Act 1B: encounter pt 2

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Sakura and Ryurinko aka Dazzling Dragoina follow the police to the police station to write her statement. As they reach the police station, they enter the police station to get the statement done.

Within 15 minutes, Sakura has done writing her statement and hand it to the police. They left the police station as they head to Ryurinko's car which she parked at the police station, she stores her motorbike in her a dimensional storage. She opens the car doors and sit on the driver seat while Sakura gets a front passenger seat.

Ryurinko: Sakura, do you want to go to my home or your home straight? Well there's something I want to talk to you about. You may call me my personal name Ryurinko, if you want to.

Sakura: Ryurinko sis, I will like to go to your home first, my parents aren't back and If I am able to visit a ranked 1 Saviour's home, I will like to go.

Ryurinko: ok we will talk after you have a shower, since you had a tough day.

Sakura: sis, that nice to have you to care of me, this first time I have received this kinda care, I wish my parents will care of me like you, or just bits of you.

Ryurinko: Ic, well let's go then.

Sakura: sure

Ryurinko starts to drive Sakura and her to her mansion, she wonders whether her best friend, Zerek and his apprentice, Rosemary are at home. Sometimes they reach home early as well as sometimes they reach home late. If they are at home she wants to introduce Rosemary to Sakura so they can be friends. Sakura wonders how is like a Rank 1st's house will be like, she is eager to get to know more about Ryurinko sis, as she cares of her even more than her own parents did.

Within 5 minutes, Ryurinko has reach her mansion, as she parks her car at the parking space.

Ryurinko: we reach my home.

Sakura: Ic wow your home is big and it is beautiful.

Ryurinko and Sakura get out of Ryurinko's car, then they enter Ryurinko's home, as they see Zerek and Rosemary are watching the new broadcast, and the broadcast is about Sakura and how she save the people in the bank as the footage of her fighting the outlawers. Ryurinko and Sakura take a seat as they watch the footage.

Rosemary: that girl is so brave, she saved the bank from being robbed. She is same age as me, isn't this girl the famous rank 1st school beauty in my school? Eh that's Sakura who just saved the day. She is very famous and my best friend too.

Zerek: yes she is and she is right here with Ryurinko.

Rosemary: oh yup, you are right, they are here.

They greet each other, Ryurinko gives Sakura a fresh set of clothes which she had tailored for her by one of her unique tailoring abilities. Sakura and Rosemary head to the bath room. While Ryurinko and Zerek start chatting.

Zerek: so you bring her here, hmm, as you are sure that she is a dragonborn like you. You have told me before that when you were young, you are diagnosed as ARMs ablities-less, when you grew older, you noticed, your strength, sight, hearing and body regeneration rate is much more enchanted. Well during age of 14 to 15, you had awaken your ablities that made you Rank 1st saviour at past 4 years straight.

Ryurinko: yup it is, my analysis of Sakura is correct, as you saw in the broadcast, Sakura had demonstrated that her speed is enhanced and sight is enchanted as well, as she was able to shoot all conscious outlawers while wielding two pistols in both hands, even most of police officers couldn't did that 100% accurate like her did. Also when she was being shot by 3 times, I didn't got to heal her, it was her, she regenerated herself and healed herself fully. I am sure of my analysis of her is totally correct.

Zerek: that's true, but she can be phoenix-born as well. If she is. I will train her for you hehe.

Ryurinko: too bad, you can't have sexy apprentices like Sakura, take a look of this closely *she pauses the broadcast that thay had recorded and zoom in the image that where Sakura's dragon marks beside her belly button.* here look at this, this is the proof of a dragonborn.

Zerek: Rinko, I know Sakura has big sized boobs and butt like you but that doesn't means Rosemary isn't hot, she just has a smaller size, never mind of it right now. I am sure you will want to call her parents right?

Ryurinko: yup, I am going to.

Ryurinko starts to call Serena, it takes 5 seconds or Serena to pick up the call.

Serena: hmmm hi Dragoina.

Ryurinko: hi Angelise sis, do you watch the news, it is regarding of your daughter.

Serena: yea I did, she was doing a saviour's job to save people from outlawers telling to rob the bank. I was sure, she did a good job except for being molested and geting shot at. Why was she even tried to risk her life.

Ryurinko: well she is your child after all, I heard you said that she was ARMs ablity-less, but I disagreed to it right.

Serena: yup, I heard you said, she was a dragonborn, my hubby and I weren't believed that. But after I watched the broadcast, I am slightly going to believe you that she was going to be like you a dragonborn, the way she did the dropkicks, can't be done by an ARMs ablity-less person, well it looked like she had a superb speed and a sharp eye.

Ryurinko: yup she was and I was totally right that she is a dragonborn, when I reached the scene together with the police.

Serena: I see. So are you going to train her?

Ryurinko: sure I want to.

Serena: it is honor to has a rank 1st pro Saviour in our country to teach my daughter, and one day she will be surpass us. Because you the Dazzling Dragoina, your bestie Zerek the soaring fireblaze, the ranked 3 Balmond the gentleman and the ranked 4 parashock vermillion. Yup mostly because of you four our country consider the safest place in the world, the merciless outlawers like transcendence Exterminraptor, cybertronics Oblitcreator, abyssal Bringer, terrible Blizzard and Ramapaging Rambo, will think again and again before attacking our country.

