Land Of Survival

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Tyler's P.O.V.

"So you're saying were basically stuck here until we find some of those 'Dimension Warpers'?" Conner says

"Yes, and apparently hard to find" I say

"Well, how do we get them?" Kate asks

"You find them in the wild and far away from here" Tanya says. Well, that's gonna suck a bunch... and we have to travel by foot as well and many monsters roam the Land Of Survival as well. I was still confused on how to defend ourselves on the way to find some of them.

"So what do we do to defend ourselves?" Jessica asks

"Lets go to the weapons room" A voice said

"Oh hey Katie! These people need some weapons to get some Dimension Warpers" Colin says."We got some weapons in the back room." Katie says and signals us to follow him. Weapons? this just got interesting...

Conner's P.O.V.

Why are we here? Everyone is confused and I have no clue why we are here. Zero things make sense on what happened. Tyler's Lab had an explosion so me and Jessica rushed up to find out what happened and... there was a portal. It was weird and then everyone got transported to this... place. I don't know who to trust because everyone is confused on what happened. I wonder what made that portal to open up...

"So, here we are!" Katie says. There was so many weapons: battleaxes, swords and shields, books for some reason, hammers, knives, so many more weapons. Wonder how they gathered all of them. It must be rare to get all of these things in this world.

"Hey, how do you get all of these weapons?" I ask

"We find them in the building and near the tower and gather them here to pile them up and have enough for other travelers" Colin says. That must be a hard thing to do seeing the fact that these are a lot of weapons.

"Oh and some of them don't ever come back after they leave so that's a warning to not stay outside for too long." Lux says appearing form behind us

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