Special chapter

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Special Chapter 1: One Day... Me and You

Betting is a bad thing for everyone, it is also an illegal activity. However, me and that handsome guy have already done it. We're just playing stealthily and the police aren't going to make it a big deal out of it..

Anyway, this is just a joke.

'Whoever utters rude words first... will be punished'

I smiled alone staring intently at the balcony, plotting a trick to make myst the winner.

I'll definitely won't lose. I'm telling ya, bastarrrr..., handsome guy!

Just started and it was almost a failure.

From the first second after the game started, this handsome man immediately started to annoy me by insulting, mocking me for being stupid, fat, big feet, all other kinds of criticism about my body. I want to spit out harsh words, but I can't because it would be against the rules. So I said in my head instead like, 'Damn Ai Tin!".

"What do you want to eat and fellow, eh, you." Almost slipped.

Huh!! To be honest, this game is many times more difficult than the national test.

"I want to eat Mama Tom Yum with cheese." Said the tall figure in a sweet voice, standing behind me who was busy washing the dishes. His hand caressed my waist to provoke my anger which would be fatal. I stood still letting him play as he pleased.

Hmm, I want to win, even if it means sacrificing my life.

"And also eat the person who cooks." His nose constantly nudged my neck, shoulder and cheek repeatedly. It's his ruthless tactic to disrupt my concentration.

Damn it, nothing could be more dangerous than this!!

"Don't play with my belly." I warned the stubborn guy. He pulled my shirt up to reveal my stomach and tried to bend over to do something like he did last night.

Hey! Do you want to be my navel for the rest of your life?

"Kiss Me." whispered the tall figure.

"Kiss my feet, you bastarrrr....-"

"Hmm?" the handsome man raised his eyebrows ready to catch me, but I won't be fooled.

"Kiss my feet, here it is."


"You want to eat Mama, don't you?" I changed the subject. "I want to." The man nodded.

"Then wait there." I said to him with a sad expression then he smiled as if he liked something. This time he complied but he stood still a little further away from me.

When I finished preparing food for him, I walked over to the couch and served it, which had become a routine thing to do on every day off or any other day of staying over at his condo.

"Hmmm." The person watching TV inhaled the smell of the food in front of him.

"Perfect!" I said proudly. This cooking skill of mine should be a five star restaurant chef also reward me.

"I mean, this one smells good."

The handsome man averted his eyes from the bowl and rested his nose on my arm.

Huh, goosebumps!!

"Smells good." I held up my toe to show him just in case he wanted to try something weird. There might even be blood on your face.

"Wow... why are you so fierce?" the tall figure frowned. He quickly vomited after tasting the food. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You set me up... you genius bastard." Hah!!

Looks like I have to go, because he seemed to blame me with a sharp look.


"Where are you going?" the fierce man gripped my body tightly.

I tried my best to get free from him. I was about to run to the kitchen to get a weapon, but with my slow speed and range it was easier for him who was chasing me to catch me. Finally, I was dragged into the room by the stronger man, and pushed me onto the bed. He was on top of me with my arms locked by him.

"Delicious, isn't it?" I asked teasing the person above me without being able to stop laughing.


"Doesn't it taste good? I tried my best." I said while smiling cheerfully.

"You are right!" the handsome man said with his deep voice then quickly kissed my lips roughly.

"Ah... stop it, handsome guy." Before the second time, I pushed him hard.

"What?" The one who didn't know his own fate raised his eyebrows suspiciously. I looked at him with a mocking smile.

"You lose." ". "

The handsome guy is still confused!!

"I won." I put my hand on his neck before the loser realized he had broken the rules. His face was so pale that he looked like a vampire.

Ting! Ting Ting!

The penalty for losing is...

"Plucking a hundred leg hairs?" the loser frowned as he read the writing. Forgive me for writing it in the first place rules.

"Yes." I imitated his polite tone and now I'm quite surprised hahaha.

"It's a bit mean, can you change to something else?"

"Eh. , I don't know." I pretended to turn my head the other way.

"Okay, let's do it." Quickly the handsome guy unpleasantly raised his legs into my lap with a strong force.

Hmm!!! A little more.

I picked up my weapon to punish the loser.

"You look like you're not ready?" said the handsome man.

"A little." I grabbed tweezers to pull out his hair before putting his feet back in my lucky win. Just wait and see. Ugh!! At first I wanted to wax, but it will definitely hurt, costly, painful, itchy. All mixed up so I withdrew that option.

