Ending for one of my chapters in one of my stories

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So if you didn't know i have a Bendy and the ink machine and trolls crossover book called "Poppy and the Ink Machine" Where poppy is sucked into the world of bendy and then she goes on all the adventures the player did in the game but towards the end before she can put the "the end film reel" in the projector she's captured by bendy and branch enters the world to try and find her and...welp read the ending to find out what happens next


*Here it is*

Allison: looks like poppy's tracks have gone cold...

*then Allison felt tom tap her on her shoulder*

Allison: What is it tom?

*then tom pointed to another trail that looked like ink*

*Branch, Allison and Tom followed the trail until they saw the trail leading to the darkness*

*suddenly something lunged towards them and swiped at them, roaring until they got a closer look*

Allison: Wait...Is that?!

*it was poppy she got much bigger, her body was covered in ink leaving an inky trail, half of her face was covered in ink, slithering down her other arm, her teeth were sharpened and her hands looked more like claws, she leapt forward to attack them until she heard noises which made her whimper and she backed away running off before they saw what she was running away from...the butcher gang*

*immediately they charged towards them and began to attack them until they turned into nothing but puddles of ink and branch went to go find poppy*

Branch: Poppy? Poppy?

Allison: Branch where are you going?

Branch: Allison i think i know why she looked like that...it was 'Him'

Allison: you're right He must've transferred himself into her body that has to explain the growth spurt and the ink on her body...branch you have to change her back

Branch: What?

Allison: You're the only one who can get through to her, only true love can break her free but if me and tom get hit by her ink it's over for us but...you...you can do it...it's time branch, set us free...set HER free

*Branch turned the corner and saw poppy and he slowly crept towards her but then he stepped on a plush which squeaked and she snarled but then she whimpered*

Branch: It's okay...it's okay i'm not here to hurt you

*then he began to see ink dripping from her mouth, down her face and her arm and tears mixed in with ink streaming down her face*

Branch: no no no please don't start crying

*before poppy could burst into tears she heard him begin to sing*

Branch: I have crossed the horizon to find you

Branch: I know your name

*her tears fell to the floor yet she didn't cry only standing there*

Branch: He has stolen the heart from inside you

*poppy advanced towards him slowly*

Branch: But this does not define you

*she stopped in front of him, her tears still streaming down her face*

Branch: This is not who you are

*Poppy looked down at him with sorrow and began to lay down to look at him in his eyes*

Branch: You know...who you are

*She looked at him finally knowing that he would never hurt her...she was only scared then he closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the space in between her eyes while gently caressing her cheeks to chase away her ink-filled tears*

Branch (Quietly): It's okay...you don't have to be afraid anymore...i know that deep down inside you, you're a queen who's just scared and hurt and if he were ever to try and tear you from me i will always find you and set you free from his inky shackles of fear keeping you from knowing who you are on the inside...

*poppy closed her eyes and she felt the inky darkness being chased out of her and she finally reformed she was back to normal as she collapsed into his arms and she looked up at him as her eyes fluttered open*

Poppy: Branch?

Branch: Yes Poppy...it's me

Poppy: Branch!

*poppy hugged him tightly before he hugged her back*

Poppy (choking up): I thought i would never see you again...

Branch: I thought so too but someone helped me find you

*Allison and Tom walked in*

Poppy: Allison! Tom!

*Poppy hugged Allison and Tom*

Poppy: How'd you guys find me?

Allison: you left an ink trail behind

Poppy: An ink trail?

Allison: You don't remember?

Poppy: No and at this point i don't even wanna know

Allison: Alright then, now let's get you two out of here before-

*Suddenly roaring was heard and the ink puddle formed into beast bendy and he swat the four away*

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