Chapter 21

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Pisces was completely confused. Out of all the things that Gemini said, she asked to go to a party?! "Why a party?" Pisces asked as Gemini went through her stuff. "Cause you've been down for too long."

"It's only been 30 minutes."

"Yep, too long." Gemini replied. "Now, what're you gonna wear? Libra, make up and hair."

"On it." Libra said as she went through her make up and started to put some on Pisces. "Guys, I don't- Libra." Pisces tried to say as Libra started to put blush on her. "Close your eyes." She said as Pisces did in fact close her eyes. "So, why are we doing this?"

"I got access to a VIP section of a club and I want you  and Libra to come with me cause I only have 3 tickets including me." Gemini explained as Libra told Pisces to open her eyes.

When she did, she noticed a cute black dress on her bed. "It's for the party. Now try it on." Gemini said as Pisces reluctantly put the dress on from down up. Libra zipped up the dress as she and Gemini stared in awe.

(Pisces dress)

"You look so cute!" Libra said as Pisces blushed. "Thanks guys. I kinda like it."

"Like it!? You should love it! It's amazing." Gemini said as Pisces unzipped the dress and put it back on her dress. "So....are you coming?" Normal, Pisces would be studying for her next test, but to be fair, she did want to have some fun. And she wanted to get her mind off of Ryan. "....okay, I'll come."


It's now 10:00pm and the whole zodiac mansion should be asleep. But only 3 girls were awake. And they were Libra, Gemini and Pisces.

Pisces was putting on her lipstick and her black heels while fluffing up her black dress. She also grabbed her purse. "Okay, I'm ready." She said as she heard the door being opened. Frightened that it was someone else, she hid behind the door until a familiar voice was heard. "Pisces?" It whispered. Pisces sighed in relief to find that it was Libra.

Libra had on her purple and blue make up and was wearing her violet dress.

(Libra's dress)

Pisces stared in amazement. "Wow, you look beautiful." Pisces said as Libra blew a kiss. "Thanks, you ready?"

"Yep. Where's Gemini?"

"She's already down stairs. Come on, we can take Aries's car." When Libra said the name Aries, Pisces felt a chill coming up her spine as she and Libra walked downstairs. "Um, are you sure Aries won't mind?"

"Who says she has to know?" Libra replied. Gemini also explained that the 3 of them had to sneak out cause the party was in fact located in a club. If Aries or the other found out, they would've flipped out. And Aries would definitely give them hell, if not Taurus. Which is why they're sneaking out.

Gemini was already in the car. "Come on guys, hurry up." She said as she began to start the car. "Uh, do you know how to drive?" Pisces asked as Gemini nodded. "Yep, though I don't have my license yet."


Gemini drove the car to the club. Libra was in the front while Pisces was safely sitting in the back. Luckily, Gemini was a good driver and maintained her speed. But when it came to parking, well, let's just say there money won't be okay after that.

After quickly leaving the car on the street, they cut themselves in front and should them there 3 VIP tickets. The guard nodded and let them in. "YES!" Gemini said as she bounced in the air, her party dress bouncing with her.

(Gemini's dress)

The club was packed. Everyone was either drinking or dancing. The guys were hitting on the ladies while some of them either hit them back or invited them to join in. Some of the women in there strip clothes were in fact striping for money. There hips moving at the pace of the music. The light flickering with each color. What did the VIP have that the club doesn't?

Gemini looked at all the drinks. "I'll be right back~." She said with a smirk as she went over to the bar tender. Libra facepalmed. "Always in it for the drinks. Come on, let's go to VIP." Libra said as she took Pisces's arm and they both walked upstairs to VIP.

There was in fact another guard at the door. "Tickets." He said as Libra and Pisces gave them there tickets. He nodded and let them in.

Gemini was right. VIP was awesome. There were service maids, slow music, a personal stripper, and many, many MANY, attractive men. Libra's nose started to bleed. "Look at them all."

"Hello there baby~" One of the hot men said as he took his eyes on Libra. Libra smiled and waved. "Why don't you and your little friend come sit with us?" He offered. Libra looked at me with a shrug. I guess a little attention won't hurt.

We both walked over to the tall men in the group as they let us sit on there laps. It felt a little weird and I was very concern about it, but a part of me couldn't help but enjoy it.

I flinched as one of the men put his hands on my hips. "Don't be scared, I'm not gonna hurt you." His voice sounded like.....wait a minute. "Um, I'm sorry but I think we should-" His hand grabbed onto me like a leach. I couldn't do anything but let him have me. "In a soft little whisper, he said, "I found you."

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