"Special Day" Tristan Story

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It was a bright, sunny day at the captial of Liones. White doves flied in the clear blue skies. It was early in the morning and the prince of Liones, Tristan decided to escape the castle for a while. He was sprinting to find his friends to tell them bad news he discovered.

"Everyone, we're in trouble! This is really bad!" Tristan shouted as he reached to all his friends houses. When his friends came out from there house they went into a place where the castle guards won't find him.

"What's all the fuss, Tristan?" Victor asked while having his hand inside his shirt.

"What's really bad?" Liz asked while crossing her arms.

"I've uncovered an evil plot to undermine the country!" Tristan raised his arms in the air, "And because of that, I'm being hunted by the minions of evil—"

"Tristan-sama!" A castle guard shouted. "Oh no"

Tristan stopped talking and made a little whimper noise. The castle guard looked around and passed where Tristan and his friends were.

"Minions of Evil? You sure you don't mean the castle guards?" Victor asked.

Tristan and Victor peaked out from the hiding spot to see if that Castleguard guard still there. They went back in the place for safety.

"Like I said! Minions of Evil!" Tristan told as he moved his arms around.

"Huh?" Victor suddenly said.

"Everyone, please calm down and listen carefully." Tristan put his hands into a fist, "The legendary Seven Deadly Sins are going to be gathering at the castle tonight. So says the rumor I heard from one of the maids who likes to gossip. My opponents are those villains from the wanted posters. They must definitely be planning to take over the Liones!"

His friends were silent and didn't know how to respond to this news Tristan just told them.

"So, as the prince ... No, as the holy knight who will protect the peace in Liones, I have an duty to capture them!" Tristan was in a pose ready to fight!

"Let's go home." Lily said.

"See ya, Tristan." Liz and the others started to leave.

Victor was heading home too, "it's time for dinner."

"W-Which is more important?! Dinner or the Peace of the Kingdom?!" Tristan yelled pointing at them as they left him.

Time skipped and the sun was already setting. And Tristan finally decided to head to the castle.

"It looks like I'm the only one I can count on." Chibi Tristan said heading to the castle entrance. As he opened the door a bit he quickly looked around four times to check if someone was there. Chibi Tristan saw no one and tried to sneak into his room as fast as he can.

Someone grabbed him by the cheek, "Not so fast. How far have you been out playing?" A blue haired women asked.

Tristan looked up and gasps, "Mother!"

Elizabeth started hugging him from behind, "We were looking for you. You really are a restless boy."

"Huh?" He let go of his mothers embrace and moved away from her, "Y-You said you were all looking for me, then that means those sinners know about me?!"

Elizabeth smiled, "Sinners? Of course they do."

Tristan couldn't believe it! He gasped and started to freak out, "It can't be! They found out that I've learned there secret?!" He thought.

He started moving his arms, "Mother! The truth is, I heard some information that Father and the sinners will be overthrowing the kingdom tonight!"

"Tristan, we've been looking everywhere for you." Tristan looked are gasped. It was his father and the sinners!

"I-it's them The Seven Deadly Sins!" Tristan said nervously.

"It's Tristan. He's so cute, just like you two!" Said a giant named Diane.

"That's true. But not as cute as our own kid." When Fairy King Harlequin mentioned about his child, he blushed.

Diane had one of her fingers placed on Tristan's for head and started pushing down on him as if he was a plushy.

" for being just a child, he has an Impressive combat class. Just as one would expect from the son of the captain and the princess." Gowther was massaging Tristans hair.

Twisted in like that the sins were touching him. When you got there let him go he quickly did a front flip to get away from their grasp.

"The kids spirited as ever." Ban told.

"Where have you been on such a Important day?" Meliodas asked with worried tone.

"I know everything! About how you and my father are all sinners who are exiled from the kingdom! And tonight! You've come to the kingdom of Liones to stage a coup d'etat! I've got Henry and Howzer backing me up! You can't get away with this!" Tristan shouted at the Sins.

