Into The VOMAD

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???'s P. O. V.

All my friends... All my hopes... All of my future... Gone. In an instant, due to his rage and anger swelling up inside him. He just couldn't hold any of it back, it was a disaster afterwards... The world fell into chaos... Only me and the spirits inside their minds are alive and not evil and a thirst for power. The people we live in have good in them, but not so much for Tylor... he wished he could've destroyed him before he even existed. The world was in despair and the places people used to remember have fallen into disrepair and we can only help these people to end the Dark One's time of rule. The start of the end and the end of the start has begun...

"Hey! Someone's coming into the VOMAD, shouldn't get ready and didn't Tylor tell those newcomers about us as well?" A voice said

"We should be ready for these people... Lets give them a tour of the VOMAD and tell them what they need to know" I said and as the newcomer came and his friends came in and materialized.

"So you're the people that are supposed to help Tylor and his friends save us and our fellow friends." I say

"So, you're one of the spirits?" Tasha says

"Yes, and there are many more like me but for now, you can call me... Happiness as I represent the Happy spirit and give joy to Tylor" I say

"Wait, so there is more of you?" Kate asks

"Yes, as everyone has a different amount of happiness, big or small, its just like everything else." He says and signals us to follow us to a small building and went inside and Tylor was in there with his friends and a couple spirits as well.

"So you guys are here now... What was I going to show you? Oh yes... All of you will visit one another's memory and see the past you once had before you got here" Tylor said and signaled another spirit to press a button on the wall and everyone was teleported to one another's memory and transported to re-live these horrid memories.

"Do you think they'll understand each other and take it seriously?" I say with a worried look

"If they don't... Then the others could've done it... But they couldn't and you know why" He said

"Very well, lets hope they remember what they see." I say to end off.

Tasha's Memory (Tasha's P. O. V.): School Time

Ugh... where am I? I'm on the floor and I look like what I was in school. I saw people and my body started to move on its own, a binder and a drawing notebook appeared in my hands and I was in a school as it started to materialize and I saw people I once knew start to become visible, and I was walking on my own, I was at my locker and put my stuff in there, except my drawing notebook and people around me were doing the same thing and walking around, talking to friends and other stuff and I started to walk to the cafeteria, people were getting food and I just got a sandwich. Some friends who I still can recall their name, are Keller, Madelyn, and Sofia. There were some others I couldn't remember at all and we were all talking and eating and then someone tapped my shoulder and i looked that direction and no one was there, then I looked the other way and it was a guy with dark clothing and a sweatshirt with a black Nike logo on it and waved to me... Whats his name? T-

"How ya doing?" He says

"Its fine" I say without even feeling myself, it must be because i'm in a memory and i'm only able to see and look at the events unfold.

"Hey, lets play one word story" He says and I remember that as I introduced that to my co-workers as well when we were on break: Basically each person his to say one word and then pass onto another person until we don't know what else to put and it can sometimes get dirty or no grammar at all (I thought people would apply that) and so we did with us all. First me, then Keller, then Madelyn, then Sofia and finally him... Whats the name? (Challenge: Who said the last word without counting out who said what)

















"Kiss" and then we ended it off there. The bell rang and we went to our lockers to get our stuff, and I looked at my book (remember, I can only see, not move) and I see many pictures of country humans and a little bit of shipping and writing. I unlock my locker and grab my binder and but my notebook away and walk to my next class. As everyone started to de-materialize, a person wasn't and he was the same guy who wore the dark clothing and then I could move on my own again and he had a hood on. As he was slowly approaching me, he started to keep on saying

"Don't Forget Me Please, Don't Judge Me I've Had Enough" He repeats over and over and I start to run away like it would help me at all and he starts to chase me and then I fell off a cliff and I screamed, then I heard other people and looked around and I saw everyone else and I think they saw they saw the same memory or another that I have at least...

Tasha's Memory (Everyone else's P. O. V. In Third Person)

"Ow... I think I cracked a bone" Kate says and they all look around them to only see darkness and then a person around about 5 feet tall wearing dark clothing that made him blend into the background

"Enjoy the ride... Friends" he says and disappears into thin air. Everyone was scared at the sight of him and then looked around once more to realize something: Where was Tasha? Their answer came after a few moments of walking together until they found her.

"Hey Tasha! Were over here!" Conner says and she doesn't even take a glance at them.

"Hey, why isn't she responding?" Cecil said and she started to move on her own. The empty space around them started to take shape and looked like a school, in fact it was a school.

"Well, this IS a memory isn't it? So aren't we supposed to follow the person so we know where to get at least a understanding?" Kate asked and then they started to walk and watched Tasha and sooner or later found out that they couldn't be seen after Conner and Tyler tried to get in the way of some students taking a photo and phased through them. They followed Tasha and found the kid in dark clothing again but looked more friendlier.

"Hey! I feel like I remember this guy..." Tyler says

"Of course, you dumbo! He's from earlier." Kate replies giving him a soft smack on the head

"No... More like when WE were in school... But I just can't put my finger on it..." He says and scratching his head after she smacked him.

They see her laugh and talk with other people. Then a bell rang after some time and she went to a locker.

