Old story

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Remember that thing I said 2 chapters ago? About my first story

Well I'm gonna do that now

That's the cover😂

Translated: The treasure of the Egyptian

Alright so I forgot what I named the main character, something like Mari

Not Marinette

More like Mariana


But I do remember that I made myself and my friends side characters...

And this part is just hilarious bcs of how bad it is

Alright so it starts of with Mari yelling that the sword (the treasure, bcs swords are amazing) is gone

The next sentence, is just weird and I had to think for a while what I meant, but I think I figured it out

'Everybody was shocked and some even started digging'

The digging part: I think that was meant to be that the kiddos thought that the sword might have been buried (?idk) and that they started searching for it


Alright, but that wasn't the worst part

So, they were in Egypt somewhere in a desert

Suddenly, two cheetahs just appeared


Alright let me translate:


"I speak cheetah, Me said

Didn't you already speak lion and tiger? Asked Friend

Yes, but also cheetah.

Wow, I said (I is Mari)

We need to follow them. Said Me

We followed the cheetahs and saw a man

THAT'S OUR SWORD, her Friend (it's a spelling mistake, instead of 'zei' which means 'said', 'zij' which means 'her'... it's filled with mistakes)

Ssssst quiet, I said

We followed him into the café and waited for him to talk."


............ where did that café come from?

Anyways, let me tell you a bit more about how the story goes.

So these kiddos (they were the same age as me at that time, but I forgot how old I was) are allowed to go on a school trip to Egypt.

Because every 7 or 8 year old gets that kind of school trips. Duh

So, they're in the bus, in the middle of a desert, and suddenly there's an earthquake.

The bus falls over and they're stranded, because the driver suddenly dissappeared (I just forgot about him)

But then Mari sees a secret map coming out of her bag

She opens it and realises that it's a map with a letter from her grandpa

It says something like this


"There's a hidden treasure in the Triwe desert (I was very creative with names) in the west. I hope you find it."


And then Mari looks at a sign and sees that she in the Triwe desert.

Wow. Onixpected.

Anyways, the whole class is just like, sure lets go find it

And there's this one guy named Jan and he's stupid and gets stuck in something, forgot what it was.

When they reached the place where the map had a big X, they started digging

Then Me found a hidden cage

And they suddenly reach a dead-end, but Mari leans against it and it opens

Wow. Onixpexted.

And the find a sword

Swords are cool

And Mari says that this is the happiest day of her life


Then the cheetah part

And do you know what the man said? I am rich. I have the most expensive sword in the world


And then Mari recognised the man

Who do you think it is?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?

It's Jan's dad!


Jan sneaked away when he saw it

And Mari made a plan to get it back

Oooh here it comes

She asks Rob and Bob (again, so creative with the names) to make a time machine  (because every 7 or 8 can do that)

Okay here comes the plan


"When we go back in time, the stay up at night

Then, when Jan's dad comes to steal it,  (OKAY AND GET THIS) we pretend to be zombies to scare him. When he drops the sword I say that you can stop and then I give you all some arrows and a bow and we make sure that he doesn't touch the sword again. And the teacher goes to get the police because that's simpler."



Oh btw, since I'm writing this and you can't hear me, I'm being sarcastic... just so you know

So the kids make a time machine in a couple hours

"It was very scary but we had to do it.

Really cool"

Okay, so they're in the past again

Let me translate:


"Suddenly Jan and his dad walked to us.

The sword is with Marianne (I just remembered the name!) Jan said.

The grabbed it and suddenly they were scared to death

Oh man, you should've seen it.

They were scared because we came pretending to be zombies.

They dropped the sword.

Then I said: Okay, stop.

Everyone grabbed their bow and arrows

The dad wanted to grab the sword again but immediately dropped it whenhe saw us.

The teacher went to the police and before you knew it they arrived.

Jan and his dad needed to go with them.

The dad went to the prison and Jan was grounded for a whole year."







Alright last chapter


"When it was all done, the teacher said: let's go, back to the future ( it means let's go, back to the future!)!

When we got back, Friend asked if she could have the sword.

After that Me also wanted it, so did Friend2 and suddenly everyone wanted it.

The teacher said I could have it, because it was my map and I found it first, and because I made the plan.

I couldn't reject the offer, but that would be sad for everyone else.

Friend, Friend2 and Me really wanted it but the rest didn't really want it.

We made a deal that I could have the sword for a month, and then Friend a week, Me a week and Friend2 a week.

When we got home, we started cleaning the sword.

What an adventure, I thought to myself.

This adventure I'll never forget!"



Alright.... so, I changed the way if saying things just a little bit sometimes, because it was just too bad.

Oh and I also forget to say, the second sentence of my story is that Mari and Friends have a little group against bullying! Wow! You go girls!

I also forgot that wrote a summary on the back



"A girl Marianne goes with her school to Egypt

On their way they die because of an earthquake.

Suddenly she sees a map in her bag and grabs it.

It was for a treasure.

They're going to search for it.

When they found the treasure something happened that night.

Something really bad..."


It really says that they died


They? Didn't? Die?

Or maybe they did. And the rest was just a dream of Marianne's ghost.

I just made a theory about my own story


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