part 32

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First of all ,thank you all for your supports... finally my story got +100k viewers....I'm so I thought to give an update here goes ....

Enjoy reading....
Om slaps shivaay hard

Shivaay stops blabbering and stood there like a statue..His eyes become red and tears are flowing continuously from it...Om turns away becoz he can't see his brother likes this....meanwhile Rudra comes there and sees both his brother's condition... He looks at Om who is looking on his palm with his teary eyes... He looks at shivaay and notices the finger print mark on his face ....he understood that Om slap him...Rudra goes to Om and place his hand on his shoulder.... Om turns and looks him

Om(broken voice):Rudra...I ...sla....
Rudra asks Om not to cry through his eyes ..and signals to look shivaay who is still standing their like a statue...Om wipes his tears and both turn towards shivaay....

Rudar went near him and holds him

Ru:Bhaiyaa...plzz don't behave like this know I can't see my superman like this ...(rudra cries)

Shivaay looks at  his baby brother..Rudra hugs him..he also hugs him back....
Shivaay broke the hugs and wipes his tears...

Shiv:No Rudra your bhaiyaa will not fall weak....
Om:shivaay I'm sorry for...
Shivaay (interrupt):No Om you didn't do anything wrong... You have right to get angry on me...
They  hug...Rudra also join them

Rudra: Bhaiya promise me you won't hurt Anika bhabhi...

Shiv:what are you saying rudra?? how can I hurt my Anika?
Om:shivaay he doesn't mean like that.. He means you don't need to comfort Anika bhabhi or make her hurt by your words..she is not your Anika anymore ..she is married to somelse ..its good if you also accept that...
Shi:Really Om you think Anika married to Advik??No Om she can never do that ...I know her very well ..I'm 100% sure that she is hiding something form us...

Om remains silent...

Ru:but bhaiyaa..that kid...
Shiva:rudra ..I told you na Anika is hiding something from us..but I'll find out ...

In heart I also have same doubt...becoz I know how much Bhabhi loves shivaay... But I can't let shivaay goes behind to find the truth..because if bhabhi really moved on her life that truth will broke shivaay badly...maybe I will lost my shivaay forever... But what should I do???I should find if bhabhi is married to advik or not... I should confront bhabhi..she can't lie to me....

Rudra calls out Om....
Rudra: O where you lost??
Om:shivaay don't take any step in anger ...think about that little child also...why should she lie???
Ru:haa bhaiyaa she really talks like bhabhi...
Shivaay: it doesn't mean she is Anika's daughter... Even Sahil also used to talk like this....
Ru:but Sahil...
Shivaay: Rudra Sahil is also brought up by Anika. For her ,Sahil is like her own child... Anika is a like a mother for him....why not this happen in that kid's case also...
Rudra:you are right bhaiyaa.. But also there is a problem what is her connection with Advik bhaiyaa, Rithi is his daughter.. dadi said Advik bhaiyaa married and they have a kid ...I'm confused bhaiyaa...

Shiv:that's what I said...Anika is hiding something...
Rudra is about to speak something Om stops him

Om:rudra stop your nonsense.. And shivaay this is not a game to play with others should also think about that kid also if they are really married and Rithi is their child, what will you do?and if that is not truth..then also what step you take ??? you separate a child from her mother..for that kid Anika is her mother... If she is her real or not..

Ru:O what are you saying???
Om:truth Rudra.. If they are married I can guess what will happen to you shivaay...if not, I also aware that Anika bhabhi will not leave that child and  come back to you...I can't see you breaking again shivaay....

Shiv:don't worry Om I will not do anything that will make anyone hurt ...but I need to find, is Anika really married to Advik and that kid....

Om:okay Shivaay but you need to promise me that you will not do anything in anger....

Shivaay promises Om ...they hug

Anika's Room

Advik:Anu I'm 100% sure that shivaay will try to dig our details...

Anika: we dont need to worry about it Advik.Becoz we don't bring Rithi's original birth certificate here and in her passport only your name was there..And about digging past shivaay will not get any information regarding us from London you also very well know that...if he should get any info. he should visit London ,,that can never happen .. I'm sure Om will not allow shivaay to do anything in anger....

Advik:Wow Anu you came here with well planned...Hearing you I feel like I'm hearing a film story...

Ani:Advik don't joke on me ...this is not the time to joke...

