40 | 2019 + New Book!

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Hey everyone, how have you been? Well, I've been awesome! I want to start off by wishing you all a happy, peaceful New Year! 2018 went pretty well, actually. Hopefully 2019 will be even better! XD

In terms of Wattpad, I didn't achieve as much as I wanted to. I'm going to be honest and not completely blame it on school and exams. There was also lack of motivation and procrastination involved. However, I plan to make a huge comeback! I've began a new story: 'The Chronicles of the Mushroom Kingdom' which I hope you all enjoy!

It's dedicated to all of you who have been extremely kind and patient with me! ;u; Thanks, fellow members of the Wattpad community,  for just being really supportive non-stop! I've made tons of promises to you and I'm here and I'm GOING to fufill them!

The Chronicles of the Mushroom Kingdom concept has been in my mind for a little while- so I've decided to make it into a book. I first thought it at school! XD

It's been published but as it stands, I've only 2 parts put up. Either way, do check it out to get a fair idea what the story is all about :D

Again, HAPPY NEW YEAR and stay awesome- you guys! :)


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