"I wonder whats in that notebook she was carrying..." Cecil questions after studying what she was doing. After that she started to walk to another class and then everything started to disappear before their very eyes

"Wh-Whats Happening?" Conner asks and then the floor disappears and they start to fall into a deep abyss. After a few moments of falling and silence, Tasha appears and they fall onto solid ground.

"What just happened?" Tasha asks

"We were about to ask the same thing!" Tyler responds

"Well, I saw something creepy after that memory and it-" Tasha says

"Lemme guess, kid in dark clothing" Conner responds cutting off Tasha

"You saw him to?" Tasha asks in confusion

"Yea, something about enjoying the ride or something..." Cecil says and then a voice was heard.

"Don't forget" it said and then Conner was about to tackle it until it used psychic powers to throw him back.

"Hehe, you're all determined aren't you? Especially that other person who tried to keep me in. Don't worry, this is only part of me. Now enjoy the rest of your trip down memory lane!" he spoke and teleported everyone else to another memory.

"Lets see your reaction to the others." He grins and walks into the darkness.

Cecil's Memory (Cecil's P. O. V.): A Quad Of Friends

I stood in a dark room and it was like the one before... But I couldn't move my body at all... and I couldn't even see my friends. I start to walk without feeling anything... So I must be only watching my memories. I start to see a playground form with kids playing and I start to walk to the corner of the playground where there was a slide and a trolley (Its All I Could Do In Some Time...).

I got to the top where the slide was and I saw people coming over to me and they were a couple boys and a girl and we were all talking to each other like how was our day and some other stuff and then one person said whose name was Christie.

"Hey whose more stronger?" She said

"I dunno" I said

"Lets try it out on the wheel over there, whoever can pull harder than the other wins!" Another kid said who I think his name was Leo

"I'm down" the final kid replied and I can't remember what his name was...

So we did it and I was stronger than Christie, Leo and the other kid tried and the other kid did it, we did losers compete against each other and Leo won. So Christie was last, Leo was second, and its me and the other kid. He showed to be kinda hard, even though I was only looking through my memories and in the end I beat him. So for now, I was first and he was second. The memory started to fade away. I was in a dark room and a kid was in front of me.

"I remember those good ol' days, don't you?" He says and then quickly snaps his fingers before I get to talk and the floor starts to disappear and I fall down. I then see everyone else and we fall onto stable ground.

"Well, is that how you get a boyfriend when you were a kid?" Kate asks in a joking way

"No, It wasn't at all!" I say and as I say that, the kid in dark clothing appears in front of us.

"Lets see how you react to this" he says and quickly snaps his fingers before any of us could respond.

(Time Rewind!)

Cecil's Memory (Everyone else & Tyler's P. O. V)

We landed in a dark room like before and everyone was here except Cecil. Must be her turn to share her memory...

"Hey, there she is!" Conner pointed out and we ran to her and she starts to walk and the room around us started to materialize into a playground.

"Hey... I've seen this before..." I say and I try to remember what this was...

"Lets keep moving while you remember what this place was." Tasha mentions (A/N: I forgot to mention that everyone is younger than they are, I might make some art of the ppl in the story so give me time to decide). We start to follow Cecil as she starts to move and a playground starts to form and shape around us and then she started to climb onto a part of the playground and waited for some people to come over, they were all talking.

"Awww, look how nice it is. Just like kids when we were one" Kate said

"Well, its what we would've done all the time when we were young, I guess" I say and sooner or later, it clicks in my mind. This was the playground I used to play in when I was in school.

"Guys! This is the same school I used to go to, no wonder it looked so familiar" I say and then I start to remember about this place: the fun times, the good memories, the-

"Hey, what are they doing?" Conner asks

"I think I know! They're doing it to see whose more stronger at pulling." Tasha says and then Cecil emerged to be the strongest and then she went down the slide and then the memory started to fade.

"Well? How was it looking at me?" Cecil asked

"I mean, you are strong at wielding your powers. You can also be good at strength." Conner says and then the kid (I don't even need to describe it anymore) appeared behind us whispering

"You people used to be so judgmental, you base us off what we say, what we choose, and so much more..." He trailed off and we look back and a little intimidated by him now

"Don't judge everyone." he says and teleports us to another memory

"Hehe... this time it's two of them in one..." He says and walks off to watch them again.

Dark Kid's P. O. V.

They've been doing well... but they haven't talked about deeper meaning, I might need to help them out a little for some time and put them for some training in my Home of Endless Worlds... For what they've been doing, they have been ok looking at the bright side. But what if I put them in the Memories Regretted and the flip side? This should give them some kind of perspective to work off of.

"So, you're guiding them through memories of their good side, but what about the bad ones eh?" Dark said

"Hey, give them time, they must get some experience but it'll be embedded in their mind the time they see it" I say

"Well introducing them to this world will take time..." He replied

"Hey, were supposed to follow instructions and show them the good side before-" I was cut short as I had a cold chill behind my back and I looked into the transmitter to the real world and said that the tower has Spirits nearby

"Lets go faster and introduce ourselves to them... Since they think-"

"Were devils? Doesn't matter let's go" He says and we teleport out to the darkness.

A/N: Wowza, almost 75% to 100 reads

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