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

"Already." he growled at me, but he was trying as hard as he could to fight a tiger.

"First one." I chose the thickest and with full force. Then pulled!!

"Ouch!" the tall man groaned hurriedly retracting his leg while rubbing his shins vigorously to numb the pain.


I pulled the other leg and put it on the same spot to start the punishment.

"Second one."

"It hurts!" The tall figure screamed loudly into my face and pulled his leg back like before. I can only laugh. I honestly admit that I am completely satisfied with what I did.

"Give me back your legs. There are ninety-eight more left." "Painful!" those eyes wanted to cry, but I don't care.

"Give me your leg." I suppressed my voice before he slowly extended his leg.

The third, fourth, fifth strands, gradually fall one by one. He sat down with a sad expression on his face, gritted his teeth, bit his lip, groaned and turned his head to the other side without daring to turn to see my task at his feet.

"Twenty one..."

All this time he was crying. It must be painful.

"Twenty five."

Only a quarter of the deal, I put the tweezers on the table.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

The handsome man stared at me with wide eyes while pursing his lips at his reddened legs for me to see.

"It looks like. , hahaha." I want to record a video or take a picture of

the current situation.

I sat laughing until I wasn't aware of the danger that threatened me because that handsome man suddenly grabbed me. He made me lie down on the couch cushions and he was on top of me.

"What do you want?" I asked, surprised.

"Punishment." In short, with a sly glance and a grin that already explained what the form of punishment would be.

"I didn't lose." I protested with an angry expression.

". " But the answer was silence.

"You said rude words first, so you should be punished." I haven't given up trying to explain the agreed upon rules.

Don't lie to me, I won't give up.

"But I'm not saying that people who say harsh words later won't be punished here."


"You plucked my hair out." A handsome man said with elongated tone of voice and face full of seriousness as if he was waiting for revenge.

"What do you want to do to me? No!!!" I screamed when I couldn't deal with it. It's probably gonna hurt.

"Huh, no but would..." the person above me smirked, which told me he really couldn't be trusted. Plus he slowly ran his eyes down my body from top to bottom.

"What is it?"

The tall figure licked his lips and narrowed his eyes at me like one who wants to...

"Take it off." He said without a moment's hesitation.

"No!! Nope!!"

I could only scream because he was physically stronger, while I was frantically dealing with things to cover my body.

"One." The tall figure lifted me up and pulled the first thing into the air.

Oh, my shirt is taken off. "Two."

Pants, don't take off my pants! I saw my favorite pair of shorts flung and disappear behind the couch.

"And Three."

"Stop." I grabbed his arm before he could take off the last piece of my clothes.

Shit, after all this, I'm going to be naked.

"Save it for tonight." I made my bid in a sweet and slightly flirtatious tone. Of course this is only a survival trick. Huh!

"I won't be fooled."

"Don't you feel sorry for me?" I put on a sad face. I completely begged, but...



"Not at all?" Think again... what a nice guy.


Well, I must have expected too much from this sneaky guy who didn't even pity me like he said he would. I couldn't hold out any longer to keep my guard up.

But, but, but...

Instead he undressed himself. What the f*ck!

"Then why did you take off your shirt?" I asked, frowning. The handsome man came closer and whispered a soft voice next to my ear.

"I will fight with you." "No! You bastard!"

"Come back my little monkey."

Special Chapter 2: Selection of Student Council President

The atmosphere on the last day of the campaign for the new student council president was very lively with representatives from both sides continuing to state their policies and procedures after being elected. The bloodbath of those who will vote (the so-called fan base) follows at the voting booth.

However, the number of people is not equal because they tend to belong to the party with the most handsome leader of this century.

"Hello friends, brothers and sisters and all the teachers. Welcome to the live broadcast of the final round of student council president election! From the majestic and too charming student, of course, with Lily Lalita now." A spokesperson from the Public Relations Club spoke in a hoarse voice that sounded more annoying than pleasing to the ear.

I didn't expect that in the past month, the election of the new student council president was the most watched event of the school. More than the change of the principal. According to the public opinion elections, during the campaign recently, the 'BIG GROWTH' Party, the No. 1 candidate, remained strong. Overcoming the No. 2 candidate of the 'No Rest' Party.

