Teachers Contradicting Themselves

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I hate it when teachers do this, but it's also kinda funny. Our history teacher has always said if there is papers on the front table, pick them up (worksheet, bellwork, etc.). So we all come into class and find these papers on the front desk. After looking around a bit for guidance we grab one and start heading to our desks.

Teacher: "What are you doing?? Don't grab those!"

Class: "But you said-"

Teacher: "I didn't tell you to, why are you grabbing them?"

Bryndon: "Cause they were on the table..."

Teacher: "But they were standing up!"

Me: *thinks "What in Arceus' name does that have to do with anything?!"

Max: "But they aren't standing up..."

Teacher: That's because you guys knocked them down!"

Me: *mental facepalm*

Class: "But..."

Teacher: "Just put them down and go sit in your desks,"

Class: *mental facepalm

Sound familiar ? *cough cough Mrs. Carter cough cough History

Oh yeah go follow Kacie ( ) cuz she's awesome, plus she has to put up with *cough cough Mrs. Carter too ;)

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