School Scribbles #40

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Here's the scribbles I saved up this week.

I had to draw a human for class and had to draw it from a description.

Kitty kisses!

Summer looking at her pendent (She doesn't wear it often.)

Bendy with a top hat and cane.

My friend who sitting next to me as I drew that picture told me it reminded them of Bill so I drew these two being all mad at each other for cramping each other's style. Comment what you think the dialogue would be.

In my English class we had to draw Aussie animals. Here's a kangaroo, it looks bad cause I had to draw it from memory.

A koala. In all honesty next to Roos, Koalas are my favourite Aussie animals.

A cute lil' Sugar Glider. I saw quite a lot of them when I visited the Northern Territory a few years back.

A dingo. I always wanted to see one of them up close.

Alexander is Alexis, Alexa and Alexavier's quadrupllet brother. He's the friendliest and most bubbly person you'll ever meet, all he ever wants to do is be your friend and make you smile. He's so good at making people happy that he can even make his stone-faced brother and father crack a smile. He takes after his mother in looks more so than Alexa.

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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