The 'No Rest' party whispered to Lily not to talk too much or she would have a sore throat. Then Lily sat and pondered.

I stood with a grin on my face as I watched the live broadcast in close-up.

"Oh my God, Breeze Excel. Now both party leaders are in line. We'll be interviewing them a little bit to help decide tomorrow which number in the future will put your physical and emotional energy in. Let's go,

start with number two, and look at the polls on the back. We feel sorry for ." Lily giggled at me who had smiled. I was surprised that I was the one who felt sorry for her..

Wait till I win. I will fight you.

"First question... How do you feel about today's final campaign?"

"The atmosphere was very lively. Thanks to everyone who supported our party. See you tomorrow." I smiled for the camera and hold up a two finger sign.

"Not bad either." As for the tall man on the side. He answered in a very calm voice and made an expressionless face. Suspicious, perhaps he was nervous to the point of being speechlessness.

"Eh, candidate number one is really frugal, audience. Only three syllables. Hahaha. Just kidding." The spokesperson scratched his head, turning to look at the PR team controlling the operation. Each of them had a different expression on their face.

"Then the second question... how confident are you that your Party will win?"

I'm honored to be the first to answer that question again.

"Ninety percent." I really want to answer a hundred, but I'm afraid that the people here who are frightened by me will have to retreat. If so, the competition wouldn't be very interesting, would it?

"How about the BIG GROWTH party?" "A part."

Brief, concise. I sneered at that person's answer.

"Another short answer, guys. Hahaha."

The rumors are true that the number one party leader is a cold person.

"Next question... If you were selected, what would you do for our school?"

I made a thoughtful face.

"There were a lot of developments both academically, artistically and in sports. As well as the dissolution of the administration." This last sentence is the voice from my heart.

"Calm down P, I don't want to get involved in this matter." Lily frowned and shook her head away from the camera.

"I'm just kidding, hehe."

"How about you, P Tin?" The tall figure did not answer the beautiful female spokeswoman. He handed her his brochure and a cold smile.

Ah, I was confused at first, but now I understand. I will read it to everyone, blah blah blah...

"Let's consider that enough for today. Thank you very much to both party leaders and see you at the election tomorrow. Don't forget to cast your vote, honey. See you soon, muah!"

After the interview, I went back to my Party and... God, it was so quiet that it made the neighboring stalls filled with crowds of jostling to the point where there might have been a tragedy of someone stepping on a broken bone. Amen.

"Ai Gun, let's go to class. If you're late, you'll be punished again." Yo tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll be right there. I'll be packing in a bit." I got up to pack things like brochures and other items, put them in cardboard boxes before walking in front of the booth to see my standee. I quickly smiled.

"You are really handsome, Ai Gun."

After watching myself, I walked into the school building. At the same time, a tall person from my rival party walked right by the corner of the building. I looked at him and he did the same. We never disagreed with each other, but I don't know why I disliked him so much.

I signaled that I was ready to fight if the other side had a problem with me. However, the person in front of me raised an eyebrow before looking at me from head to toe and from feet to head. Then he grinned, sneered, and walked away.

"I'll punch you in the mouth!"


Election day. The booth had not been opened yet, already hundreds of students had come and lined up to vote. However, had to return to the field for today's flag raising ceremony. The principal and vice principal invited all students to elect a student council president to represent the students in various activities.

After the ceremony ended, the students ran to the voting booth. They selected the number by pressing on their favorite candidate number. The system will record the score. If you count each ballot one by one it can take a long time to count them. Scores are updated every half hour by the Election Commission which includes former Student Council members, Teachers, and the Parents' Club.Everyone trusts them in the transparency of the scores that will be published.

I, Kantaphol Wongwittaya as the leader of the "No Rest" party, along with many other party friends came to the booth to exercise my rights as well.

When I saw the score that had been opened for the first half hour, my knees dropped.

30: 805

"Isn't now the time to retreat?" Pat whispered to me and the rest of the group.

"The war isn't over. The bullets haven't been counted." Yo speaks loud and clear. He trembled from being hit on the head with full force.

"The whole thing."

"Hahaha!" Po accepts the joke and strikes a surprised pose.

"Damn it, you still dare to be funny?" Win the stubborn man spoke with a disgusted face.

"Let's not stress." Yo grinned before pushing everyone to the polls.


