chapter 2

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hello my beautiful readers ,, i would like to inform you that yes ,, i am in fact still alive. i am continuing my stories as i used to but will only be able to update on my time ,, so please be patient with me.

enjoy !

Ponyboy's POV:

"um.. Dallas? I thought we were going to the Nightly Double?"

I asked.

"I know."

he responded blankly. i sat in the passenger seat, looking at him, very confused. Johnny was doing the same. We looked at each other and back at Dallas , waiting for an answer. But he said nothing.

"so... where are we going then?"

We asked desperately. He looked at us and smirked.

"we are going on an adventure , my friends."

he said. we looked at each other, still confused, and concerned at the same time.

oh no.



i was walking down the quiet street to check out the high school i would be attending this year, when i finally spotted it up the road from me. i sighed of relief.


i said. i continued my walk, watching one foot go in front of the other and listening to the texture of crushed, dying leaves under my feet, until i reached the front gate of the secondary school and took a good, long look around.

this place was humongous.

so many floors and buildings and staircases and classrooms and teachers and students and... WOW!!

i couldn't be more excited for my first day. i'm going to be a sophomore this year, and i really want to start a new life in a new school with new people and new opportunities.

my reputation wasn't all that good at my last school, adding to the fact that i got expelled.

i can explain more about that later. thats not important right now. whats important now is that i will go to school for the right reason and earn my education so that i can leave this town and have a good job with good paying money.

i have big dreams that i plan to turn into achievements.

as i walked through the halls and buildings of the school, i began to notice trash scattered in almost every hallway. i picked up a few papers and saw the names of some of the children who attended this school the year before, and i looked over their work as well.

there were many drawings, projects, essays, book reports, and exams on the floor.

maybe they all did that thing on the last day of school where they all celebrated by throwing their classwork everywhere and ditching school for the summer, if you know what i'm talking about.

anyways, as i was being nosey and going through all the papers, i saw a name that intrigued me. and it almost sounded.. familiar.


i asked out loud. i examined the handwriting. it was so much neater and organized than all the other papers. there were drawings of his attached as well. drawings of sunsets and sunrises it appeared.

i feel like i know who this is but.. i just... i cant put my finger on it.

"hmm... Ponyboy Curtis."

i thought to myself. i know that name. i've heard it before. i can almost imagine a face to go with the name.

but i began to have a headache forming, so i decided that i would take these papers home with me, and discover this mystery man, who's name i've somehow heard before, when school starts this monday.

i can wait three days.


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