Im so bored so im just gonna post random art and regret it in the morning

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I'm bored. Very bored. She extremely bored. I have nothing to do I can't exactly draw at 10:30 at night when I was supposed to be asleep half an hour ago so I'm just gonna put some art here and rant a heck ton. Don't forget children this is a kid friendly chapter :)

On another note Adrien is an adorable dumbass like what the actual frjck Agreste whAT THE FU-

Ahem I said kid friendly. Dumb dumb poopy head (oh my god I shouldn't be allowed on here XD))

Okay now for some art plus cute animal pics cause boredom exists. And I don't always handle it normally.

((Quick interruption someone keeps deleting my pics of my drawings and I'm like pls stop))

So here we have this ugly drawing which I only like because it made my friend happy. Like all together the lines being bold looks nice but idk I feel like I screwed up the characters. So this is from homestuck. I made it for a friend who loves it and since I felt guilty for...throwing a pencil to gain her attention basically XD I made it for her.

Next we have an OC but before you read just a quick trigger warning this includes mentioned of suicide, depression, self harm, and other sensitive topics. Viewer discretion is advised for those who are easily bothered by these topics or suffer from anything previously mentioned. Yeah this shit is dark but I love it.

So new oc basically she's the goddess of Depression her name is Katáthlipsi.  Katáthlipsi actually means depression in Greek I did some quick translations to find that out and I'm so proud of her name because it actually sounds really cool and her nickname is totally Kata, I personally pronounce it as Katya but when I say her full name I say it Kata. Don't trust google translated pronunciation it sounds weird.

Since the god/goddess of depression is basically depression personified imagine them wanting so badly to end their pain but whoops they're an immortal being who has to make the other poor souls feel like them. But seriously like Imagine her children just like-hahahhaha screw you we're not immortal and she's likE YOU LITTLE TURDS GET BACK HERE.

Another thing I imagine is  her not wanting any food offerings like the other gods cause she feels like she deserves the suffering. What's sad is there's no way to actually ever cure her depression as she is literally the goddess of depression. And she can't do anything. Can't stop causing others pain can't stop feeling pain herself, being one of the most hated goddess cause she makes others suffer but she doesn't want to make them suffer.

And her friend anxiety is usually stressed and nervous around the other gods/goddess but they're a pretty happy go lucky girl/boy and she's jealous of them but would never harm them and she's just like "PLS HELP MY CHILDREN" cause at least they can be saved from this excruciating reality.

They have the ability to be happy cause they have human parents as well which means they can actually have a want to live not be an actual burden personified and having to live like that until the end of time.

Imagine her in her human form, masking it because depression is surprisingly very easy to hide, like imagine her hearing all the people saying Depression isn't a real thing and the kids are over exaggerating which just brings tears to her eyes because it's /her/ fault the kids even have to listen to such crude statements, even worse when it was her own kids, wondering how she ever slept with people like that. Seeing people getting kicked out for having children at a young age, getting abused, people they love dying, kids getting disowned and berated and belittled by their parents for who they loved, especially for the LGBT ones, seeing them being driven near mad with suicidal tendencies, hating herself when it was her doing that was what pushed them over. Her words that made them want to end the pain and suffering. And for those parents who missed their kids eventually had the same fate, while others who'd rather their kids be murderers than anything previously stated and happy they died, she would always go to Fortuna and Nemesis and Hades for help getting justice because that's the only thing she can do. She also goes on visits to those poor souls, some immediately forgiving her when knowing or hearing of her place in the matter, bonding with her and trying to make her feel the happiness she couldn't, but non the less she found it sweet, while others simply yelled at her at the top of their lungs, calling her a monster or asking her why she was so cruel and evil, sobbing. Hades comes in Gingerly asking if she wanted him to talk to them as he felt so badly for the goddess and he and Persephone treated her so gently, keeping their comments neutral about her in front of her as she felt horrible when anyone said anything nice about her, but they were still nice to her. But whenever he asked she shook her head, saying she deserved this fate and he nodded in understanding. Her choice. They literally had to force her to take offerings so she wouldn't get to weak or anything which she begrudgingly soon started taking small portions of, kids from other cabins offering her the food to which made the other gods jealous, especially Hera who wondered what such a minor goddess who only inflicted pain had done to win everyone's sympathy. And after quests people's only wishes now were to give her the ability to have happiness but Zeus said no every time as then the whole purpose of her being would fall apart and she wouldn't be able to do her job but he also felt bad for making her feel this way so she was always welcome on Olympus, which was a sweet gesture but everyone who didn't truly know her either glared because my kids have depression because of you and ptsd and have you seen their cuts you bastard?! You made my babies feel like this! And she just hung her head and left.

What's even worse is that every time her child cuts it appear on her skin to the point it drives her to self harm because she feels like she deserves more pain.

So on her dress and in her hair she has like dead flowers right? So they represent the children she lost due to suicide. On her dress she has two stripes, branches and flowers, the stripes are cuts, the branches are stitches and as you know the flowers are her dead children.

Now one thing I wanted to add to the drawing before I showed it was a few children she lost to suicide wrapping their arms around her saying "why don't you love us mommy?" But I'm too bored to wait so here have my drawing.

Sorry the words are so hard to see I thought dark red would look good cause I was gonna make it look like dripping blood and stuff cause Cassie said I should do red but it doesn't show up good so I might just idk like make it a brighter red?

At first I liked the drawing but then I started liking it less and less so I might redraw her but yeah. Tell me what you guys think and if you're willing to trust me with any suggestions as to what you would like me to draw next.

If you actually ask for something congratulations you have low standards what are you doing here go to Cassie's book or like Chat's they actually have some top notch quality art XD

Cassie—> Bookworm0606

Chat—> TheLuckyBlackChat

And now a special shoutout to my friend MariThePotato64 who really liked this character. I'm sure when she sees the notification she's gonna be like "finally she finished the drawing jeez!"


I'm sorry ;-;

Btw she also does amazing art too so check her out.


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