Time had passed before lunch break. With only about half an hour time left to vote, turnout was now 95% out of 3,500 students. From 30 votes, it rose to 150. Meanwhile, the total score of the other parties was 3,175.

"I'm going to the market for a bit." Pat walked to the middle of the line.

"Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I asked if he will buy vegetables or meat?

"Wanna buy something to cover my head. "Damn it."

"I had told you not to sign up." "Made more experience." "Shameful experience."


It's time to close the vote. Voter turnout this year is the highest in history with 98% of voters. And the winner, as expected, was the 'BIG GROWTH' Party with a total of 3,200 votes. Win 18 times over your opponent's only 175.

"Failure." Pat put his hand to his temple.

"A complete failure." Yo said by covering his face with his hands.

"I'm ashamed." Win and Po put their sweaters on over their heads.

"Too bad, that's all." I entertain everyone. While thinking to myself 'Is that cool? Leaving all this with an insulted look on my face.


In the evening, the 'No Rest' Party stopped at a bar. We booked a VIP room before the grand party started.

"Drink to this pain." Yo raised his glass to open the party. Win, who was sitting next to him, focused his eyes on the glass before speaking out loud.

"Isn't it water?"

"Oh, this bar doesn't sell liquor to minors." Yo was annoyed as if he was going to destroy this store. Anyway, everyone sitting on these chairs were getting bored. Well, they were planning to get drunk, but the best drink we have right now is "water". What the f*ck!


"Hey Pat?" Po who was sitting next to me turned and asked the guy sitting in front of me. He suddenly grinned for no reason.

Pat did not answer his question. Instead, he reached into his backpack and pulled out something.

"I have a drink."

"Twenty-first century brat!" Yo scolded Pat before reaching out to grab a bottle of liquor and setting it down.

"A very solemn insult."

When the liquor is ready, the soda is ready, the appetizer is ready. The defeat party has begun.

"One by one."

We can drink two glasses each. Po, who asked permission to go to the bathroom, walked back with a crowd of dozens of people.

"Someone's coming to join in."

"Who?" I asked sleepily, trying to focus my eyes on the person who was at the door, beyond my ability to do so right now.

"My opponent, right?"

"Huh, are you kidding me?" I said, but I ignored it and I immediately turned my attention to the karaoke.

"No one can't. I'm willing to be the second~"

"You're too drunk, Ai Gun"

I'm not drunk, Yo." I objected to Win and immediately hugged Yo's shoulder.

"I'm not. "

"Shut your mouth, noisy." [POV Tin]

"I leave it to you, Tin."

"Hmm." I answered my friend in another room before glancing at the person lying on the marble counter in front of the bar.

"Where is your house?" "At home."

"Annoying!" I shook my head at the drunken man's useless reply. Then reached out into his trouser's pocket for a cell phone, but I have to face an

even more painful reality.

The battery is dead. Huh!!! Forget it.

Special Chapter 3: The Truth About That Night[POV Tin]

"It's hot, it's hot!"

"Calm down." I told the drunk person who was screaming from the store to the condo, but it didn't seem like he would care. He continued to wriggle as if he had been splashed with hot water.

"I'm hot." He not only complained, but also used his hands to unbutton and take off his shirt, quickly lying on the floor of the room. I saw it and sighed wearily.

Then I got up and turned on the air conditioner. Then went back to deal with annoying people.

"Wake up!" I ordered.

"No. I'm going to sleep here." The figure crawling on the floor of the room acted like a clinging gecko.

"Sleep on the bed." I pulled the sleeping person's hand to the bed. But he stretched again. The more exertion, the more I felt he was heavier.

"Are you a dog?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'll sleep here."

"Sleep on the bed." I ordered sharply. Then I squatted down so I could carry him. Unfortunately, when I grabbed one of his arms, the other arm moved.


It felt like being hit with a hammer in the middle of the forehead. A million stars twinkling overhead appeared. I lightly rubbed my forehead while moving my head. If he still stays that way, he deserves to be thrown from the balcony.

I still believe in the Thai proverb, "Effort will not betray the result". I can lift him. Unfortunately, a new problem is coming.

Oee!!! Stupid!

"Humph!" I cursed when I saw the state of my shirt which was now filled with his vomit. Other than that, he went back to sleeping on the floor.

"Another problem."

Because our condition is not different at all. I entered the bathroom, took off my shirt, only with boxer shorts. As for the troublemaker, I took off his pants too. I helped him change his clothes, washed his face clean and laid him down on the bed.

