9) Khushi's outburst

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"What did I do know Arnavji that you are blaming me again?" she asked coming forward and halted in front of him.

Arnav was full on emotions,he was in pain and hurt and Aman whom he considered as his only family left shouted at him and said that he will go away leaving him.

Arnav came to her and held her shoulders,Khushi saw his pained face and now she was scared,she cupped his face and asked," What happened Arnavji?"

Arnav looked at her and hugged her,crying and said," You know right,what Aman is to me,after my family he is my only family and today he said he will leave me" suddenly realizing something he broke the hug and jerking her said Angrily," Just because of you,only because I yelled at you,he will also go away,then I will be left all alone, AGAIN."

Khushi's patience broke listening this from Arnav,After all this he is still blaming her,why can't he understand Aman and she ,both wants his betterment only but he is himself making his life hell by overthinking.

"Enough Arnavji, Why do you always blame me for everything, Your life is like this because of Khushi, Rudra heart broke because of Khushi,You lost your friend the reason is Khushi, you had to do this marriage forcefully because of me, And now Aman bhai wants to leave you because of whom,Khushi right?" Khushi who was silent for many days seeing Arnav rude and ignorant towards her burst out but it was not just because of Arnav's behavior towards her but to himself as how he is wasting his life.

Arnav was looking at her with shock,he hadn't thought that she will burst out like this.He was about to say something she showed her hand to him to stop him and said," You know what in all this you are not only hurting me and Aman but to yourself more.You are not realizing how you are destroying your life by all this, Its very difficult to see your loved one in this condition.I and Aman always be in the tension what will happen in future. Just because of you Aman bhai is not starting his own family,because he loves you and I love you but why are you stuck in the Arnavji. Overthinking of your past won't give anything to you ,it will only destroy your present and future.

Seeing Arnav thinking about it, She added," I don't have parents but my di she was my mother, father, sister everything. When she went i was not good ,I was devastated but I handled myself thinking if I give what will she think that she doesn't make me strong enough.like you i also wished that I can change everything but we can't.we can't even go back seconds before in time then how can we change everything.She wanted me to pursue my dreams so i am fulfilling her wishes and it is giving me happiness."

"I also thought that if i will fulfill my promise she will be happy and internally i was also happy but you ,you destroyed everything.your love for me destroyed everything" Arnav said again hurting her with a chuckle.

"Why are you not thinking rationally Arnavji you have to understand,you also don't want me to get married to Rudra,you were just forcing yourself because you were keen you fulfill your promise"

"And about my love for you,Did in this time when we were living together did I ever told you that I feel something for you.Did I ever showed my love to you,No right? I have kept my love for you inside my heart because I knew that you won't accept it,I was happy that I could see my love so closely.I was happy in this little thing but you complicated everything by bringing that marriage proposal.


After the tirey day ,both Arnav and Khushi came back to home,Khushi as usual went to reheat there food which servants have cooked for them.They were sitting at the dining table eating their food,Khushi was stealing glances of Arnav and noticed he was looking upset," Arnavji,what happened ? You are looking tensed."

Arnav looked at Khushi who held concern for him and said," I wanted to say something to you,but was thinking how to tell you."

Khushi got excited thinking that maybe he also started feeling something for her and wants to say this and said excitedly," say Arnavji what you wants to say,you can tell me anything."

She don't know what she is going to hear next and that broke her down.

"I have called Rudra and his parents tomorrow for your marriage with him" he said and hearing this Khushi's smile vanished.

"What...!" She exclaimed with pain.

"Its just a meeting Khushi if you wont't like them then its OK, I will find better guy for you."

She ran away wiping her tears,not looking at him.

Arnav called her multiple times but she didn't stopped.

Arnav thought she need some time alone ,maybe she would be missing Sheetal.

Back to present

"That day I cried for you,for your love...I was in pain in deep pain,you are in pain because you are away from your love and you can't go to her .You don't know the pain of having your love in front of you but you can't show care and love towards him,But more then it your condition pained me.I was happy when you started improving but everything get back to there where all started."

Arnav was softening hearing all these, he thought about how Aman had suffered with him in his every problem and now Khushi also.

"You know Arnavji if you want me to be away from you and it will give you happiness and I promise I will go..I cant see you hurting yourself..But please for once ask your Heart that do he wants it if yes then I am ready. I will go back to life which was mine before I met you."

Saying all these Khushi turned to move towards the door but stopped not turning back and said," I am sorry for what I did that day when you talk to me about Rudra...your sentence that you will find another guy for me was ecoing in my mind and I did what I shouldn't have done...I wished I would have handled myself better then these situation wouldn't have come. That day the feeling of losing you overpowers me that indirectly I forced you into this marriage but now I want to correct my mistake..in one day of our marriage you all be upset and i don't want you to stress yourself more..I am freeing you Arnavji from this marriage if you want..If by my fortune you don't want me to let go then we can always be friend like we were before I won't pressurize you to love me your old friendship will be my life"

Aman was listening all this hoping maybe all these can curdle Arnav's brain if not he is waiting in the line to go next to make him come to reality.

Surprise short update for you all

Next update available on inkitt

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