Chapter 22.

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Was he was there?

Or else I was just seeing things that actually is in my mind...

I'm out of my senses right now that I just can't think straight...

I didn't even realized when we reached home.

Walter opened the door for me and I slowly came out and started walking quickly towards the house.

I stood there facing the door and waited for Walter to come.

He came and I quickly rushed upstairs to the room without even looking back.

I was too scared. I don't think I'll ever be able to go out because I knew wherever I'll go he will come for me.

I throw myself onto the bed, tears rushing down my face and soaking the pillow in which my face was buried.

I didn't know when Walter came by my side and hugged me his t-shirt was soaked by my tears.

I felt asleep...

I woke up with a sudden rush to puke.

I opened my eyes to found myself into a old dusty gray room, filled with silence and darkness.

My hands were tied behind my back with something cold and strong.

I tried to break the bond but failed, I was too weak to do that.

I got scared.

I looked around in panic to recognize the room but failed.

The last time I remember was I was with Walter in his bedroom crying and falling asleep in his arms.

How did I get here?

And where I'm?

A dirty rotten smell started to feel in the air.

I wanted to puke so bad that I couldn't controlled it and dragged myself in a corner. I started puking.

My stomach made some unusual voices and I started emptying the contents on the ground filled in it.

The more I tried to break the more I feel something liquid gushing down my wrist.

I knew the moment I turned my head and tried to take a look at it. It was blood. Whatever my hands were bound to were slicing into my flesh.

The sting of pain became more and I felt dizzy.

I couldn't handle looking at blood.

I closed my eyes thinking that this was just a nightmare and if I'll open my them again now, I'll be sleeping in Walter's arms.

But as soon as I opened them, I found myself in that same room.

Tears rushing down my round face.

Why is this happening to me?

What have I done?

The rotten smell begins to fade away, making my lungs feel better.

There was a fade voice of footsteps coming from behind the dirty door.

The old yellow bulb flickered on, which was hanging from the wooden ceiling of the room.

My eyes tried to adjust in the brightness of the light.

And as soon as I looked around the room, adrenaline left my body.

There was blood spots all around the room, on the walls.

As I gathered all my courage and stood, I looked at the far corner and something catches my eyes.

I walked towards it and found something that I never ever in my life imagined.

There were rotten parts of the body of girls...

Abdomen, Wrist, Neck, something which looks like a Thigh, Ankle, feet, hands and... And even the chest part.

I saw small ponds of blood gathered around those body parts.

Wait! The blood ponds were there all over the room.


I need to get out of here.

I rushed towards the dirty door, which made a crackling sound when I touched the door lightly.

I begin to bang on the door, screaming for help.

"Please help me. Please let me go"

I pleaded. Tears coming from my eyes.

"Please let me go. Please I beg you. Please don't do this to me"

I felt exhausted.

I fell on the ground with a thud, Trying to take some air into my lungs but the rotten smell came back again and now it was too much.

I suffocated.

Few more bangs on the door.

I'm tired.

I started pleading to whoever was out there.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door.

The sound was like as if someone was walking down the stairs.

I heard the sound of footsteps grew louder.

And then I felt the like someone was breathing hard.

It wasn't like a normal human breathing.

It felt like as if more than one person was there outside.

I pushed myself backwards when I heard the door made a crackling weird noise. The way they show in horror movies.

To make us scare.

The door half opened and I was waiting for the person who did this to me.

I knew who it was.

I can hear the sound of breathing grew more and more louder...

More Sinister....

And I saw him revealing himself to me from behind the door.


A/N :

A small update for my readers.

A special Thanks to @SiddharthDamani who has always supported this story.

This chapter is dedicated to you boy! For always asking for the updates.

I'm glad to know there are people out there who are supporting and reading this story.

Thank you so much :) <3

I wasn't ready for this update but I did it and it's a small chapter.

Sorry for that.

I'll be updating the next chapter after a day or so from now.

Don't worry I'll not make you fool on 1st April.

But hey, you never know ;)

So just waittttttt and yes keep supporting this story.

Till then keep reading.


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