Chapter 5.

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The House.

I never expected it would be so huge and pretty. Infact pretty isn't enough to describe the beauty of that place.

There was a large hall at the entrance. Yes! Large like a ball room! More than 50 people could fit in this place.

The place was designed beautifully with flowers and art works.

My eyes darted towards the stairs and I saw our family picture, of mom, dad and me.

I was a little one in the picture and we all looked happy.

On the other side, there was a painting of my mom.
I wanted to meet the painter of the same and hug him because the portrait was so beautifully made that it looked as if my mom was actually standing infront of me and I couldn't help but admire it.

I was genuinely so happy that I looked up towards my dad, my eyes filling up from unshed tears.

He understood that all I wanted to say was a simple THANK YOU to him.

In return he patted my shoulder with a faint smile. The painting of my mamma was the best thing in that house for me.

But, I didn't know that I was going to encounter one of the worst things that could happen to me.

On the wall towards right from the entrance there was a big portrait of my dad.

It was dark, not the colors but the face, the expressions on my dad's face. They seemed, dark.

I found it somehow weird and creepy to stare at him.

The more I stared the more I found it sinister.

And then, I saw two hands coming outside from behind that portrait.

I saw it coming very slowly and noticed that it had long fingers with nails so sharp that it could easily pierce into anyone's flesh. I shivered as the thought raced up in my mind.

I found my dad's hand waving in front of my damn face. I found a smile of happiness and pride, as if he was happy to see that I loved the house.

I took a quick glance at the picture hanging on the wall once again, finding it normal.

I thought about the portrait and quickly pushed the thought aside, deeming it as day dream.

Of course! It's not possible.

"I was just hallucinating", I told myself.

**deep breaths**

Smiling genuinely and taking steady steps inside the hall. I continued taking deep breaths and followed my dad upstairs.

On the first floor, there was a room on the left corner.

"And here you go sweetie, all yours!" - dad told me in a firm but happy voice.

I think when I saw the room I forgot how to breathe.

The room was too big for a single person to live in. It was painted beautifully in pastel pink color with a tree drawn on the wall opposite to the entrance of my room. There were branches and on that birds were painted.

In the farthest corner of the room was a round king sized bed. It was covered with pink silk sheets. I slowly took steps towards the bed and sat on it. 'It's so soft' I thought.

The sheets smelled of strawberries.

On the other side of bed there was a huge oval shaped mirror with a table to get ready. There was also different makeup kits and things any girl could ask for.

I checked the bathroom stocked up with all the toiletries I needed.

"Thank you daddy, I loved it", I said doing a little happy dance in my mind.

"I knew you'd love it, check if you need something else and let me know okay? My room is on the opposite corner on this floor." he said.
I nodded with a smile.

Didn't know that it would only last for a few days.



hope you all are liking the story...

many more twists to come....

Wait for it and you will find them to be something you never thought about even in your dreams...

waiting for Walter??? coming up in the next chapter...

till then keep reading and voting.


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