School Scribbles #21

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So these past few days I've been so sick that I was unable to leave my bed let alone move which means I've been unable to do any art. I'm still feeling quite sick but I went to school today because it was cosplay day (that's not its name I just like calling it that). Basically we spend the entire day dressed up as characters from books (I was Mikasa from Attack On Titan last year. It counts!). Since I was so sick I was unable to get a costume but since today was like a free day, I drew a lot. And by a lot I mean I have to make another chapter since I have more than 20 pictures. Anyway, let's get on with it.

Decided to draw Akio and Magic being cute or whatever.

We had a bookmark contest and even though I wasn't entering, I wanted the paper so I could draw. Some characters you know and some you don't.

Decided to draw Boris again.

If you watched the trailer for chapter 3 of BATIM, you'll get this.

These two you haven't seen in a very long time are making a reappearance!

I made art of this last year for Valentine's Day but it sucked so why not make it again.

If you don't know these two, their names are Ruri and Artemis. This is them when they were younger.

Not talking about this one because it's trash.

Emotion practice. I love the first one XD

Some fluff for no reason

Ruri again.

Artemis taking a little nap

Bendy and Inky doodle. Getting better at drawing Bendy but still can't draw hands for the life of me.

DawnFire was a very old oc of mine when I first joined Wattpad. I randomly decided to draw her and a few other oldies.

DayDreamer. If you looked at some of my first drawings, she'll seem quite familiar.

WishFlower is actually a new oc I made a few months ago.

WishFlower's older yet tiny sister, TinyFern. She's a lil' cinnamon roll.

Very crappy doodle of Inky

Another crappy Inky doodle.

SilverSpark is also new.

There are a few more things that I made today that'll have to make in the next chapter so stay tuned for that!

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my fellow otakus!

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