Ryurinko: yup well transcendence Exterminraptor and cyberronics Oblitcreator are no joke, they manage to retrain me and strip me and almost rape me. They are very scary to me too, I am lucky that, I won't be able be killed due to my passive ability: dragonic indestructible will, and whoever try to sexual abused me will being blast by my passive ablity: dragonic wrath of chastity roar. Well I didn't encounter the other 3 before, If I do, at least terrible blizzard and abyssal bringer will be down already.

Serena: they really did that to you, wow.... Ok well I am grateful that you want spend time on my daughter and also willing to train her.

Ryurinko: one of reasons that I want to train her is she is very similar to me when I am young, another reason is she is cute, most importance thing is she has the potential. Lastly I am thankful that she isn't badly abused, that make her luckier than me.

Serena: I heard that you has tough life before you enrolled Virtue grand saviour academy. Why we need to hurt her, Sakura is so cute to be hurted, you are cute too Dragoina, even though you are 26 years old, you look like a cute university student.

Ryurinko: I see, that's nice, I really hope my parents will be like you and your husband so I can have a perfect family too.

Serena: I see, well for age, you must be dating right?

Ryurinko: no, haven't yet, it's hard to find a guy like Zerek that can let me relax and feel secured. Zerek love his wife so much. 6 years ago whereby I were still a novice saviour, Elizabeth and I were bestie, we were targeted by Cybertronics Oblitcreator, Elizabeth and I were retrain by him, he almost raped Elizabeth, Elizabeth didn't wanted to being raped by him, she use all of her power at once to self destructed with him and seriously injured him, which make him retreat, leading to her death. Zerek headed to us, freed me from being restrained, but Elizabeth was gone.... If I was being chosen first to be sexual assaulted by cybertronics Oblitcreator and also if 11 years ago I trained more viciously that I broke my limits and gain more ablities like I did after the incident, Elizabeth won't be dead, Zerek and Elizabeth will have 1-2 children already..... Elizabeth was lucky to have a nice husband, but I ruined everything..... So I will made sure I won't be weak anymore and ruin my friends' lifes or else I will never forgive myself forever. So I think maybe I am destined to be a solo girl that will not have any guy to love me and treasure me, protect me but I am grateful too, luckily Zerek doesn't hate me and still being my friend. All I know is that I am a girl who need to be ultimately strong and won't have guy that really treasure me. Sorry to hear me like that, a top ranker shouldn't be weak at any moment.

Serena: sorry of mentioning of that, I am sure you will find a guy that treasure and love you. Well bye.

Ryurinko: bye

Ryurinko puts her phone in her dimensional storage, out of sudden Zerek pins her to the ground. He looks like he is mad. He doesn't notice that her white sleeveless top was accidentally torned by him during an fast pin he gave to her.

Zerek: RINKO, how could you think like this of yourself, you are more than what you think of yourself, I know Elizabeth's death was a big impact on you, it made you to over trained yourself, even though the training paid out, it made you stronger to the moment you rised to the top to be an unrivalled saviour, a saviour that has capabilities of advanced healing, super strong ARMs ablities, excels in power, technique and support. People thinks that you are perfect and give you a title dazzling guardian of peace during these three years. But you aren't perfect, you lose your cheerfulness, you are only thinking of other people's safety first, you didn't think much of yourself, please think of yourself and respect yourself more.

Ryurinko: how.... I will be the same again, When I was broke, emotionally broke, I needed a person accompany with, I needed the warmth, I need the feeling of being secured, after losing her and leaving me alone when I need someone at least calm me, making me feel better, but there wasn't a person there to support me, my past already hit and haunted me much that I will be broke at any moment. At that time, that moment I realized I am just a weak girl, how am I going to protect anyone with weak fist that I had. I used be a girl that I think is weak before, I used to think being cheerful can lead me a good luck, used to think I could let any thing go passed and live according. But I was wrong, i wasn't a girl to has that I have my perspective of myself. I wanted to get stronger and stronger, so I could feel secured. In the end I was a girl that needed to be secured, but nothing, nothing was done to let me felt better, it just broke me further, I not even knew how to being cheerful anymore, no one helped me, no one cared of me, no one loved me. So I needed to train to train even more and more, stronger and even stronger to become unrivalled, that was what I did in three years time alone after the incident. How could I be normal after that...

Zerek gets off her for what she said, for those three years that she was alone while he was roaming around until he found Rosemary and decided to adopt her, three years after the incident he went back with Rosemary as he had thought of Ryurinko, he thought that she was looking strong, but that was only her strong outer shell. Time passed, just now he had found out why his bestie become a girl that lost her cheerfulness, it was because when she needed someone to help her, but there no one available. He understands now, even though Ryurinko looks strong in outside, that was just her outer shell looks strong, she isn't strong in inside, she is soft and vulnerable inside of her, it seems like the inside of her was being crushed into shards that why she isn't that cheerful anymore.

Zerek: sorry, I didn't knew you had been suffering badly alone, I thought you are strong willed person, but I was wronged, Rinko, I am sorry for not realizing that you needed help at that time. I dunno that you are strong and unbreakable in outside but inside of you are a vulnerable girl that need to be secured, to me you are like a sister, a cute and hot sister. Who need to be cheerful. Sorry that I had torned your shirt.

Ryurinko: it is ok.

Ryurinko heads to her room to get change into her fresh top, then she walk back to where Zerek is.

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