Chapter- 16

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Bela's pov

I feel a tap on my shoulder as I write the notes.

I turn to my left to see Liam engrossed in his work. I turn around to face Mahir and find him looking at the board with a pen in his hand.

I turn back around confused as to who tapped my shoulder.

I shrug and go back to work when Liam taps on my hand.
I turn towards him and raise my brow.

"I don't understand how to do this. Can you help me?" He asks with a small pout.
I look at his notebook and analyse the essay he is having problem in.

I lean towards him and point my pencil on his textbook.

I start telling him the main points to describe in the essay and he nods.
"Thank you, Bella." He says and I nod, ignoring the fact that he said my name wrong.

I go back to my work only to be disturbed again as my chair shifts vigorously.
I look under my chair and find a leg close to the leg of the chair.

I look up and glare at Mahir.
"What?" I snap in a whisper and he rolls his eyes.
"I don't understand how to do this." He points at a essay- a different topic, same as mine.

"And?" I ask, acting oblivious.
"And, I want you to tell me how to do this." He says in a obvious tone.
"And what if I don't?" I say just to pick on him.
"Shut up, Bela. And tell me how do I do this?" He asks and I sigh.
"Fine. You can't do shit without me." I mutter the last part and start telling him the points he needs to include in his essay.

Once done, I look up only to find him staring at something at my left.

Or someone.

I watch as he stares at Liam and smirk.
I kick his leg under the table and his eyes snaps to mine.
He frowns at my smirking face, "What are you smirking about?"
I look at him, then at Liam and then back at him while wiggling my brows.

"You likeyyyy?" I ask in a teasing tone and he scowls at me,
"Shut up. I don't swing that way." He says and I chuckle but that soon fades as he starts leaning towards me,
"But I totally swing this way." He says with a smirk and winks at me before laughing at my baffled look.

I open my mouth to say something but got cut off as a voice booms throughout the room, "Mr. Sehgal and Ms. Wilson. You both might want to keep the flirting down."

We both look at the front of the class and find the professor glaring at us.

"He was the one who was flirting." I whisper, but it wasn't that quite in the suddenly silent class.
The professor narrows his eyes at me before turning back to his work.

"Like that look would do anything." Mahir says not so quitely and I snicker- wrong move.

The professor's neck snaps in our direction before he marches towards us.
"Out. Now." He says and my eyes widen before I quickly stand up, shoving all my stuff in my backpack, and going towards the door followed by Mahir.

As I reach for the doorknob, the professor calls out again, "there are 40 minutes still left for this class. You both will be cleaning the store room until then." I halt in my steps and look at Mahir only to see a horrified look on his face.

We both get out of the class with a sigh and I slowly turn towards him.

"It's all your fault." I say as I glare at him and he just rolls his eyes.
"I know. But you are still gonna clean the store room with me." He says with a smirk.

I glare at him one last time before stomping towards the store room.
With Mahir following me.

After 2 turns, we stand in front of a black door.
I sigh, going forward to open the door but was stopped by a hand on my wrist.

Turning around, I come face to face with Mahir who has a slightly horrified look on his face.

"What?" I ask and he quickly tries to compose his reaction. But fails. Miserable.
"Uh- uh- actually, there might be- uh.. some.. uh- creatures inside."
"What do you mean by creatures?"
"Uh- insects... spider... cockroach... uh.. liz-"

Well, Spider is okay, cockroach is okay... but
"LIZARD?" I shouted and he grimaced.
"Yeah. Maybe."

And that was it.

"I am NOT going in there." I said while backing away.
"But... okay okay. I was just kidding." He said while smirking.

And I believed him.

"Okayy fine. But I won't go in the corners. You will do it." I ordered him and he nodded with wide eyes.

I sighed and opened the door.
Not that bad.

It was a medium sized room with kinda whitish wall which were slightly creaked.
Shelves were all over the place, with many different kind of folders and study material kept in them.

It looked pretty decent.

I looked behind me for Mahir and found him still looking stiff.

But as soon as he caught me looking at him, he took away for cleaning.

I wonder if there is anything in here or not.


Crappy Chapter, I know.

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Sorry for late update.

Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Do give your reviews!


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