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Rudra and Bhavya were sitting on the couch, playing with their 4 months old baby girl, Ruvya.

R- How's di?

B- She's fine.

Suddenly, A 4- year old boy ran towards them.

R- Hey champ.

Rudra picked him up in his arms and made him sit on his lap.

B- How are you, Ansh?

An- Hungly.

Rudra and Bhavya chuckled.

B- Okay. Let's prepare breakfast for you. Where's mumma and dad?

An- They ale locked in theil loom,coochie-cooing.

Ansh said while palming his mouth and laughing.

Rudra and Bhavya chuckled. Rudra was swinging Ruvya in his arms when Anika and Shivaay came downstairs. Anika was climbing down the stairs while holding her 8-month pregnant baby bump and Shivaay holding her hand for support.

S- Good Morning guys. So What's going on?

B- Good morning bhaiya.

R- Nothing, Champ was telling us that how you were coochie-cooing with your wife.

Anika and Shivaay blushed while Rudra and Bhavya chuckled.

Ansh was looking at them in confusion.

An- I'm hungly.

Everyone looked at the frowning Ansh and got aww on him.

Anika went towards him and hugged him.

A- Aww my baby.

S- Good morning, champ.

An- Good molning Mom dad.

Kusum and Dev also joined them.

D- Good Morning kids.

S/A/R/B/An- Good morning Mumma Papa/ Nanu Nani.

K- So what's for breakfast?

B- Everyone's favourite Poha.

Bhavya said excitedly and everyone looked at her blankly.

Everyone(bored) - Oh!

Bhavya frowned at them.

B- What? You guys love it.

Everyone looked at her with a teasing smile and shouted-

Everyone- YES WE LOVE IT.

Bhavya smiled widely and they all settled at the dining table.

Everyone started eating breakfast and Anika was looking at them with a smile.

She remembers her wedding day, when Shivaay was shot. She felt that someone stabbed her heart with a knife. Rudra catched the sniper and he was some old enemy of Anika who was waiting for the right time. Anika killed the sniper and that enemy as well. She decided that day, it was her last murder and last day in the Mafia World.

Shivaay was admitted in the hospital and luckily, the bullet didn't harmed his organs so he was all fine after a month. Anika joined A college for Fashion designing as it was her dream since childhood and Shivaay opened his institution to train the new comers in journalism.

Life was on A smooth way. Gauri also gave birth to A baby girl, Nitya who was 4 years old now. After few months of their marriage, Anika found out that she was pregnant. Shivaay's happiness knew no bounds. She gave birth to Ansh and now he is apple of their eye.

She came out of her thoughts when Shivaay shook her A little. Anika looked at him in confusion.

S- Anika, where are you lost?

Anika shook her head with A smile.

S- Let's go. Have you forgotten that today is your Fashion house inauguration?

A- Oh Yeah! I totally forgot. Get ready everyone.

Everyone cheerfully nodded and went to get ready.

Anika and Shivaay got ready and Anika made Ansh ready for the event.

Shivaay back hugged Anika and she smiled.

S- I'm waiting for my princess eagerly.

A- How do you know it's princess? Last time also you said the same.

Shivaay chuckled.

S- But this time, I've a very strong feeling.

A- Okay let's go.

An- Mumma, Dad, are you done coochie-cooing?

They turned to look at Ansh who was standing there with his eyes covered.

A- Who even taught him that word?

S- Who else than your brother?

Shivaay said while shrugging his shoulders and Anika rolled her eyes.

A- Yes baby, let's go.

An- You both do lots of coochie-cooing.

Ansh said while chuckling and Shivika's eyes widened.

S- Oh Really?

Shivaay started tickling him and he was laughing loudly.

A- Okay, okay. Time's out. Let's go.

Shivaay picked him up in his arms and held Anika's hand and everyone if them left for the inauguration.

As soon as they reached the venue, A contraction hit Anika's belly and she cluctched her belly. Shivaay looked at her worriedly.

S- Are you fine?

A- Yeah, just A contraction. I've been having them A lot lately. But doctor said it's false labor alarm. I'm fine.

Shivaay nodded his head and they went to the main door where A ribbon was tied on the door. Everyone was waiting for them including the guests.

S- Let's go.

Anika nodded her head. Suddenly they heard the voice.

M- Celebration without us.

Shivaay and Anika looked at them in surprise.

S- Mom Dad.

Shivaay and Anika hugged Tejanvi.

Yes! Tej and Jhanvi accepted Shivaay. Anika asked Shivaay to call his mom and dad to at least talk to them and give his marriage news. Shivaay called them and realised that Tej and Jhanvi were regretting their decision of disowning him so they asked for his forgiveness and Shivaay gladly forgiven them.

Tej and Jhanvi came to India for a small time to visit Shivaay and Anika but they couldn't stay as Tej's business was still in London.

A- How are you, Mom Dad?

J- Even good, after seeing our son and daughter.

Jhanvi said while caressing Anika's cheek. Anika and Shivaay smiled.

Finally the inauguration was done by Tejanvi and Kusum-Dev.

Everyone was having a look on Anika's designs and Anika was standing in a corner, looking at them with a wide smile. Finally her dream was completed.

Shivaay came towards her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

S- Good work, wifey.

Anika smiled and pecked his cheek.

Suddenly she felt A bad contraction in her belly and she shut her eyes in pain while clutching her belly. Shivaay looked at her worriedly.

S- What happened, Ani?

A- Take me to the hospital NOW.

S- what? Why?


Shivaay's eyes widened in horror.

S- What? How?


Anika shouted in pain.

S- No. No. I'm coming with you.


Anika again shouted in pain.

All of them were looking at Shivika. Shivaay finally took Anika to the hospital and the family followed them.

Anika was immediately taken to the labor room.

All the family was waiting outside. Finally after few hours they heard cries of the baby and sighed in relief.

The Doctor came out of the room, with a baby wrapped in a towel.

D- Congratulations. You've a baby girl.

Shivaay took her in his arms and his eyes glistened with tears.

S- How's my wife?

D- She's fine, just unconscious for now but she'll gain consciousness in few hours.

Shivaay nodded his head.

After few hours, Anika gained consciousness and the view in front of her was adorable.

Ansh and Shivaay were playing with the baby and the baby was looking at them with her big brown eyes.

A- Shivaay.

Shivaay looked at Anika and smiled widely.

S- Anika. Come champ.

They went towards Anika and Shivaay handed the baby to Anika.

S- I told you it was princess this time.

Anika nodded her head with a smile and teary eyes.

Anika kissed her forehead.

A- Have you thought of a name?

An- I want to name hel.

S- Okay champ, go ahead.

An- Ansh's Sistel, Anaisha.

Shivaay and Anika smiled widely.

A- Welcome Anaisha Singh Oberoi.

They shared a family hug with wide smile.

"You are the love that came without warning, You had my heart before I could say no. "

Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Here ends the love story of Mafia Queen and A News Reporter, which happened in the most unexpected time with the most unexpected person. 😭😭

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Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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