Akio The Minccino

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I want to practice drawing Pokemon so I'm going to start drawing my Pokemon ocs.

I decided to draw my precious cinnamon roll first.

For those who don't know, this is Akio the Mincinno and let me just tell you his legs and ear tuffs were a challenge. He helped me defeat the Elite 4 in my Pokemon Black 2 game and is used in roleplays sometimes. He's grumpy, emotionless and doesn't put up with nonsense but behind his coldness, he's a real sweetheart.

In all honesty, I think he looks pretty good compared to the last drawing of him.

Yup, this was a thousand times worse.

Maybe I'll take requests to draw your Pokemon ocs if I find the time.

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my fellow otakus!

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