Melora - Bio

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I had lost the files for this sooooo many times..... I finally finished though.

Have an entire bio about the grumpy blonde.

Name: Melora Hall

Nicknames: Mel, Mellie, Lora, Miss Mel (by Cookie), Blondie (very rarely. Call her that and she'll kill you)

Gender: Female

Age: 21-22

Species: Cat - breed unknown

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Other Known Relatives: Unknown

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Birthday: 18th May

Occupation: Fashion Assistant

Powers/Abilities: None

Personality:Ever since she was young, Melora has always been close-minded and quick to believe rumours. On the outside, she's really tough and short-tempered but underneath all that golden fluff  she is really soft and caring, she doesn't like people to know she has a soft side and rarely shows it. She is as stubborn as a mule and once this blonde has her mind set on something it's near impossible to change it. She is crazy protective of those she cares about and won't hesitate to get physical with someone who messes with them. She has a tendency to pick fights and isn't afraid to get her paws dirty. She's quite boastful at times and likes to show off her talents. She's very supportive of her friends and even though it'll take awhile to gain her trust, once you do she'll have your back no matter what.

Bio: Growing up on the streets as an orphan was not the easiest thing for Melora. Every day she had to fight in order to protect herself and steal in order to eat. She had a friend named Mina and they did everything together from stealing food to running away from authorities. One day, Mina disappeared and after months of looking, Melora came to accept the fact she was gone. She then created the mindset of not to trust others and that its best to be alone. That changed one day when she met Orlena when trying to sneak inside her mansion through her window to steal some things. She felt a strange need to protect the naive kid and soon created a strong bond with her, sneaking up to that same window to talk to her every night. In her older years, she met Collin when trying to steal from his fashion store and he offered her a job which she gratefully took. She one day saw Orlena walking outside and after explaining her situation about running away, Melora brought her into her home. They've been living together and working at Collin's store ever since.


-Orlena is the closest thing to family she has and cares for her like a little sister. She's still working on her naivety but doesn't want to completely ruin her innocence. She's extremely protective and wasn't all that ecstatic when Orlena made a new friend named Fiozar (she has no idea he's a half demon. If she did, she'd try to murder him).

-Even though she's never met them face to face, she has a strong hatred for Orlena's parents and sister. Orlena had talked about them a few times and every time made Melora want to dig her claws into their pelts. She couldn't believe how someone could treat their own flesh and blood like that. She had taken it upon herself to replace Diana and be Orlena's big sister.

-She has a very close bond with Collin. She had a small crush on him back in the day but it diminished when she found out he was gay and treats him more as a brother now. She isn't as protective of him as she is with Orlena and whenever she comes across an attractive guy, she tries hooking him up with Collin though it doesn't last long as Collin's way too shy.

-She has taken a bit of a liking to Collin's crush, Travis as she saw he also had feelings for the black and white tom. She doesn't speak to him though aside from a simple 'hey'.

-Even though she's not close to Travis, she has taken a strong liking to his daughter, Cookie. It was mostly because the little kid always says how pretty she is. Besides, how can you not love that cute little ball of fluff?

Interesting Facts:

-She would never say it out loud but she's been looking for her family for years but she has found nothing.

-She doesn't take kindly to flirting, especially when someone continues even after she said stop. They normally get their fur ripped out in the end.

-She doesn't like putting on makeup or anything fancy but allows Collin and Orlena to dress her up.

-She has secret passion for dancing. If anyone were to find out she'd die of embarrassment.

-She has a specially soft spot for young children and trusts them more than adults. This is another reason she took a great liking to Cookie

-She never told anyone but on weekends when Orlena and Collin are having their weekly spa day, she goes to the local orphanage and donates money to them and spends time with the orphans. The children look up to her as a role model and always look forward to her visits (As shown in the top right corner).


-If it wasn't for the fact that we were friends, you'd be dead right now.

-Magenta, fuschia. For goodness sakes Lena, they're both pink!

-I don't trust her, Lena. Have you heard what she's done?

-Call me Blondie again and I'll claw your eyes out.

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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