Advik (while laughing): hearing your plan everyone will feel like this(Anika stares him )okay! okay! First you take a deep breath..and don't stress yourself thinking about all these....and your master mind plans keep it aside otherwise your brain will be dead ...
Anika stares him....
Advik(in serious tone): I'm saying truth
Ani:Advik tum bhi na...
She take a pillow and throws at him ...they both laugh....

Someone knock on their door
Anika:it must be Rithi...

Anika opens the door and gets teary seeing Gauri.....

Advik:kon  hai Anu??(and comes there)Gauri tum...come inside

Gauri:sorry bhaiyaa for disturbance...

Advik:No problem Gauri and no need to say sorry, you can knock in this door anytime...

Advik phone rings .."Gauri you guys talk.. Its important call I need to attend..."he excuse himself and went outside..

Gauri turn towards Anika... They both looks each other with teary eyes ...for few seconds both keep silent ...Anika broke that silence are you ???

Gauri hugs Anika and she also hugs her back ....both tried hard to control their emotion..they break the hug...

"I'm fine ji...bhoujayi...aap Kaise hu???gauri ask in cracked voice

Anika wipes her tears and says " I'm fine Gauri..."

Gauri: in these years why don't you call me once ? You considered me as your sister Right... One phone don't know how much I missed you (she cries)

Anika hugs her little sister like a mother hugging her child.....

Anika(while hugging ):sorry Gauri... Plzz forgive me .....

They broke the hug.....

Gauri: You got married and you didn't even inform about that also (gauri stops saying further seeing Anika's facial expression) you really got married???? And that kid....

Anika nodded in yes and looks away...becoz by looking her baby sister eyes she can't lie .....

Gauri:but Bade bhaiyaa...

Anika stops Gauri...

Anika:Gauri he is my past ...I don't want to talk about it...I suffered lot as this house bahu ...I don't want to remember those memories....And advik didn't know anything about it...


Ani :he knows everything about my past but he didn't know that shivaay is my ex husband....

Someone hears their talks and angrily leaves from there.... Anika turns and looks there....

Gauri: what happened bhaujayi???
Anika: nothing, I feel like somebody was there....
Gauri go and check....
Gauri:but there is no one here
Anika :may be I feel like that... Leave it ...Now tell me is everything fine here and what about you ?are you happy here?(Anika asks her curiously to know her sister is fine or not )
But hearing Anika ,Gauri become sad.Anika notices it...

Ani:Gauri what happened ???Is everything fine here...

Gauri (in a broken voice):I had a miscarriage before 4 yrs..I lost my first baby bhaujayi...(she cries)

Anika mind slap herself for asking this question... She hugs Gauri and consoles her....

Anika: don't worry Gauri...God will bless you and Om another child.....

Gauri laughs sarcastically and said:Even God didn't want me to became mother again...He also snatches that right....

Anika gets shocked ... ...mean...Gauri??

Gauri:I can't conceive again bhaujayi... (She cries )

Hearing it Anika stumbles..she curse herself for her sister condition... Tears started to flow from her eyes ...she become frozen there....seeing her baby sister in this much pain her heart pierced...she hugged Gauri a mother protect her child from evils....Tears are continuously flow from both their eyes ,like they created a river of tear there....some how Anika managed to compose herself....

Anika:shhh....Gauri don't believe in your Lord right, he will not snatch your right to become a mother...becoz you are his fav. devotee....

Gauri(crying):But bhaujayi...

Ani:shh Gauri...don't worry...I can't see your tears...Now I'm with you..nothing will happen to you again....

They broke hug...

Gauri:promise me you will not leave me again, I need you in my side....

Anika: I can't promise Gauri..I can't stay in this house for more know the situation.. Shivaay (and stops)..but I'm promising you I will not leave your hand like before...if I go from here then also I  will be in touch with stop crying....

Meanwhile Advik comes there...both wipes their tears....

Advik: sorry Gauri.. Its important call...and tell me about what are you guys talking ?

Gauri: Nothing bhaiyaa.. We just...

Advik:okay now tell me what's the matter you are going to say something but before that I received call and went...

Gauri:Ohh!! I forget about that....actually I came here to call you and bhaujayi for the dinner...

Advik: Bhaujayi??? (He asked in confuse)

Gauri: it means our village we used call like that...

