Chapter 25

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"So that's what happened." Pisces finished her story to the interrogator. After Scorpio's duel with Ryan, the police arrived on scene to discover Ryan's body. He died on impact with the bullet to his brain. Libra and Gemini waited outside for Pisces sense she was the last one. "Is that all?" She asked itching to get back to her friends.

The interrogator finished writing down some information on his clip board and nodded. "Yes you are." He replied to her, going up to the door so he can open it. Pisces was almost out the door when she turned back. "Is Scorpio gonna be okay? I don't want him to get charged with murder."

"He won't be. It was self defense. All of your friends are free to go." Pisces sighed in relief as she walked out of the room. Upon walking, she saw Gemini and Scorpio sitting next to eat other. Pisces smiled and walked over to them. "Scorpio?" She said making her friend shot up from looking at the ground. "How was the interrogation?" He asked silently as Pisces sat down with them. "I told him everything that happened. Even my...past." She replied softly while looking away from him. Scorpio put his hand on her shoulder. "Look um...I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier. Taurus told me that Aries's car was gone and you, Libra, and Gemini weren't in your rooms earlier and I got scared." Pisces gasped. Scorpio? Scared? She never heard of that before. "I just couldn't stop thinking about what might have happened to you."

Pisces put her hand on his own. "It's okay Scorpio. I'm okay."

"Because I was there. He could've killed you."

"Scorpio-" Pisces didn't finish because Scorpio immediately squeezed her into a hug. "I'm not letting you out of my sight again. Ever!" He shouted as Gemini frowned. "Um hello, public area here." Gemini said as Scorpio rolled his eyes and let Pisces go.


Scorpio meant what he said last night. Pisces couldn't go anyway without him near her. Well, except the bathroom of course but still. Currently, the duo was in Pisces's room. Pisces was hungry for a snack so she tried to nudge Scorpio off of her lap. "Scorpio, can I go to the kitchen?"

"Sure as long as I'm there." Pisces rolled her eyes. "Alone."

"Then no."

"Scorpio please. I'm hungry." Pisces pleaded still trying to push her two tone friend off of her. " off." Pisces tried to roll to one side of the bed but Scorpio managed to hold her by her waist. "I swear you're like a clingy puppy." Scorpio chuckled at her response.

The two of them heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Pisces said as Cancer walked in her room. "Hey Aries wants to talk to you, Gemini, and Libra."

"Look, we're sorry about her car-"

"It's not about last night." Pisces stopped herself. "...okay. I'll be down shortly. Just as soon as Scorpio gets off of me." Pisces replied still struggling to leave Scorpio behind. "Please Scorpio. Just this once." Scorpio grumbled under his breath. "Fine." Almost instantly, Pisces race out of her room and headed down stairs.

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