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Chapter 3

'In the sky there are always answers and explanations for everything: every pain, every suffering, joy and confusion. For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again. The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.'

Dean tried to hide his shock look but failed woefully at that.

"I don't get what you are trying to say Sarah or whatever you call yourself." Dean said to her, how he managed to keep cool remains a mystery to Dean. "Go your way."

"You really know what I am saying and I am not going anywhere." Sarah said her smiling face changing into a deep frown. "I saw everything that happened and even when you forcibly kissed her. So I am saying with a low voice since we are in the festival and I don't want to draw eyes on us, give me that handkerchief you put inside your pocket after you used it to clean Rae's blood." Sarah added.

"How is it your business if I cleaned Rae's blood with my handkerchief and put it in my pocket?" Dean demanded. "It is not your handkerchief but mine and I will do with it whatever I like."

"You are forcing my hands and you won't like the outcome of it when I release my hands." Sarah warned him.

"You can not walk in here, stop me and demand for my handkerchief that is not yours." Dean argued.

"If your hands are really clean then why are you so tense when I ask for the handkerchief? You should have given it to me immediately when I demanded for it if you don't have a hidden agenda." Sarah told him going to meet him merely touching his body with hers. "I saw the way you look at my cousin. I don't know you and haven't met you before but I know evil when I see one. And that one is standing in front of me." She added without a wave of her eyes as she looked deeply into his eyes.

"Do you know who you are speaking too Sarah?" Dean asked trying to sound intimidating.

"Do you have any atom of idea who I am Vampire boy?" Sarah asked him and answered her question. "No you don't because if you do you would have been on your knees talking to me, not standing. Anyway." She said touching his shoulders softly. "I don't want to ruin your expensive attire you wore for you, kindly hand over the handkerchief to me and I will let you leave."

"Make me then." Dean said thinking he will beat the girl in his presence.

Sarah smiled. "I was really hoping you will say that." She said and swung her fist in his jaw hard. The sound of cracking of bones could be heard as the punch turn the Vampire Prince face to the left side of the hallway.

He was surprised and quickly turned his head to Sarah. He spit out blood from his mouth.

The trail of blood coming out from his mouth ceased and his broken jaw rejoined immediately.

Prince Dean grew angry and tried to punch the lady in front of him but Sarah successful dodge the fast coming fist.

"I was also expecting that?" Sarah chip in sweetly and uses her right knee to hit his dick hard. Dean rolled on the floor groaning in serious pain.

Sarah bend down and insert her right hand into his left pockets and brought out the handkerchief.

"You should have given me the handkerchief when I ask of it nicely from you but no, you tried to be a macho man to me." Sarah told him and slap him hard on his cheek. "And that is for kissing my cousin without her permission." She added with a smile and left him holding the handkerchief tightly.

Dean just lay on the floor staring at the ceiling. His life sucks but he will not give up on having Rae to himself no matter what it takes.


Rae was nearing the palace library when she saw Jason. She halted in her movements as she feeds her eyes on a very handsome Jason who was all dressed in white attire. Mere looking at him she couldn't help herself but get wet. She could not wait to be in his arms.

Her fantasies about him were interrupted when she saw Vivian with him. Her hair has been cut which kinda look good on her. She saw Vivian walking towards her with a smirk on her lips.

"Good luck trying to convince him." Vivian said in a singing tone as she walked past Rae.

It was then Rae saw his face, it was kind of frosty and distant. She had a bad feeling about it and wondered what Vivian might have told her boyfriend. She closed the distance between them and he turned tensed. Yeah, Vivian told Jason something.

Her lips were still slightly puffy from where Dean had kissed her, and from his looks, his white eyes checked her lips and that was when she guess what Vivian might have told him.

Did she saw their kiss or heard their conversation? Or she probably heard both but decided to tell Jason about the kiss only. But for what?

"Jason…" she started wanting to explain to him everything and to tell him what really happened.

"Vivian has been here to tell me something very interesting." Jason said in a silky, calm, low and deep voice. Which means he is trying to control his anger. She was safe as long as his eyes remains white.

