Messy Doodles From Melbourne

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Okay, so in Melbourne, I spent all of the free time I had drawing and luckily enough I didn't go past the 20 photo limit so I don't have to make a second chapter.

Onto the art!

I spent lots of time practicing humans and humanoids. Meet Alexavier or Xavier for short. He is the oldest of the quadruplets and the most mature. He doesn't show emotion often and I only those closest to him actual see him smile. His brother Alexander is the one in the family that makes him smile the most.

The only one that can make Alexavier a smiling, blushing goofball is his girlfriend Nicolette or Nikki for short. She's a Werecat and a very sweet one at that.

The quadruplets have a younger sister named Leviana (I really like this name and wanted to use it). She has a certain trait of each of her older siblings such as Alexa's kindness, Alexis' stubbornness, Alexander's humour and Alexavier's maturity.

Leviana being a little bit edgy.

This is a random idea that popped into my head while drawing Leviana. I have this idea that when she starts her freshman year in high school, she has very big shoes to fill since all of her older siblings are the popular kids so she gets really stressed out about it and has to survive until graduation with her new friends Kimberley and Zyler.

Kimberley or Kim for short here is a Werecat like Nikki and is one rude, snarky and sarcastic person though she's a soft marshmallow when she's with friends. She's definitely taller then Leviana (cause everyone in her family is a shortstack) but is smaller in her cat form.

Zyler or Zy here is a Werefox or a Kitsune as he prefers to be called. He's a real sweetheart and helps his friends whenever he can. He is the tallest out of his friends and is the biggest in his fox form.


I love this in all honesty. They're all having a snuggle.

I don't like this one.

My brother's friend saw my drawings and suggested I make kids for Zyler and Kimberley if they ever got together though I don't see them as a couple so I'm calling this a crackship. Meet Kade and Zina. Zina is very outgoing and loud while her bro Kade is a nervous ball of fluff and hides underneath her all the time.

Human Travis and Cookie. This one's awful.

I decided to make more crackships cause why not? Here's Melora and Collin (Mellin). Melora had a small crush on Collin back in the day and if it wasn't for the fact he was gay, they probably could have become something more.

Here's Allison and Fiddlesticks as a couple (Fiddleson). I can't see them being together but I thought this was a funny pairing so I put them together.

Here's Allison's twin sister Saraphina and Aria as a ship (Saria). I actually kinda like this ship in all honesty cause I find it cute. Maybe this will be thing but maybe not.

Last crackship is Fiddlesticks' younger sister Hokeypokey and Aria's little bro Solo (Solkey). This could probably be a thing cause even though their both children, they're only a few years apart so I could see this working out when there older. But I don't really ship it,

Cause inspiration struck, I decided to make kids for the crackships! Here's Collin and Melora's daughter Gemma. She's sassy and sarcastic like her mama and really into fashion and romance like her dad.

Here's Poppy and Paddy, Fiddlesticks and Allison's kids. Paddy, is a proper gentleman like his dad and his sister Poppy is a proper young lady, neither of them are crazy and funny like their mama. Paddy only has wings while Poppy only has a horn, no one knows why. They decided not to question it.

Here's the Saria child Forte. He has a horn but no wings like his cousin Poppy. He's super fluffy and into music like his mother Aria and wears flowers all the time. He loves both of his mamas.

And finally, here's big bro Tosh and his little bro and sis; Barmy and Flapdoodle. Tosh is very protective of his younger sibs and is almost always right next to them. Barmy is a little bundle of energy like his dad and is almost always smiling. And the little princess Flapdoodle (she's prefers to be called Doodle) is an edgy and stone-faced grump.

There's all of the art I made in Melbourne. If you have any crackships of my characters you want me to draw please let me know cause this is fun!

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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