Some Doodles Before Bed

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I had the strong urge to draw a little before I had to go to bed. Most of these are my sketches for my 100 Theme Challenge.

I just felt the urge to draw Orlena as a human and honestly, I'm quite proud of this and might digitalise it someday.

This is for one of the themes. Here is Aria and Darlene, not gonna explain cause I'll be doing that once I've finished the completed project.

It's been FOREVER since I've drawn Lunatic and since I'm not going to be doing the comic anymore, I can explain his backstory soon! This is the first time I've ever drawn him being actually crazy cause most of the time he's messing with people.

Poor Inky being a miserable babbu.

I love this not gonna lie. Fiddlesticks has always had to keep an eye on his little sister Hokeypokey because she is a destructive lil' thing. He had learned this the hard way when he went out of the living room to grab something and came back to all the furniture covered in claw and bite marks.

Tried drawing Stella using magic or something. I haven't decided what colour her magic should be yet.

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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