"Jason.." Rae tried again but he cut her off.

"She saw you and Dean kissing, Rae." Jason said crossing his arms. "What's the meaning of this?"

How dare Vivian to try and ruin her life…

Rae thought with gritted teeth. "You just turned pissed off because of something Vivian told you?" She asked him in disbelief.

Jason stiff posture didn't change, his eyes awfully cool and nonchalant. "Why did you let him kiss you Rae?"

Rae groaned. "I didn't let him!" She snapped in anger. "I was searching for you since I didn't see you in the midst of the crowds when he dragged me to the empty hallway suddenly to beg me to love him and he kissed me Jason! I then shoved him and told him never to try such because I am in love with you. He kissed me against my consent Jason!"

Suddenly Jason was right in front of her face, his body caging her own with the simple facts he was lots of feet taller than her. He cupped her face in his big warm hands and penetrated her dark eyes with his piercing white ones. "Don't ever let someone who's not me kiss you again Rae." He said in a very low, very rough voice. His eyes narrowed. "I am not joking about it. Another guy trying to kiss you- I won't be so relent."

Rae snorted loudly. He thought he was relent now? He seriously had a weird way of showing it. "Jason I promise you it was a one-off." Rae said. "You have to believe me and in me. You can't turn all alpha-male on me because of hearsay."

His expression didn't soften, didn't become as relent as he claimed to be, and instead he kissed her. Hard. Rough. Wild.

His lips were suddenly gone. "You had to  know it was coming when we became soulmates." He said in a low, growly voice. "I am older than you Rae and I thank the gods for choosing you as mine. I am glad you are mine. I hate the fact that someone who is not me touched you and kiss you. I hate to think about it. Dean should really mind the way he touched my Mate. I am not going to just let you go into another man's hands without a fight. I am not going to be easy. We are both stubborn and you will have to learn how to deal with me as I will also do so to you, okay my love?"

Rae rolled her eyes. "And what will accompany that statement?"

"I am sorry my love." Jason answered with a smile.

"For...?" Rae draw.

"For not giving you a listening ear. Are you now happy my love?"

Rae placed her hand under the chin as she started stroking her imaginary beards.

"Forgiven dear." Rae said after a while of thinking. "Just for you to know how you look, you look so handsome in your white Jean and shirt, I wish to get you naked right now."

"Are you sure? Because I will gladly do so." Jason said.

"Forget I said that and let's go to and Join the others." Rae told him and they left together towards the festival.

Vivian who was hiding somewhere within the walls of the library couldn't believe her eyes. Her plans to get Rae and Jason fought just proved abortive.

She left her hiding place after some minutes has passed and walk towards the festival.


Entering the big Palace ground where the festival is being held. Jason cousins came over to meet them.

"Hello beautiful, Jason never told me he has a beautiful friend like you. I am Paul Jason cousin." Paul introduced himself to Rae. "It's my pleasure to meet with a beauty like you."

"It's not a pleasure to meet you." Rae said sweetly.

"Don't mind him, my name is Ryan and you are really beautiful and also I am Jason cousin." Ryan, another of Jason's cousin introduced himself.

"Hello Ryan." Rae said politely.

"I am Samson and Jason cousin, your dress brought out the beauty of your eyes." Samson said.

Rae frown.

"And I am Georgia and this is my brother George, we are twins and also Jason cousins." The only beautiful female in their midst introduced herself and her twin brother.

"I get are all Jason's cousins."

"Yup we are, and like I have said before, you are beautiful. What's your name pretty?" Paul asked ignoring the growling coming from Jason.

"I am Rae and please go and flirt with another girl because I am not interested. I am taken." Rae told Paul.

"By who then pretty Rae?" Paul asked.

"By me." Jason answered growling out the words. "She is with me, she is my soulmate."

Paul laughed hard. "Your soulmate? May I remind you that Tribird doesn't have a mate for life?" Paul said remembering Jason what he heard.

"I am connected to her and she is my soulmate weather you believe it or not." Jason said with gritted teeth.

