Chapter 33.

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It says: "I know that you'll find out someday. Yes! It's true. I'm the sane Eva. Sorry"

My hands were shaking reading this again and again. My forehead covering with sweat. The horrible sight of Eva's lifeless body was coming into my view.

She's dead.
But she's the same Eva.

The same from that news.
She knew everything when she was alive. She took all the secrets with her.

Why didn't she once told us that she knew all this things going on. Why?

Was she a traitor?
No if she would've then why she killed herself?

Did she killed herself?
Nooo... She wasn't that kind who'll die

She was a kind of a fighter.

There's a possibility someone killed her, knowing that soon I'll come to Eva for the answers.

Who it can be?

He did! It's not a coincidence. It's not even a suicide. But it is a murder. He did this to Eva. He killed her knowing that soon we will find out the truth. But why she?

She could've protected herself with her powers than why didn't she defended. Why?

The image of dead Eva was coming in front of my eyes again and again.

I have to find out the truth. Eva accepted that she was the same Eva who was mentioned in the news. The same Eva who knew all this from Starting. Was she knowing that this will happen with June? Was it the reason behind us meeting her?

Everything's is so confusing.

I decided to head back to her house because there's no one who was going to arrange her funeral rather than us. She was living with that monster and we met. Now she's gone and I'll take care of the last goodbyes.

I walked back towards the house, crowd was still gathered there. Police inquiring about everything.

"I knew her. From now I'll be taking care of the funeral. Thank you for staying here officer" I asked him to leave and assured him that we don't need any FIR or case to open against anyone. I had to bribe him to get out of this issue completely. I already knew who the culprit is and he's not a human. It was a monster and the officer looks like he Don't believe in such things. Never have I ever in my life does anything like bribing a government worker. But I have to do this for us. For June.

After walking out to the porch with the officer I stood there at the entrance looking at the police van heading away and getting smaller im the view.

I walked into the house and looking at Eva's lifeless body. I kneeled down in front of her crying. I can't lose June. And now Eva's gone too. I will do anything to safe June even if my life will be in danger.

Suddenly I heard something broke down. I stood up and looked around the room. The mirror hanging on the wall was broken down into large pieces but what I my eyes catches was that the other side of the wall is attached to a dark room. I walked towards it and looked into the room. It was dark, I wasn't able the look much so that I blindly moved my hands on the either side of the wall of that room to find some switch. Finally what seems like a minute I found a small board of switches and Started clicking them hastily. The room illuminated by the blub hanging on the ceiling far in the corner.

The room was filled with the portraits of a girl. The girl looked young in her twenties. Around June's age. There were many pictures hanging around on the walls of her. I looked at her closely and she got the familiar eyes. Eva's eyes.

There was a big portrait of Eva's with that girl, both laughing as if enjoying being together. The girl was hugging sideways to Eva smiling widely and her hands were wrapped around Eva's shoulders. They both looked happy. On the same wall, there was a small table were burned candles and old petals of some flowers were put.

The furniture looked old. The table was mostly covered in spider webs as if it wasn't used for a long time. I quickly removed the webs and cleared the table with my hand. Dust covering the table with webs.

There was two drawers. I tried to opened the 1st one but failed. Again and again but failed!

I pulled the second one with force and it opened up quickly. A diary falling out from the drawer.

I sat on the floor and opened it up reading the first page.

Dear Secret keeper,

Thank you god for giving me the best daughter. On my 48th birthday she gave me the most unexpected gift. You! A diary. She wants me to write everyday. I don't know why but if she wants I will. Only about my world's best daughter. She will be the major and center part of my heart and life. Forever!

I flipped the few pages but didn't find anything. After Flipping what seems like 30 pages one thing caught my eyes.

They killed her. They raped her. Here I'm sitting with her lifeless body. My only child. How can someone be so cruel?




My schedule is too tight, I can't even spare time to write. Not even to read the updates from other authors. I did it today because I came home early from work.

Now that I've updated I would like to say that pleaseeeeeeeeee don't ever stop supporting this story!

There will be times when I won't be able to update soon but I will never leave this story at any point. I will finish it because it makes me a better writer day by day, every time I write a new chapter it makes me feel like my writing is getting better n better...

Guy, I just need your all support and love. This book needs all your support and I'm glad that I've got the world's best readers out there who will never stop supporting.

Thank you for giving love n support to this book! Infinite Thank yous to everyone reading this.

And yes! One more thing. We've more than 5k reads. Yaaayyy! Lots of kisses on your way...

Keep voting. Keep reading.


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