Chapter 6

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The school bell rung and it was time for 6th period. Or as Pisces would call it, the time to have the most hated person on the planet 6rth-8th period time. Pisces sighed out of frustration as she walked to 6th period with Gemini beside her. "You gonna be okay?" Gemini asked as Pisces nodded. "Yeah, I'll be okay."

"Just lemme know if he's giving you any trouble and I'll rush right in there and save you." Gemini said as she went off to her 6th period class. Pisces chuckled at her and walked into her 6th period class, which was ELA.

Pisces looked around to find Scorpio to see if he was her. Luckily, he wasn't. "Phew, he's not here yet." she said as she found a seat next to a girl and an empty seat. Pisces started to get her stuff ready for class and decided to look around a little bit. She didn't recognize anyone that she knew, but they all looked friendly so there was the plus side.

Suddenly, she spotted a woman wearing glasses. "That must be the teacher." Pisces said to herself as the teacher began to speak. "Alright class, is everyone here?" she asked to everyone in the classroom. Everyone, including Pisces was about to speak until the door opened. It was Scorpio.

Pisces gulped and kept her gaze at the front of the classroom. "Scorpio, you were almost late again."

"Almost." Scorpio replied to the teacher as he took his seat. Right next to Pisces.

Pisces covered her face with her hand. "This can't be happening. He's sitting. Right next to me."

"You do realize I can hear you right?" Scorpio replied to her as Pisces closed her mouth. "This day cannot get any worse."


During 7th and 8th period, it got worse. Every seat that Pisces chose, was a seat that was next to Scorpio. Always next to him. There was no escaping him. It was like, he knew where she was gonna sit. "Hey Pisces!" Pisces was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Gemini behind her. "So, how was your first day here?"

"It was great. Until it wasn't." Pisces said with a downer edge in her voice. "Oh, did he give you any trouble?"

"He's literally sitting right next to me. In every period 6-8th. I can't shake him off my back. What's next, the bathroom?" Pisces asked with an irritated voice. "Well, at least the day's over, so at least you only have to see him again during dinner. And besides, he doesn't take the bus."

"Well, at least there's another good thing."

"C'mon guys, the bus's leaving." A voice came from behind the girls. It was Virgo. "C'mon, if we miss the bus, Aries will have to pick us up and trust me, you do not wanna be in Aries's car." Gemini said as she pulled Pisces's hand and ran straight to the bus stop.

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