"And even if what you said about the Tribird not having a mate is true, I on the other hand has a soulmate connection with him. So he is my Mate." Rae told Paul.

"Whatever, let's go." Paul told his brothers who left.

Georgia didn't follow them. "I am so sorry for their behavior." She apologizes on her brother's behalf.

"And she is the only one who I love amongst my cousins." Jason told Rae.

"Well apologies accepted. I am Rae and you are?" Rae ask pretending not to have remembered she introduced herself.

"Georgia." The beautiful girl replied going along.

At that moment, Jorkallun and Sarah walked over to them.

Sarah and Rae both hugged each other.

"You look so beautiful and sexy in your blue gown Sarah." Rae compliment with a smile.

"And you don't look bad yourself Rae. Actually I think you are hot." Sarah told her.

"Aww thanks sis. Georgia this is my sister, Sarah and my big brother from another mother Jorkallun. Sarah and Jorkallun this is Georgia, Jason's cousin." Rae said.

"Nice to meet you Georgia." Sarah said with a smile.

"Me too." Georgia respond and wave at Jorkallun, she knows the dragon boy.

"I hate their guts." Jason said all of a sudden.

"Who?" Rae demanded.

"My cousins over there." Jason said staring at his cousins. Rae followed his eyes and saw how they were creating a scene with the servants carrying some food to meet their guests. They were blocking their entrance and couldn't allow the servants to pass. No one paid any attention to them.

"If you feel this way, imagine I that grow up with them in the same house." Georgia said to Jaso. "I sometimes wish someone could put them in check."

Rae could still see some servants carrying food coming to meet the ones Paul his brothers are holding down.

"I would have done something about this, but they are my cousins and I don't want them to be disgraced." Jason said after a while.

"I can help if you'd like." Rae said, perking up. "Things will be done in double time."

Before they would ask her what she meant by that. She shouted to the boys. "Oi! You lazy, overgrown halfwits! Get your scrawny arses into gear and collect the food from the servants and give it to the guests. NOW!" Rae yelled out. She normally doesn't use this tone on anyone, ever. It was very scary.

The noises around stops as they stared at her, like everyone and everything still as they all turned to look at her directions. Everyone's eyes were on her and she narrowed her eyes at Jason's cousins. "Are you deaf as well as stupid?"

"Wholy shit, I knew she was nuts but that is just scary." She heard Jason mutter to Jorkallun, who had kind of paled.

"Hop to it!" She shouted, planting her hands on her hips. "We don't have all day! Ryan and Samson, get the tables ready for the food. Paul, collect all the food from the servants and give it to our guests-devour one crumb and I'll have your dick made into mats. George, show Paul where our beloved Kings and Queens are sitting so he can bring their share of food to them. And Sarah, next lesson: How to command a group of people, even as incompetent as these fools..

'The biggest wall you have to climb is the one you build in your mind: Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up. Never let your mind become the greatest obstacle to success. To get your mind on the right track, the rest will follow. When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully. When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it. When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway. When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back. When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some. When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going. When times are tough, dare to be tougher. When love hurts you, dare to love again. When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal. When another is lost, dare to help them find the way. When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand. When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile. When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too. When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can –
At all times, Dare to be!'

Sarah nodded her head beside Rae. Though she is a strong Fight in the Great River of Nile but she isn't like Rae who always speak her mind regardless of her situation. And that is why she likes Rae.

"I wasn't carrying water in my mouth when I called out your names and what to do!" Rae shouted again and the four boys didn't know when their legs move to carry out her orders.

Every guest watches in amazement as a girl commanded the four boys who are from the second strongest Wolf Kingdom into doing her will.

Rae smiled and faces Sarah. "While everyone else only has to think of this one thing, you have to think about every single aspect going on and be prepared for every problem you may encounter, like the four idiots right now. Put fear in them and they will obey your every command." Rae paused when there was a loud bang and a string of curses as Ryan dropped a table on Samson leg mistakenly.