While walking to bed, he was silent. He didn't make me complain or get angry at all. However, when we stepped on the bed, his hands kept slapping my face without leaving a second.

"Irritating!" "Go to sleep.' "Hot."

I frowned before picking up the remote to turn on the AC again.

"Soft bed." muttered a thin figure rolling over my bed until he reached the middle of the bed. He laid down with his feet moving until they fill the space.

"Yo, let's sleep."

"I'm not Yo!" I said angrily.

"Stupid!" He finished speaking, got up and moved to the side of the bed, then pulled my arms so hard that we both fell together on the bed.

"What do you want?" I asked the drunk person when I saw him turn me around.


"Do you want to be slapped?"

"Slap your ass, you idiot!" he said, laughing out loud.

"Is it funny?" ". "

"Why are you silent?" The man with his eyes closed was still muttering. Hitting my arm non-stop.


He seemed speechless, but he gave me a hard slap on the neck before squeezing me tightly.

"That's strong." "Hmm."

"Go to sleep." I said for the hundredth time, observing his condition. When I saw that he had calmed down, I let go of the hand that was clinging to me and let the drunken man rest. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to want to rest in bed. Instead he rolled over and fell to the floor with a loud crash.

I looked at him angrily and took a deep breath. Then raised the unconscious man's arm. Laid him back on the bed with a pillow just in case if he falls off the bed again and ends up sleeping on the floor instead. He won't even notice.

Late at night after taking a shower, I went to turn off the light and stepped into the bed. I almost forgot that there was a person today. We slept in the same bed, now he was covered under a thick blanket. I hope he doesn't wake up and do something horrible late at night again because this time I'm really going to throw him out of the room.

"Uhm." A muffled voice came from under the covers as he tossed and turned, as if he needed help. I hastily turned on the bedside lamp and poked the drunken figure head from the blanket that was up to his neck.

"Can't you sleep peacefully?" I couldn't hold back my anger and let out a loud scream. How many problems have happened since the previous pub until now? I can't even count the problems I've had so far.


Damn it!!!

I rubbed my cheek which had just got hit by his palm. My nerves were painful as if they were completely severed.

I glanced at him with an angry look. Hey, if I don't get revenge on you troublemaker, my life will never be happy.

I got out of bed and opened the desk drawer. Took out a box of condoms, rip open a pack, pulled it out and then put some lube gel inside to make it look like it a real used condom. Then I put it in the trash can next to the bed. The box was placed on the floor near his uniform which looked like it had been thrown and scattered all over the room.

"When you wake up, I'll see you later." I grinned at the person on my bed before turning off the lights and going back to sleep, not forgetting to make my plans look smarter.


Special Chapter 4: Our First Valentine

Our senior year of high school Valentine's Day wasn't as luxurious and flashy as others because in two weeks we had to take our national exam. Prepare for the exam and study hard. I am also one of them. Although this year I have a boyfriend like everyone else, but everything is still the same as last year, simple and calm.

The library is where me and the handsome guy usually read books. The reason I don't read at home or at the handsome guy's apartment is because I'm going to oversleep so I have to stay here. Other friends are also here, opening a study group with Po as a tutor.

I sat and looked at the piles of exam questions and guidelines that I had to complete. Whether you want it or not. I took a deep breath because there were so many. The handsome man diligently practices working on old exam questions. Of course, an Olympiad Gold Medalist like him, writing is as fast as a rocket sent to explore a space planet.

"Sleepy?" The tall figure turned to me and asked, this was the first time I've opened my mouth to yawn. The proof is that I'm not actually sleepy, but just wanted to yawn.



"It's not even noon yet." I looked at the library wall clock.

"Have you solved the problems yet?" His warm tone suddenly turned sharp when talking about that. You're ready to be turned into a mother, aren't you?

"One percent of you." I pretended to make a loud noise.

"Hurry up, the actual exam time is limited."

"Correct." I raised my voice and raised my hand in greeting.


After lunch, we went back together to continue reading books. Starting from chemistry lessons. The first question came straight to me from the tutor.

"Find me the atomic symbol for this element." The tall figure handed me a piece of paper.

"Don't you remember?" I raised my eyebrows and wondered, because isn't it strange that an International Chemistry Olympiad gold medalist who has memorized the entire periodic table and the atomic mass number of the elements for asking me to solve it for him?

