Concept trailer for Trolls: An Ali-human's way home

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* 'Wildest dreams' playing in the background*

*We begin 24 years ago where a pink troll with green hair named Petunia (Poppy's Mother, Voiced by Demi Lovato) is riding on a fully grown ali-human's back*

Poppy (voice-over): they say my mother was one of the greatest riders and queens of all time

Petunia: Stay wild my little Poppifur

*24 years later*

*We cut to a 24-year-old poppy sitting in a moving caterbus, looking out the window*

Poppy (Voice-over): And even though she's been gone since I was a trolling

*then poppy looks and sees an ali-human pack behind rocks running at the speed of the caterbus*

*then we cut to when poppy is on the side of the caterbus, looking at one particular ali-human, An ali-human with a grey dress and pink, hot pink, gray and white polka dots with short wavy brown hair*

Poppy (voice-over): There are still moments where I can feel her spirit

*then we cut to poppy at the back of the caterbus, holding her hand out just as the ali-human was gonna place her head onto poppy's hand*

*then we cut to the Universal logo and then the Dreamworks logo*

*then we cut to trollstopia*

Branch: Hey Poppy so what'd ya think about the caterbus tour?

Poppy: Oh it was Amazing! and I really enjoyed it

Poppy: Oh and branch? Did you ever see my mom perform before you went gray?

*then we cut to petunia standing on top of her ali-human posing*

Branch (voice-over): heh oh yeah she was a legend, they say that she was one of the greatest ali-human riders and queens in the history of trolldom

*then we cut back to trollstopia*

Poppy: Yeah I really enjoyed her shows too

Biggie: Yeah your mum was spectacular when it came to her shows with her beautiful ali-human, with its shimmery hair and Shiny skin, it was a rare sight to behold

*then we cut to Poppy and branch dancing together and then to the trollstopia barn*

Poppy: Uh branch? Is that barn okay?

*then the door bursts open revealing smidge trying to tame the ali-human poppy saw earlier but gets thrown off*

Smidge: Yikes that ali-human's got a lot of spirit

*then we cut to the ali-human being pulled into the barn*

Smidge (Voice-over): it's impossible to even break it

*then we cut to poppy standing in the field with the ali-human*

Poppy (Voice-over): You do have a lot of spirit

*the ali-human yips and poppy yips back, making the ali-human's eyes widen slightly and its ears going up*

Poppy: easy girl

*The ali-human looks at poppy suspiciously before she jumps onto its back making it panic and jump over the fence that was keeping it there*

*then we cut to the ali-human running through a quarry with poppy struggling to stay on its back*

Poppy: Whoa!

*then we cut to branch riding on a puffalo with delta dawn following the ali-human*

Delta Dawn: Let's go branch!

Branch: Good thing you're holding on tight popps!

*the ali-human jumped across a gap and poppy jumped and grabbed delta and branch's hands and is pulled onto delta's back*

Poppy: D- did I just do that?

Delta Dawn: Yeah you're pretty lucky ya didn't die popps

*then we cut to inside of poppy's pod where she and her dad were arguing about what happened*

King Peppy: You are lucky you didn't get yourself killed poppy, you stay away from that creature

*We briefly cut to The ali-human looking at poppy who was sitting on the fence and back to poppy's pod*

Poppy: Dad it wasn't her fault!

King Peppy: I'm trying to keep you safe!

*then we cut to Poppy going over the fence and the ali-human looking at poppy suspiciously and begin prancing around poppy*

Queen Essence: Just take it slow, Ali-humans can feel what you feel

*the ali-human comes up to poppy and lets poppy pet her*

*then we cut to the ali-human running in a prairie with its pack*

Poppy (Voice-over): It's in your heart to run free

*We cut to petunia on her ali-human while fireworks go off*

Poppy (Voicer-over): It's in mine too

*then we cut to poppy petting the ali-human while it looks at her affectionately*

Poppy: I'm gonna call you 'molly'

*then molly kneels like a horse, smiling sweetly*

*Poppy lets out an overwhelmed breath while smiling*

*then we cut to poppy riding on the ali-human*

*then we cut to a gang of bandits*

Bandit leader: Let's round up that pack!

*then we cut to poppy on molly's back standing on a rock looking over a prairie*

Poppy (Voice-over): We need to get molly back to her pack!

*then we cut to branch on another ali-human's back trying to cross a bridge*

Branch: This is a bad idea

*the bridge breaks*

*then we cut to barb riding on another ali-human who she named shadow*

Barb: Sign me up!

*then we cut to poppy riding on molly, Barb riding on shadow and Branch riding on beatstar*

*then we cut to them chasing after a train and a bandit was the conductor and poppy hair-Jitsu chopped him*

*then we cut to poppy and molly jumping into a river while fireworks go off*

*then we cut to poppy and molly who are soaked*

*branch lays his hand on molly*

Branch (voice-over): babe I believe in you, you have your mother's spirit

*branch and poppy hug each other while molly smiles*

*then we cut to Poppy, branch and barb riding on the ali-humans while the other ali-humans followed behind*

*then we cut to poppy in a field full of fireflies*

*then we cut to Poppy, branch and barb on the ali-humans crossing a narrow cliff*

*then we cut to poppy opening a closet with her mother's cape*


Petunia: Stay wild my little Poppifur

*end of flashback*

*poppy wears her mother's cape*

*then we cut back to them at the narrow cliff, poppy sighs and the ali-human looks at her worried*

Poppy (Voice-over): Trust me

*Then we cut to poppy and molly breaking out of a train car and then to molly with a rope around her neck, looking defensive and then blasting away a bandit*

*then we cut to molly with poppy on her back running across a metal beam*

Branch: Poppy!

*Poppy looked across with a look of determination on her face*

Biggie: AH! I can't watch! *Covers eyes*

*then molly jumped across, spreading her wings*

Poppy: We'll get you back to your pack Molly

Max: We'll need the strength of a thousand trolls!

*then we cut to poppy using hair-Jitsu on some bandits*

*poppy, branch and the others laugh while molly barks happily*

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