"Don't be such a sissy, Ryan!" Rae all but bellowed. "Samson, you prat, if by any chance you break one of the tables, you'll walk back all the way to your kingdom to get another one and pay for a new one in replace of the old one!" Samson looked at Rae with a small smirk, pleased at getting Ryan, it faded to an obedient nod as he took note of her expression. "Don't any of you morons think that I can't watch you all at once either! Paul! What'd I say about eating the food?"

Paul actually spat out the tempting fried chicken and retreated behind George for cover. Oh yes, Rae smiled, she was really good at this. This may not be exactly what most people aim to be good at but…well, she never said she was normal did she?

Giving each of the four boys don't-make-me-come-over-there look and looked back at Jason, ignoring the whispers going on around them as they watched the four boys work.

She purposely did not look towards where the kings and Queens are seated, she was avoiding the death-glaring look of one particular person  and could feel the heat of her stares on her back, her grandmother.

"I have never in my entire life, met such imbecilic fools as these guys. And I know some really bad ones." She muttered, not really paying attention to her surroundings. "I swear, I'm going to wring some necks soon. Seriously, I'll beat the crap out of you all before the days over. Five minutes to finish setting everything up. Five minutes boys."

Georgia raised her eyebrows and smirked. "I'm envying you right about now Rae. All I can do is yell at them and make them feel bad. But you, you can yell at them and even threaten to beat them, you're lucky."

Rae snorted. "You could always kick them in the nuts. Doesn't matter who they are, so long as their male, that's bound to hurt like hell. No blow is more fatal than that." She told Georgia with a wink.

Sarah, Georgia and she all laughed out.

"Hello Rae, we meet again." King Roen voice froze their laugh.

"Good day your majesty?" They all greeted except Jason who nodded his head towards his father.


King Roen grinned at his son before landing his gaze on Rae. "I find it kind of hard not to listen to that commanding tone of yours Rae as you are a witch. Are you sure there's nothing you want to tell us? Me? Little secret?"

Rae tried not to fall over. Her heart rate skyrocketed, her breathing became irregular and her eyes shot to Jason, Jorkallun and Sarah, half in panic and half accusingly. But they shook their heads ever so slightly. Rae swallowed her panic and fought to regain her calm and answer King Roen.

"Whatever gave you the idea that there was a secret?" Rae said, in what she hoped was a confused, non caring tone.

King Roen burst out laughing. "You really remind me of someone." He said thinking of his old lover Avonmora. "Come with me, I would love to have you sit beside me with the rest of the Queens Rae." King Roen said.

"I would have loved to go with you Sire, but I cannot go without my friends and of course without Jason's permission."

Their were loud gasps as Rae politely turned down the King's offer.

Jason smiled at her and placed his hands on her hips in the presence of everyone, bringing her closer to his body.

"She will sit with me father." Jason told his father and proceed to kiss Rae on her hair.

"Okay then." King Roen said after watching his son for a minute. "You and your friends can sit with Jason. I hope to see you more often Rae." King Roen added and left their presence going towards his seat.

Rae made sure Paul and his brothers has done their work properly before allowing herself to follow Jason and co to wherever he wants to sit.

Georgia went over to meet her brothers to rub salts to their already wounded ego. Paul and his brothers couldn't wait for the festival to finish so that they will go back to their Kingdom.

As the four walked by, all eyes were on them.

King Darin and his wife, Queen Jasmine, eyes couldn't leave Rae's figure, especially that of his wife.

This is the Rae their son, Dean, is crazy about.

Queen Flora stared at Rae with heated eyes as she remembered the humiliation Rae gave to her when she visited her school. Ever since then, she loathe the very ground Rae's walk on.

Tharo who is Jason's little friend, ran up to meet with the Prince and Rae didn't see him on time as she stepped on his little toes.

"Aww!" Tharo shouted pretending to limp on his other toe as he held the one the girl had stepped in his hands. He opened his mouth to spit out a hurtful words towards the fool when he stopped.

Are his eyes now deceiving him?

Rae looks at the little boy with caution, he reminds her of her father. The same black hair, eyes, nose, mouth. In fact, this might be how her father had looked like when he was a little boy age. She wish he was here to see the little boy who looks exactly like him.