"You really don't remember?"

"Student-level Academic Olympiad winner, don't you remember?" I asked again.

"I forgot.

Is that a simple reason? Saying forget, makes me want to kill you

I muttered in my head before flipping through my textbook to the last page detailing the periodic table.

"Hurry up" The handsome man rushed.

"Yes yes." I looked up, gritted my teeth at the person making the sound.

I went through the elements in the table to find an Atomic Symbol that matched this smart guy's problem.

Numbers 53 71 23 and 92

Umm... Ah, this one, this one, this one, and this one.

And scribbled on the paper that the handsome man gave me first.

I Lu V U

"I found 53 Iodine, 71 Lutetium..." I told him in a clear voice. When I was about to mention the third element, I accidentally glanced back at what I had written down on the paper.


I opened my eyes wide, surprised by what my brain interpreted.

I Lu V U is I Love You..

Because of that, I took my eyes off the book and stared at him. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and a hand scratched the back of the handsome boy's neck. Even though we weren't looking at each other, I could tell what he was up to.

"Wow..." I teased him.

"Do you like it?" The tall figure asked in a low voice with the smile still on his face.

"Well... good." I shrugged, trying my best not to show my body that I was embarrassed. He reached into his bagpack and handed over a small box.

Seeing the box of goods on the hands of the handsome guy, I feel less confident because I have been lied to so much. Previous experience made me learn many things.

"If it's a condom, I'll blow you up in the library." I threatened first.

"Huh?" the handsome man snorted and smiled mischievously. That's it, making such a face, who wouldn't suspect anything?

"Damn it, I can't believe it." I am very reluctant to open this box.

"I haven't done anything yet." "Your face is suspicious." "Open."

I looked around before opening it.

The content is......

Key and key card?

"Your room?" I asked while raising my eyebrows. Even though I already know.

"Hmm." the tall figure nodded and put on a pleased face. Probably he must be thinking I was going to jump around like I've won first prize in the lottery, but sorry, I'm not like that.

"Condo for me?" I pretended not to understand.

The handsome man looked up and took a deep breath.

"Just kidding. but I can't." I held up the key card and acted as if I was

giving it back, but...

"No." the tall figure yelled, glaring at me. Oh, is this a coercion?

"You're like stuffing products to consumers." "Talkative."

"Hmm." This is the stubborn guy.

After that, the handsome man returned to reading. So I put the gift into my backpack, then took out something that I had prepared as well.

"This is for you." I handed the object in my hand to the tall figure in front of me, raising an eyebrow at first, but then smiling.


"Open it." [POV Tin]

I looked at the pen that had my name engraved on it and couldn't help but smile again.

"Use it for test," he said.

"Hmm," I nodded.

"Do you like it?" asked the person in front of me with a confused expression on his face.


I like everything he gives me.

"You mean like me?" he said that while smiling like he wanted to make me blush or something. But he's wrong.

"More than like." "Huh."

"I love you." "Who?"

"You." I said and narrowed my eyes at his reaction as a faint red line down his cheek appeared in my eyes and he pretended to turn the other way.

"53 71 23 92." the person in front of me covered his mouth and muttered under his breathe. Then hurriedly got up and walked away quickly, I could only see him and smile.

Our first Valentine I Love You.

Special Chapter 5: Steamy ���

Disclaimer: Contains sex scene content. If you are under the age of 18, it is advisable not to read this. ���������

'Join the exciting water games of Songkran festival at Non Silom, Khao San.The government officials has ordered a blockade of the traffic.'

From the TV channel that reported on the atmosphere of the Songkran

water splashing game from two famous areas, a lot of people came to share the fun, and I just sat here babbling and negotiating with the person next to me who makes all kinds of excuses, like the weather is hot, it's crowded, there's traffic jams and may have many pickpockets.

Oh, I'm so mad right now.

"Want to go?" The tall figure circled around the sofa. I realized that he had been staring at me for a while and wanted attention.

"Yes, but not eagerly." I replied in a low voice without even looking at him.

"Are you sure?" "Sure."

"But I wanted to take you there, what a pity." The handsome man said and sat beside me. I shifted a little not wanting to be approached.

"Go alone, I'll take care of your condo." I said with a weak voice and get ready to go in to the kitchen. However, his arms held me which forced me to sit in the original position with him hugging my waist.

