My BIG Problem with the Harry Potter Fandom

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Person: So Melody, what house are you in?
Me: Oh I'm a proud Gryffindor all the way.
Person: That's cool I'm a Slytherclaw.



Ok so you've doubtlessly heard the term 'Slytherclaw' or 'Slytherdor' before. If not you haven't been in the fandom long enough. My question is: Why do these things exist? Why are 'joint houses' (that's what I'm gonna call them) a thing?
You: Well I share personality traits with more than one house, so I'm in both.
Me: Yeah so do I. I'm brave, kind, smart, and ambitious, but that doesn't mean I'm in ALL the houses that my personality traits reflect. In the actual series, the Sorting Hat said Harry would be good in any house, but he didn't put him in all the houses, just Gryffindor. Why? Joint houses don't exist.
Now I know a lot of you are going to have a problem with what I'm saying, I can name a few off the top of my head, but quite frankly, I don't care. Imagine it like this. You have a multiple choice test in front of you with only four answers. Then you proceed to write in your own answer. That's not how it works, to get credit, you have to pick one of the four.
Another problem I have with this is that Slytherclaw exists. Yes, I realize at first it just seems like another one of the joint houses, but when you think about it I REALLY have a problem with this one. Let's list the qualities.


Again, at first, it seems fine, but then if you look into the Slytherin qualities, we see cunning. What does cunning mean?

Now in the synonyms, you'll see words like crafty, calculating, scheming, designing, and sly. To be all these things, you have to be smart. You have to be intelligent and have wit, the two qualities of Ravenclaw. A lot of Slytherins would be good Ravenclaws because of this. Two of my favorite Slytherins, the SuperCarlinBrothers at first actually seem like Ravenclaws because they're so smart and calculating, but at a second glance, most Slytherins are. Sure, maybe not to their extent, but you see my point. This entire subject just makes me a bit angry inside.

So, you see my problem with this? Comment your house (notice I didn't say houseS. I swear if you put one of those stupid joint houses in the comments I will find you and I will slap you.) down below! I'm a Gryffindor, who else? Oh and a little side note, I went to Universal! Up at the top is a pic of the Beauxbatons girls and the Durmstrang guys from the Triwizard Spirit Rally! I also got an ash wand from Ollivanders. Ok cya!

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