She bend and touched the boy hair not knowing it is her father. "So sorry for hurting your toes."

Tharo could only nod his head.

"Rae this is my little friend Tharo and Tharo this is Rae my soulmate." Jason introduced gaining the whole attention of the entire people to him.

It was at that moment Rae looked around them and realise they were the only ones standing.

"Let's go and sit down Jason dear, the introduction shall come later."

Jason lead them to where he normally seats whenever the wolf festival comes up. He always sits alone even when he was still engaged to Lolly. But this year is different, he won't be alone.



Noah arrived and quickly went to meet Aaron who was sitting down on his throne chair.

He was surprised when he saw Noah walking towards him and didn't even bother to hide his surprise.

"What is it Noah? Why are you back so sudden, where are the rest Angels?" Aaron demanded.

Bowing his head  to him. "They are all dead my King, you are only seeing me because I was left alive to send you a message by the one we encountered." Noah answered him.

"What did you just say? Jack and the other eleven Angels are dead? By who?" Aaron bellowed in anger.

"They were killed by Raphael my King and he threatened us not to interfere with Micheal again." Noah supply him the answers.

Hearing of Raphael name made Aaron stand up from his seat. "Which Raphael are you talking about?" He asked.

"The one we both know my King. He is still alive and dwells on earth now. The man we encountered fought like Raphael and he revealed his true identity to us. But we did not believe him hence the death of the rest Angels." Noah explained. "He warned us but we didn't listen. Though I noticed something about him, he is full of darkness my King."

"If truly you saw Raphael then getting Selena and killing Micheal will be hard."

"Oh and one more thing my King." Noah said. "Micheal has a daughter with Selena who is Raphael's Mate."


King Roen Palace:

"Let us all stand up and welcome the Priestess into our midst." King Roen announced and everyone stood up except, Jason who motion to Jorkallun, Sarah and Rae to sit.

Tamara appeared elegantly dressed in a beautiful purple long flowing gown.

"Thank you all." Tamara said with a smile but glaring at the table Jason was sitting with his friends. "You may all sit."

Jason snorted as everyone sat down.

"Let the party begins." King Roen announced and everyone started eating.

The courtyard became noisy once again.

Rae kept looking at the crowds as if searching for someone.

"What are you looking for Miss?" The little boy brought her attention to him.

"My father, he promised to me. If he fails to keep his promise, only the gods can separate our fight." Rae answered him with a smile.

Tharo paled and stood up from his seat taking excuse from Jason and everyone, he left the party.

He doesn't want to disappoint his daughter.

No sooner as Tharo was gone Queen Jasmine made her way towards their table.

"Hello Jason."

"Hi Mrs."

"Hello Jorkallun."

"Hi Mrs."

Jasmine smiled and faces the other two.

"Hello, I am Jasmine, Dean's mother." The vampire Queen introduced herself.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Rae and Sarah both said at the same time.

"Jason and jorkallun please can I have a word with the both of you privately?"

"Sure." Jason reply standing up as Jorkallun also stood up.

The three both walk out of the courtyard, walking towards the library, they entered the library.

"We are alone now Mrs, what do you want to discuss with us?" Jason demanded.

"Jason, be careful of you call your own. Sometimes betrayal comes from those who we are close to." Queen Jasmine said.

"Is that why you called us here? Anyway I have heard you. Thank you for your message" Jason said and left the library.

Jorkallun wanted to follow suit when Jasmine voice stopped him.

"Jorkallun, I see you as someone who takes the advice of a seer seriously. What is about to come can't be changed. A day is fast approaching when darkness shall be used against light to achieve its aim. A day is coming when you will need help, when that day comes, find the Lake Of Little, the lake which is hard to find, when you see it, whisper my name 'Jasmine'. There, help will come to you. Remember my words always for I see doom fast approaching."

To Be Continued..

What a prophecy??
Who else is excited to feel the action?
I can feel the action coming soon....

Do not try to plagiarized this story.
All rights reserved, the whole of this story is a complete fiction. Any role related to someone either alive or dead is a mere coincidence.

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