

He flew angrily towards Roen's Kingdom. His kingdom was empty too, flying to his Palace he saw them.

He flew down and landed before them, his Angels still flying in the air.

"Any last words from any one of you?" Lucifer asked staring at them. They are no match for him and his Angels.

"Yes, you are going back to your cage, where you really belong." Raphael answered.

"We will see who goes to the cage." Lucifer said with a smirk and saw Rae with Selena and Avonmora being guarded by the stupid fire. "Kill them all except for those three coloured haired ladies." He ordered his angels and they attacked them.

They all fought.

Micheal and Raphael making sure they didn't hit their fellow Angels hard, but the reverse was the case for them. The holy Angels were following orders.

The witches and those with magic who stayed behind realized their powers were powerless against the fallen Angels.

Lucifer didn't attack yet, he stood on that same place watching them.

When Raphael sees their warriors are being wounded and some being killed he brought out the last bone he had hidden pointing it towards Lucifer to see it.

"You are forgetting about something here Lucifer." Raphael said, fighting a skeleton who wanted to grab the bone from him. "You know what it is, tell the Angels to stop or I will force you to do it."

Lucifer laughed out. "You are not the only one with brains Raphael, I also had thought of it and came up with a solution." Lucifer said to him and he raised up his two hands up, and just like magic, his fallen Angels started entering his body. The more they entered, the more the chain in his neck showed red.

"Stop whatever you're doing right now." Rapheal commanded with the bone but nothing happened.

When about 200 skeletons had entered his body, he made one of the holy Angels to enter his body. As soon as the holy Angel entered his body, the chain in his neck broke, freeing him completely.

Then Lucifer changed into his hideous beast and gave out a loud fearing roar that had the wounded warriors running away. He expanded his size.

Nile was the first to attack the beast, calling on the whole water which formed into a sword. With it he struck the beast.

But Lucifer was quick and dodged it, he punched King Nile on his stomach and sent the Sea god flying.

Nile fell down but was quick enough to get up to his feet.

"He is stronger now." He gasps out breathing heavily.

"That's because the chain in his neck is now broken." Rapheal answered.

Jason ran towards the beast, changing into his Millennium Wolf form and expanded to the size of the beast. They fought furiously against one another.

Lucifer threw Jason a ball of black fire which caught him off guard and sent him flying.

He landed with a heavy thud on the ground and didn't seemed to be getting up.

To Be Continued …

© Omaisabella


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