Marty? - Arti_381

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I did the second option in contest 3:

My dream was nice, peaceful... relaxing. It was just me flying over New York with an old backpack and a rotting banana in my hand. That was the weird part but all dreams are weird, they're never supposed to be normal. The sun was just setting so the sky was a very light peach and pale blue. There were only a few clouds in the sky, all of which were abstract colours like yellow and dark turquoise. 

That was all distributed though, by Marty... He is such an idiot. Well, he is surprisingly quite smart even though he doesn' take any tutoring or even listen in class for that matter. Having a sibling who always annoys is common but having a twin who you love and care for, but still wants to choke you to death which is very uncommon. 

He didn't wake me up as he normally does (which includes pouring hot coffee on my face saying it's "breakfast in bed"), this time he screamed! He screams like a little girl, so I sometimes mistake him for my little sister, Emily, but I know it's him. It had that sense of teenage boy fear in it. 

I jump out of my bed right away. I don't bother turning the light on, I just run! I'm not the sporty type, so I get made fun of about my running techniques but as long as I get to my destination I don't care. My hand grips the door handle extremely tight but I hesitate to open it. Do I really want to see what's wrong? What if it's a really dumb reason like my pet spider Molly escaped from her cage to Marty's room? But what if it's serious like-like... like what? What could possibly be so bad?

Another scream. Similar to the first. Girly but still Marty's.

That's it! I open the door aggressively and rush out slightly tripping over my own foot. The hallway seemed deeper than usual. Another scream followed by another one, but a lot louder and fearful.

The bathroom! It hit me! The bathroom? This better not be a cliche thing that Marty and his friends are planning. But Dad would never allow that! He doesn't like Marty's tricks and stupid games. And he would especially not like it if it was in the middle of the night. My phone jiggles around in my pocket. I know it's weird to keep it there but my friend Bree always texts me in the middle of the night so I like to reply quickly, otherwise, she calls and the ringtone wakes up Mom and Dad.

The light is on in the bathroom and 3 shadows project out and hit the opposite door to Mom and Dad's room. It isn't completely closed though, it's actually in the middle of closed and wide open.

I rush in with my pink top and panda pants. I can hear Marty's voice aching and moaning in great pain.

"Marty?" I mumble not possible loud enough for anyone to hear. I creep slowly to the door and suddenly tears fill my eyes...

Marty lies on the bathroom floor, bleeding excessively from his stomach. His hands clutch over the wound so I can't see it. My eyes stare at him, holding on to dear life. Just as I was about to rush over, to try and help him somehow, my eyes make their way to a man, a big man, holding a bloody knife in one hand and one of Mom's really high heels in the other. Mom and Emily stare, frozen at the sight of my Dad killing my twin brother. 

Dad has a tear in one eye but the other is just pure angry. Angry with rage, ready to kill someone, or already has. No one is talking, not even Mom or Dad but I need to know what happened.

"Marty!" I say and finally rush over. Mom tries to hold me back with her hand but doesn't. Her eyes are like waterfalls, and rushing out with tears and pain. 

"Stay back Maria!" Dad commands. I don't want to mess with him. He has a knife in his hands!

"But Dad!" I yell as if throwing a tantrum then I realise that I can't do that anymore. "Dad," I say gently walking over a lot slower. 

"Mariah-" Marty mumbles out. There is even blood dripping from the inside of his mouth. Marty has always told me how scared he is of dying. He doesn't know what it's like and he doesn't really want to find out. Well, I guess he kind of has no choice now. 

"Greg!" Mom shouts running over. Greg? That's my Dad's name? I don't really know Dad too well. "That was my baby! You killed my baby at 2 in the morning!" She says making Dad feel uncomfortable. I take my phone out of my pocket and check the time. It is 2 am. "Why did you do this?" She shouts. I don't really think she wants the answer, I know I don't... But I do. Dad doesn't reply for a while.

"I had too." He says mumbling a bit.

"What!?" Mom's eyes are furious.

"That is my glorious masterpiece. When I stabbed with that knife, it felt legendary." Hearing the words "Stabbed with that knife" I felt so uncomfortable.

"Your masterpiece? What is wrong with you? This isn't some art gallery! You act like you walk around every day, killing random people because you feel like it!"  Dad looked guilty for a moment, but that can't be the case... Right?

"You are crazy Greg! Crazy!" Mom shouts getting really close. She finally pushes Dad once, close to the open window. It's an old house so the window is all rusty and we can't close it. Dad pushes her back but more aggressively.

"Stay away from me! Don't you dare get near me!" Dad yells waving the knife around. He threatens to stab my Mom if she comes any closer but I don't think she cared because she ran right up to him, scrunched his beard and pushed him out of the window! It took Dad a little while to fully react to what's happening. His hand was still clutched to the knife until he fell. As he was falling, the knife fell out of his hands. I heard a little scream of help but no more. I ran over to the window as quickly as I could so I can see Dad fall to his doom. 

That's a little dramatic.

Although I live in a two-storied house, a fall like that won't kill you. When rushed over, Dad was just about to hit the ground when... The knife fell straight into his eye. It gushed out with blood and Dad moaned and screamed in pain. He finally gets up and runs like lightning into the night.

"Now Daddy knows how Marty feels." Emily points out also looking out the window. She says the darnest things. She isn't crying. She is far too young to understand whats happening. Mom runs over to Marty and hugs his resting head, even though it's covered in blood. Mom just sat there sobbing so Emily and I walked over to comfort her.


Here is just extra because I enjoyed writing this so much :)

A year has passed since Marty died. 

It was a sad and very painful day for everyone. Dad was caught by the police the next day when they found him sleeping under our neighbour's car. It turns out he has murdered 12 people and broken the arms or legs of 24. This is because he suffers from a mental condition apparently.

"So... How come you married Dad?" I asked Mom as we sat on the train. We needed to go to the dentist who is 45 minutes away.

"Look..." She begins hesitating a bit. "I met your Greg in an ally on my way home from work. I was about 16 then."

"16? You had a job at 16?" I was awfully confused.

"It was at a fast food restaurant!" She answered quickly. Perhaps too quickly. But before I could even shoot a look she continued. "Anyway, I was walking back and I tall man jumped out of nowhere. Greg stopped me from tripping over a sleeping homeless man but then he accidentally tripped over him himself. He grabbed my hand because the homeless man got up quickly to chase us. Greg was fast back then." She says laughing at her own memories. Mom refuses to call Dad by "Dad", she only says "Greg" now. 

"And what about later?" I ask extremely curious.

"We sort of rushed into our relationship. I married him the second I was legally an adult. I honestly didn't know much about him. He only revealed his age, once I was pregnant with you. He claimed he was 20 years older than me, which made me feel uncomfortable at first. Ugh! I was just too trusting back then!" 

"You still are," I say making a joke.  

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