The Beginning Of Warriors Designed By Me

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So y'all remember when I said I'd make a warrior cats blog on tumblr right? Well, I just started it and I've already posted a few designs on there which is turning out to be really fun. Here's some of the cats I've designed so far.

Acorn Fur here was the first one I've drawn. This ancient Skyclan medicine cat was describe as a short and thick-furred, dark, chestnut-brown she-cat with bright amber eyes and a smooth, straight muzzle. If you couldn't see it, I subtly made her muzzle marking similar to that of an acorn though it doesn't really look like it.

Next up is the ancient Skyclan cat apprentice, Acornpaw! He was described as being a light brown tom, so I had a fun time designing him with those extra markings of darker brown.

Acorntail has been my most favourite design so far. This old Windclan deputy had no known description so it was really fun designing him with no description holding me down. Also, the little patch on his chest is a recurring thing that will happen in my designs. Lots of people who draw warriors will normally put a star or special marking on cats that are leaders. To shake things up a bit, my cats who are the rank deputy will have those marks on their chest. If they become leader, a smaller star-like marking will go in the middle of the marking to signify their rank.

Unlike the others, I remember reading about Adderfang back in my first warrior cats book Bluestar's Prophecy (not that great of book when compared to the others but I like it for nostalgia. And also I love Snowfur and you can't tell me otherwise.) I remember him being a hostile boy with somewhat good morals and found him interesting. Gotta say though, this ThunderClan deputy was a PAIN to design! If you don't know already, I hate drawing tabbies and Adderfang is a mottled, dark brown tabby. It took me forever to give him a look that didn't look like complete crap and I guess it turned out alright. I do have to say, it was good practice drawing him as he's supposed to have big shoulders and a broad head and his pose was fun to draw.

Windclan kit, Adderkit was a bit of a trickster for me. He had no description aside from being mentioned to be underfed and thin. It was hard figuring out what kind of design I should give him and just randomly gave him odd markings and in a way, it looks good.

Adderpaw was really fun to draw and I like the dark colours I gave him. I originally designed him with a lighter brown pelt and brighter coloured eyes but he ended up looking similar to Acornpaw so I changed it and honestly it looks a lot better. I tried making him more lithe like how I imagine Windclan cats to be while still giving him a fluffy pelt and big eyes to show how young he is.

That's all I have for now, I've already started the sketches for the next batch of warriors. I finished on Antpelt in the list and I might start digitally drawing them tomorrow. Also, if you want to see my tumblr blog where I'll be posting these designs the minute they're made, my username is idrawthewarriorcats.

I hope you all enjoyed these scribbles my dear friends!

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