Pokèmon Doodles - Meet Team L.U.N.A

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These are the main characters for my mystery dungeon story that I might be writing. Most of these are just messy sketches.

The 'leader' of Team L.U.N.A. Meet Lexina the Eevee.

I like this pose not gonna lie.

It's hard to draw Eevees sometimes because the collar fur is such a pain to draw.

Head shot of Lexina.

I'm not sure of what her personality should be so that's gonna make the process a bit slow with character development.

The Alolan Vulpix Nicolene or Coco as she prefers is the bubbly one in the team who looks on the brighter side of things. She's also the fastest in the team.

She's very playful and enjoys play fighting the most.

"C'mon you bunch of Slowpokes!"

Coco head shot.

This ones so bad. Ugh!

This Vulpix is Coco's slightly older cousin, Amil. He's mostly the brains of the group and provides the strategies.

Front view of Amil.

The tails are such a pain to draw, oof!

Head shot of the cute boi.

This is baaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

Lastly, undoubtedly the strongest of the bunch is Uno the Poochyena. He's a cold and rude little rugrat but his heart's in the right place, even though he doesn't show it.

He's the one who normally carries the items as he's able to carry it without falling face first into the ground. (Looking at you, Amil.)

He's not as fast as Coco but he makes up for it by beating the living snot out of enemies if they catch him.

He's a big ol' grump boi.

He's tired of all the crap his team puts him through. He still loves those knuckleheads though, not like he'd ever let them know it.

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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