Chapter 1

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"Mom, why do I have to go here?" Pisces complained as her mother drove her into a subdivision far from home. It's been 5 months since Pisces killed Ryan and all she wants to do is start a new life. Though, she didn't wanna move into a place she didn't know. She rather stay back at home a little long then go wherever she was going. "Because this is good for you. It won't be so bad I promise."

"You said that 2 weeks ago when you tried to get me into a boarding school." Pisces frowned as she crossed her arms. Her mother only sighed. "C'mon Pisces. I know this is all so new but I'm sure you'll fit right in." Pisces's mother said as she pulled up into the driveway. "Well, here we are." As Pisces got out of the car, along with her stuff, she started to stare at the huge place.

It wasn't a house. It was a mansion. A big one too. It had a lot of windows and just the right bedrooms. It was even big enough for at least 12 people. "So?" Pisces's mother asked as Pisces looked at her. "Am I really staying here?"

"Yes sweetie." Her mother said as she looked at the time. "Oh I have to go. Get settled in and have a good day." Pisces's mother kissed her on the cheek as she started to drive away.

Pisces looked back at the mansion an took a deep breath. "Let's do this." Pisces said as she went up to the door and ringed the doorbell. She waited for a couple of seconds until the door opened to reveal a girl about the same age as her. She had wild hair and her clothes were a little messy from top to bottom but that was just one thing that Pisces will have to get use to. "Hey, I'm Gemini." The girl said as she held out her hand to her. Pisces shook it with her other hand. "Um, Pisces."

"You must be new here. C'mon I'll show you around." Gemini said as she grabbed Pisces's arm and pulled her inside the mansion. "So this is where we'll be staying?"

"Yep. All school year. Nice place right?"

"Yes, it's very nice." Pisces replied. It was true. It was a nice place to live. "So is it just you and me our..."

"Oh no, there's more of us. Aries is working on her usual school work. Taurus is doing his sports at the school gym so he won't be back for a while. Cancer, Leo, and Virgo are at the library probably getting comic books. Libra is doing her nails in her room. Scorpio is in his room doing God knows what. Sagittarius is tutoring someone from his house and Capricorn and Aquarius are at the hair saloon." Gemini said as she named all of the people that live here. "Wow, that's a lot of people."

"Yep. You wanna meet Aries? She should be done with her studies by now."

"Sure." Pisces said as she and Gemini went upstairs. This maybe the start of a beautiful friendship.

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