Sun and Moon Anime Leaks

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Ok guys. I have known I would have to make this discussion eventually, and it seems like today is the day. So we have just barely received our very first SM anime info from CoroCoro. The leaks are 100% real and contained some stuff that has caused a real stir. Namely this:

So first thing we notice is yes, Ash will be going to Alola. The second thing: Serena is nowhere to be seen on this poster.


This definitely is not a good day for Amourshippers. Surprisingly, I am not here to rant though. I am here to remind you of our motto "Never give up till it's over." Now I really don't know at this point if we will have to say goodbye to Serena. It sure looks like it. And if we do... well that is a discussion for another day. Just so you know though, if that happens I won't stop writing Amour. I can't just leave you guys hanging after all this ;)

Back to the topic at hand, please don't lose hope guys. Remember in Diamond and Pearl? Brock wasn't on the poster, but he still showed up as a main traveling companion. And let's not forget about all that the writers have put into Amourshipping, as well as the fact that without it, the show might not make it. This poster doesn't really confirm traveling companions either, so who knows? Honestly, I really don't know why the writers would get rid of Serena, and how they could afford it. Things just don't line up. We are supposed to have a big announcemnt Thursday during the one hour special, so hopefully that will clear things up. Anywho, please don't abandon ship guys, don't give up till it's over.

Oh yeah, and everybody pray that BW Ash will not return, cuz that's what the guy on the poster looks like -_-

P.S. Apparently the anime will focus on Ash going to school (What??!) And him trying to "graduate like never before." Hm... okay... something new I guess... :/

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