Advik: ohh!..but why you calling her bhaujayi??(Anika stares Advik..he smiles)

Gaur(tensed): wohhh are like my brother then she is my bhabhi right(Gauri signs in relief)

Advik: no you dont need to call her like that..she is also like your sister you can call her jiji or didi...

Gauri gets happy hearing it...she mentally thanked Advik for this becoz she is waiting for to call her ' jiji'

Gauri with broken voice calls "Jiji"

Anika's eyes become moist hearing it she looks at Advik he signs her to smile..

Gauri:bhaujayi do you have any problem if I call you jiji... can call me jiji Advik said i'm a sister to you. And also it sounds better than bhaujayi(they laugh)

Gauri:okay bhaiyaa I'm going I need to arrange for dinner... You both come downstairs after freshen
Gauri leaves
Anika closes the door ..she turns to Advik and thanks him..
Advik: No need to thank me Anu I know how long you are eagerly waiting to hear her calling 'Jiji' tell me what's the matter why you cried...

Anika looks at Advik and says"no I didn't cry"
Advik: Don't lie Anu... I know you very well now tell me the matter ....
Anika hugs Advik and started to cry bitterly
Anika: becoz of me Advik, my chutki is suffering so much pain....

Advik brokers the hug and hold Anika ...

Advik: Anu tell me clearly ...what happened to Gauri???
Anika: she can't conceive again Advik..

Advik gets shocked..Anika breakes down in Advik's arms

Anika:it all happened after that incident....due to me..

Advik:shhh...Anika...stop blaming yourself for all need to be strong...

Anika wipes her tears and says " you are right I need to be strong... But Advik I can't leave here for more days..finish your work as soon as Possible or we should shift some other places...I feel suffocated here...."

Advik:I understand your situation Anu...but why are running from these all..

Anika: I'm not running away from these all...but instead I'm worried about my didn't know how low Mrs.Pinky Singh Oberoi can fall ..I don't  have any problem if she targets me but she is behind my Gauri...

Advik:I can understand that Anika..but think...years passed do you think pinky aunty still have that hatred in you...i noticed her, may be i think she is also changed....

Anika:no Advik...that all must be her acting.. You don't know her very well...

Advik:okay but if you tell all the matter to Shivaay the problems can be solved... But instead your are avoiding him and giving him pain....

Anika: yes you are right Advik I'm giving him pain today...but do you know the  pain I suffered before 5 years as his wife,this house bahu....not anymore....I suffered lot Advik..why women should always bear all the pain??? You very well know about everything that happened Shivaay married me ,how he blamed for .....then...I don't wants to remember about those memories..its all a nightmare for me's Arjun,you, Maya and Radhu brings me back....

Advik didn't say anything he looks sad....Anika notices it

Anika:I know why you become sad...I'm sorry ...I remembered you about Radhu....

Advik: No Anu...Radhika's memories will always stays in my heart....I got sad becoz I remembered about our old moments that we 5 spend in London before Radhika's we enjoyed there...I wish we could bring back that old moments...

Anika holds Advik.....he wipes his tears...

Advik:sorry I become emotional..(he changes the tone)Now tell me Anu about you...
Anika:about me ??? What???
Advik:I know how much you love shivaay?...
Anika: Advik I already told you that he is my past.... Yes you're right...I love him still, more than my life..but the truth is that we can't be together ...its better if we don't talk about this ..if anyone hears us then....

Advik:okay baba don't shed your tears go and fresh ;everyone must be waiting for us...

She nodded and goes to washroom...

Advik POV
I don't know how will I bring you two together... The main reason I bring you India for reunite you with your love...but I have no clue where to start?? If I talk to Shivaay you will kill me  moreover you took me promise that I will not tell anyone about our secret...I wish Arjun comes here as soon as possible... I know by bringing him I'm inviting a super cyclone...but only that cyclone can bring this all normal...but how will I tell Arjun that we are staying in Oberoi mansion ...more over if he knows about Gauri , I don't know what will happen further????... I wish everything become normal ....till Arjun comes I need to continue with Anu's script.......

POV ends....

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The story starts from when shivika went for book publication of Mihir Awasthi and he claims real love doesn't exist...peep into the story..its really nice ff...she is new here so we all need her support ....give your valuable votes and and your reviews for this story..

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Precap : 😁😁😁😁😁same

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