"Don't sulk."

"I'm not sulking." I shook my head.

"Not sulky, but moody like this." The handsome man touched my lips with his fingers. I slapped his hand until he finally pulled his hand away.

"Don't disturb!"

"I don't want you to go, because it's very hot outside." The tall figure sighed, starting to explain why.

"Wear a hat, take an umbrella, apply sunscreen," I replied as I headed straight towards the balcony.

"There's Traffic jam." "Can take the train."

"There's lots of pickpockets."

"Then don't take valuables along with you. The cellphone can be hung around the neck so it won't get lost."

From talking without looking at each other, now it's my turn to answer the handsome man's question by facing each other face to face.

"You don't want to go?" The owner of the room had a smile on his lips with a mocking look in his eyes.

"If you want to go, then change your clothes."

Hmm? I glared at the handsome guy as soon as he finished speaking. Hey, I'm showing no signs of being too blunt when I want to go. "Give me ten minutes."

* Whoosh!

Faster than a NASA rocket, I got up off the couch and quickly made my way into the bedroom. I opened the wardrobe and picked up specially prepared clothes and wore them without any hesitation. I didn't take more

than two minutes to appear in front of the room owner who was watching a documentary while waiting.

"I'm done." I said excitedly. While the person sitting on the sofa who was smiling, changed in an instant when he turned to look at me with his sharp eyes. Staring at me from head to toe and from foot to head. With a look of dissatisfaction.

"Go change clothes." The handsome man spoke with three words and went back to watching.

Are the clothes not good enough?

White t-shirt and shorts, everyone wears these to splash around, hey!

Confused. I scratched my head and walked to the front of the sofa to ask the reason.

"It's normal clothes." I said while looking at my body again. This is the perfect outfit for the concept of splashing out in the sweltering heat of


"Normal?" The handsome man raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm... normal."

My answer made him sigh heavily, he quickly moved to stand closer to me. He spoke in a flat but scary tone.


"I don't have any more clothes." I was so angry that smoke almost came out of my ears, which was a sign of not being friendly with him. I still insisted on wearing this shirt.

"No more clothes?" The tall figure suppressed his voice, pulling my hand towards the room. The next scene is not to the bed as imagined, but to the front of the wardrobe. He opened them, rummaged through my clothes, and took out what he sees fit.

"Wear this."

I narrowed my eyes at what the handsome man was holding in his hand.


Long-sleeved black T-shirt and sweatpants?

I'm not going for sports.

I'm... going...to...the ceremony... to. Songkran.

"Do not want." I was about to leave the room, but he grabbed my arm.

"Must wear." "Not at all."

"You have to wear this." The handsome man is not to be outdone. Me too. We both stood up angrily. No one wants to budge from the debate.

"Then I'm not going." I pretended to give up, quickly took my hand off his and went to the bathroom.

"I do not want!" A loud voice from behind made me stop in silence. I turned around and saw a tall man who was now with a flat face, but his sharp eyes looked at me seriously.

"What?" I was startled to see another person approaching until my body could not take a step. His breath blew from his head and down to his


"Don't want. what you have."

". " I heard every sentence without thinking to even say anything.

"That shirt will get wet from the water. You know, those pants are too short. I'm afraid people will glance at you."


"Change." asked the handsome man with a melodious voice that made my body almost go limp. At first I tried my best not to be fooled, but I was defeated in the end. It's just that I won't wear the one chosen by him, we're both looking for something common. I have a set to go to Songkran.

The same shirt, with extra outer wear. Pants that extend above the knee.

This is the neatest Songkran in my life. Rather than in typical Thai clothing. Or you want to campaign, huh?

Around 2 pm, me and a tall man arrived at the event area of 'Songkran Jalan Non Silom, safe, non-alcoholic' event.

Today is the first day tourists can play in it. So there will be a lot of people.A long line with no end in sight, finally crept forward.

At the Sala Daeng intersection, officers worked hard and fast in checking the luggage and goods for tourists who came to attend the event. With

searches such as high-pressure water gun, powder, alcohol, carried out very strictly. I gave confidence to the officers that Kantaphol was a good boy. I only brought BTS (Train) tickets, pocket money, and a mini water gun that even the ants couldn't fly away when they're sprayed on.

Entering the area, the atmosphere was getting lively. Tourists splashed water on each other, aiming merrily at passers-by.

