5. sheetal gone

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It was Sheetal's bangle which she had worn on the day when she was going to become his,but fate had written something else,the day which was going to be their life's most beautiful day became Sheetal's death day and one of the worst day in his life.That day he realized one thing that whenever He was going to be happy ,his life gives him the reality check that he can't be happy .That day he again got defeated by his destiny.

He remembered how he tried to save her but,he couldn't. Arnav Singh Raizada again experienced the loss of close one. Arnav Singh Raizada once again was feeling the helplessness which he had felt when his own family whom he loves most in the world was in the mouth of death and he was not able to save them.

''I couldn't save her also'' he said in his mind and his thoughts went towards how arnav singh raizada had became helpless to save his love's life.


Arnav reached hospital and entered the building pushing the stretcher on which sheetal was lying ,covered with blood not in her senses, when nurse told him that there is chances of her Survival and her heart is beating,  Arnav got the hope that maybe Sheetal will come back to him all fit and fine.

"DOCTOR...."Arnav shouted calling doctor,ward boy who was also pushing her stretcher  with Arnav looked at him with sympathy and ran towards the doctor's cabin and called him immediately.

Doctor came towards them talking to the ward boy,and stopped in front of the sheetal.

"Oh, this is looking like a accident case"He said seeing her condition.

''Yes doctor, a truck hit her very badly'' Arnav told him in haste,breathing fast as he had got exhausted with pushing the stretcher in haste.

''I am sorry but I can't treat her like this first you have to inform police. It's a policy of our hospital'' he said to Arnav who was fuming looking at him with anger.

Hearing his  so called rules of the hospital,Arnav held his collar angrily, he was very furious at him for treating  his patients like this .

" Are you mad or what? Can't you see her condition she is fighting between the death and life. And you are thinking about your so called rules . Go and treat her, and if if you don't know who I am then let me tell you I am Arnav Singh Raizada who can make your life hell in this minute only." He said to him with full on attitude of ASR but in tension.

Doctor was shocked by his revelation,rushed towards Sheetal when Arnav left his hold from his collars.He  was shivering with fear of Arnav.He took Sheetal to ICU for her treatment.

At that time ,Arnav was not that much successful in business which he is now,that time he was emerging businessman who was in his journey to became a successful business man.

Arnav sat down on the bench with the thud,not looking at something particular.

Now she was in ICU,doctors were operating her,Aman who was waiting for them in the temple with lawyers came running to the hospital when he got to know about the accident.

''Arnav..Arnav'' Aman called him with tears streaming down from his eyes when he saw his condition,he was very worried for Arnav,he was the only person who was with him when his family went away leaving him alone,he was very much broken that time and now as sheetal also is in condition that she can die he can understand how arnav would be feeling.

''Arnav don't worry, nothing will happen to her'' Aman hug him blabbering this in his ears but he didn't responded to his hug.

Arnav was in trauma, his mind was still not in the condition to accept what happened ,there was a bangle in his hand, which came to him when he was holding her hand.he was staring at that bangle,All the past bitter memories of his dead parents and sister were coming in his mind.He was feeling like running away from this life where he can't have someone with whom he can be happy.He was happy with his family when his sister came back from hostel after a long time and then something happened and they went far away.

Slowly he started realizing what happen sometime ago and hugged aman tightly.Aman sigh with relief seeing him responding.Arnav thought how he was going to marry his love,but now he is here in the hospital the place he hate.

''Why my life is like this,Aman?First my parents left me ,then chutki(his sister),and now Sheetal'' He said to Aman sobbing breaking the hug.

''Arnav,please compose yourself,she will be alright'' Aman consoled him .

Doctor came out of the ICU and Arnav and aman rushed to him with the hope that she will be alright.

But Doctor broke all their hopes by saying truth,'' I am sorry,her injuries were deep so we couldn't save her.''

Hearing that Sheetal is no more,he fell on the floor on his knees,tears rolling down from his eyes but he was silent saying nothing just lost in his thoughts that again he is alone.

Aman was also weeping hearing this but he wiped his tears seeing Arnav's condition,he sat down on his knees in front of Arnav holding his shoulder he make him stand up but arnav didn't look at him.

"She is calling you,she last time wants to talk with you, she has only few minutes" he said to Arnav who was standing with the support of aman without any emotion on his face.

''Arnav go and meet her ''Aman said to him turning him towards the door.

Arnav was not responding so aman shook him by his shoulders and said,'' Aranav go an dmeet her..for the last time ''

Arnav came to his senses and looked at aman with the emotions that he can't go but aman make him go inside.

Sheetal was lying on the bed with his head and hands dressed with the bandages,the breathing equipment put on her nose.Seeing Arnav the nurse with sheetal went out leaving them alone.Sheetal saw Arnav coming with her half open eyes .she take  equipment off from her nose with her shaking hand.

Arnav was just staring at her with pain.

A.rnav She called him with difficulty.

Arnav's legs automatically went towards her,Arnav sat beside her on the stool with the thud as he had fallen weak by seeing her covered with bandages.

''Arnav I am sorry'' She said with difficulty.looking at him tears coming out of her eyes.

Arnav didn't responded he was just staring at her  with pain.he was that much lost in his pain that he didn't even realized that Sheetal is counting her last seconds.

Suddenly, she started feeling problem in breathing.

"A.r.n.a.v "she called him with breathing heavily.

Seeing her like this,Arnav came to his senses.He called the doctor loudly and doctor came and tried to stable her condition.

''Please Sheetal, you can't go away '' Arnav said to her caressing her hairs when doctors were trying to treat her. 

Aman also came with doctors when Arnav called doctor loudly.Aman was standing with Arnav.He was sad as he already know that Sheetal is not going to survive.Doctors clearly told this to him and Arnav also but Arnav ignored it when he saw Sheetal conscious.

 ''Arnav ,My sister,please take care of h .....''she said holding his hand lifting herself little up and suddenly fell on the bed with thud her hand leaving Arnav's  her breathing stop
and straight line came to machine with continuous sound from it.

Doctor shook his head in denial .

''I already told you she won't survive'' Doctor said and went away.

"Sheetal.. "Arnav shouted loudly and faint,Aman held him .

He gained consciousness after a day,he was in hospital. Aman was sitting on the sofa beside his bed.

''Aman ,What happened? Why am I here? '' He asked aman as he was not able to remember anything.

Aman looked at him with concern.Suddenly ,Arnav remember everything,he again went to his silent mode.

''Arnav please say something'' Aman tried to make him talk.

''Aman, why this always happens with me ,Why! ''He asked with anger.

Aman hugged him and both consoled each other.

Then he got to know that All the last rituals of Sheetal has already done,her sister had came and the orphanage where she stayed all her childhood ,the people from their  performed her last rituals.He tried to go back to his life after that as Aman want him to come back to normal.

Arnav's life which was filled with darkness before now became full of dark as Arnav was slowly becoming hopeless to live his life fully.He started to be alone all the time he didn't like anyone's company that time.His business was also in lose as he had became all the weak.This incident somewhere triggered the accident of his family.he again went to the time of his family's lose.

Aman tried to make him come out of his pain but this time it seems difficult to him.

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