💋Chapter One💋

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Heavy breathing, heart pumping and my feet hitting the ground rapidly was all I could hear for miles. Running is what I did all day to clear my head, I wasn't very good at it but there was just something about it that made all my thoughts go away. As I concentrated on the feeling of my feet hitting against the pavement of the track my father owned. It's funny. I go here to forget about him. What an ironic place to do so. An enclosed space with his picture all over the stands and commentary box, and I come here to forget him.

I slow down and put my hands over my head to try and replenish my air supply quicker, before grabbing my water and chugging it. Sitting on the bench next to my things I heard a friend calling my name from the other side of the track. I stand and wait for her to reach me before giving her a small hug.

"Riley, I can't believe your leaving me tomorrow, to go all the way to Japan!! That's insane!" My dear friend Mila squeals while grasping my smaller hands in hers

"Well you know, father wants me to go to he best school. And it just happens to be in Japan." I sigh looking down

Mila can tell there is something wrong because she drops my hands quickly and pulls my face up so I'm looking her dead in the eye

"Look, I know it's gonna suck to have you away for so long, but hey! You have some amazing ass abilities and you need to show em off! No one here would be able to teach you better than the best of the best, am I right?!" She says with a glistening hope in her brown eyes

I sigh again and shrug off her hands that were now placed on my shoulders.

"Yes but Mila, father has already informed me that even here no one has seen powers like mine, and I don't want a repeat of two years ago." I say quietly looking at my hands and the countless tiny scares that littered my body from training.

Two years ago I had already fully known about the abilities I had and I also knew that no one else had anything like this. It was something that I have never seen outside of my father, and I was worried. What would everyone think? Would I become an outcast? Would they call me a freak?

My mind ran wild as I roamed the halls during lunchtime, not really sure what else to do. I had forgotten my lunch at home and I didn't have any money on me to buy anything else. So to distract myself from hunger I quickly paced in the halls, going up and down stairs and occasionally in and out of the girls room.

My nerves were in full thrust now and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going when I bumped into an older boy and I was pushed to the ground.

"Hey! Watch where your going kid!" He screeched at me

He raised his hand and slapped me so hard that my face cut open. Fury took over my body as I touched the bleeding cut on my face. As I pulled away I could feel something in my hand come with it, and before I knew what happened I had a knife forged from blood in my hands. It dripped on the floor of the school and stained my hands crimson.

I didn't care.

The only thing on my mind was to attack.

I lunged at the boy, taking him to the ground as I held the knife to his throat. By this time the end of lunch bell rang. But once again.

I didn't care.

Students filled the hall to see the horror that had erupted during the peaceful period they had before. No one knew what to do. Know one knew what to say. I looked down at the boy beneath me and I snarled.

"Don't you ever lay your hands on me again you pathetic worm." The knife de-solidified and turned into a puddle on the floor. I sat down on the floor and held my face, the pain just now setting in. Teachers finally came running and the only thing they saw was me, a small girl bleeding from the face sat on the floor in pain, and a much larger boy beginning to stand, covered in my blood.

The boy was taken to a mental hospital and no one dared say a thing about that day.

~{end of flashback}~

I've been able to handle myself better and I've controlled my quirk very well in the past two years. But despite that no one would talk to me besides Mila. No one dared to look at me or say a word about or to me since then. But now I would be going to a completely new school. With completely new people. God knows what they will be like.

I touched my scar from that day and I felt ashamed. I sigh and hang my head, sitting on the bench and Mila joining me.

"Riley you have to understand your different now. You only use your quirk when your training with your dad. You can control it." He smiles

"Yes Mila. Here I can control it, but who knows what it will be like there. It's a whole new playing field where my quirk decides if I'm good enough to stay in this program." I huff and lean back on the bench, rubbing my face out of frustration.

Mila's phone rings and she excused her self to answer it. While she did so I packed my thing into my gym bag, getting ready to leave in the direction of home. Mila quickly comes back and says her mother wants her home for dinner and I nod my head understandingly. We give a quick hug then go our separate ways.

I walk until I reach the front door to our house and I push it open, completely ignoring my father as I walk up to my room and gather my things for a shower. After feeling nice and clean I put on my pajamas and fall into bed, closing my eyes and immediately drifted to sleep.

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