I could only look at the scene with a smile. I'm like a person who must be accompanied by parents.

"Isn't this too close?" I squinted at him.

The handsome man shrugged and looked ahead.

"No." and he said with a straight face.

"What's wrong?" We walked until I thought we were conjoined twins.

The tall figure looked at me with a smile before pushing me forward, and didn't care at all.


My situation with people hasn't worked out to spray water in response to them. Even though half an hour had passed. When a teenager came to spray water at me and leaned over to talk, a tall figure rushed into the middle.

Conducting a conversation that I didn't know until it made the teenager to leave the place.

"Who should I spray?" I asked. When ready to spray water at someone, he got in the way.


Oh, I wouldn't have come all this way if I just have to spray water at you. Smart guy.

"What a waste of water." I said and hurried up.

"Or did I hurt you a little?" handsome man bent down to speak in the crowd. When I heard him, I elbowed him hard.

"Painful." The man groaned in pain. I don't care, better have fun.


A few hours later.

My stomach is growling, indicating that you need to hurry up and find something to fill your tummy.

"I'm hungry." I said to the person behind me. The handsome man raised his eyebrows then pulled my hand to the side of the road. He took out three packages of roasted pork sticky rice from his pocket. My eyes lit up and grabbed it.

Quickly in a split second, everything disappeared into my stomach without stopping.

Until I realized, I had nothing left to eat.

"I ate it all." I said and didn't dare to look at him.

"I know.


(*But in the series they enjoyed alot playing with water and not just once but twice ☺☺���)

Neither of us played much in the water. I felt guilty for not sharing my food with the handsome man, so I thought he would be very hungry. Actually, there was plenty of food along the way, but he turned it down when I offered stop by the shop.

"Let's go home." I pulled the tall man's arm to follow me. When I left the area, all I felt was cold. Even hugging myself still felt cold.

"Cold." I muttered. then surprised when he suddenly grabbed me by the shoulder, walking calmly.

He asked if I was getting warm. I said no but it was warm.

When I got back to the condo, I immediately rushed to take a shower.

Afterward, I reached out for the towel but found nothing. Going out in this state was too risky. The handsome man will see it.

"Hey, please get me a towel!" I shouted for help from the person who was supposed to be in the bedroom.

"Listen, don't you?" I repeated. No answer. Almost two minutes passed and he was still silent. I thought he was watching TV. So I'll sneak out to get a towel. I felt safe as I slowly opened the bathroom door.

Umm. but,


As soon as I opened the door, a tall figure appeared in front of me, only wrapped in a towel. Very close. I quickly covered my body with my dirty shirt.

"Why are you here?" I said.

"I want to take a shower."He said in a monotone voice while staring at my body with sly eyes.

"I'm taking a shower. Can't you see? Get out!" "No."

Before the handsome man approached me, he was about to take off his towel.

"Hey! Don't let go!" I screamed in surprise and raised my hands to close my eyes.

A tall figure approached and pushed me until my back hit the wall. It looked like he had taken off his towel, meaning we were both now without a single piece of cloth.

"I want to spray water." whispered a low voice in my ear. Automatically made my hair stand up.

His hand touched my face, forcing me to look at him in the eye. Then, his thick lips were placed on top of mine.

The tenderness was gradually turning into an unusual warmth from both of us. Wanted to go deeper.

My legs wrapped around the handsome man's waist. A hand gripped my hips and lifted them up.

He started to put it in, gradually started to move and increase the rhythm stronger and bolder. I unintentionally let out a groan.

His moans, his hotter kisses, melted me, making my heart beat even faster. This is my first time. We did it until we showered with sweat.

Starting to climax, he pressed his body against mine to the deepest point until he released a warm liquid.

The tall body groaned in my ears.

"Another round?" He asked.

"No! Get off me." I said while I hit it on the shoulder.

The handsome man smiled sweetly. Then his kisses landed on my cheeks and lips. He pressed his body to mine again to get closer.

"Ah, it hurts!" I complained.

"One more time." "I'm tired."

"You just shut up. Let me do it." He kissed my lips again.

I can only complain in my head. This time the beat was hotter than the last time.

We did it almost for half an hour. I want to pass out. A handsome man whispered in my ear.

"Before going to sleep, we should do it in bed." "You want to knock me out?"

"I want to make you love me more." "You Tin!!!"


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