The Sins minus Meliodas couldn't hold there laughter.

"I see. I see. I didn't think you had it all figured out. But now that you know, we can't let you live." Meliodas looked evil and had his hands into a fist.

Tristan made a yelling sound and fell into his knees in defeat, "I-I knew it. So it's true. My father is really a villain!" He thought.

"Sheesh. You didn't tell him the truth, did you?" Diane asked uncomfortably.

Chibi Meliodas appeared, "I figured it'd be more fun that way."

"Damn it! I should have done that, too." Ban agreed.

Tristan was still on his knees until he leaves into the air, "Father! The Great Holy Knight Tristan shall punish you!" He was in midair attacking his father.

Meliodas blocked it with his arm. When Tristan landed Meliodas looked at him, "You want to become a Holy Knight?"

"Yeah! After all, defeating bad guys is what a holy knight does! That's enough chitchat for now!" Tristan said as he was in a position to fight.

"What a funny father and son." Diane giggled.

"That's our captain to you." Gowther smiled.

"I won't let there sinners have their way with Liones! Now all of you outside! We'll fight and square!" Tristan told the sins.

"Good idea. Why don't we head outside now?" Elizabeth agreed.

"Oh, it's already time?" Meliodas seem shocked.

"All right, let's go." Ban agreed"

Elizabeth, Tristan, and all the sins headed outside. Elizabeth grabbed his hands and headed outside. Tristan couldn't keep up and almost tripped within every step.

The sky had a burst of colors bursting every second. "Fireworks?" Tristan was confused why he was seeing so much fireworks on this day.

"Tristan, we're taking a night scroll." Meliodas told Tristan as he looked at him.

"O-Okay!" Tristan nodded and run toward his side, "Huh?"

"Happy Birthday, Prince Tristan! Happy birthday, my prince!" All the citizens from Liones shouted it. (Fun Fact: Tristans birthday is May 2th.)

Tristan Rather stared at them looking shocked.

"Hello, Hello, Hello!" Meliodas shouted at them.

All the citizens shouted back, "Hellooo!"

"Today's your teeth birthday, remember?" Elizabeth asked Tristan, "That's why your father gathered everybody here today."

"But mother ... They said Fathers the leader of villains." Tristan complain.

"Can't you tell just by looking?if your old man was a villain, do you think then he'll be adored like that?" Ban asked Tristan.

Tristan didn't agree to what Ban said to him, "I won't be fooled! He's not much taller then me! And irresponsible! And a big drinker! And touches Mother's boobs everyday!!!!" Tristan yelled.

Elizabeth blushes by what her son said last. King and Diane fell traumatically.

"By the way Tristan. What do you want for a present?" Meliodas asked?

"A legendary sword!" Tristan yelled excitedly

"No can do." Meliodas replied.

"Awww man..." Tristan sighed.

All of a sudden one of Gowthers finger showed pink aura, "Then I shall give you a special present."

"Huh?" Tristan was confused.

"The true story of the sinners called the Seven Deadly Sins." Gowther then placed a memory in his mind.

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"And who might you be?"

"I'm E-Elizabeth, the princess of Liones."

"I will protect the forest, my clan, Diane and everyone!!"

"Elizabeth no!!!"

"Nooooo....don't leave me Meliodas."

"Don't you have a heat Gowther?!"

"Me and Elizabeth are cursed"

"Everyone cheers! We almost defeated the commandments!"

"I'm leaving the Seven Deadly Sins for good."

"Sariel I'm sorry..."

"Thank you Gowther for breaking me free from those commandments"

"Mael you did it!!"

"The curse if finally broken!!"

"What should we call our child?"

"Ooh I know! Tristan!"

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Tristan felt shamed about himself calling them sinners. They saved the world there not villains. Not even the goddess clan either. A single tear fall from his cheek ashamed of himself.

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