Epilogue - "Kiss and tell..."

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Manik smiles and faces the buzzing crowd.

"You want me to introduce my lady love to you all. Well, she is Nandini Murthy. My college-mate. But that is not her only identity. Okay, before revealing that, I want to know how many of you are the fan of Rockstar Manik Malhotra?"

The whole audience screams loudly,

"We...aaaaalllllllll. We love you Maniiiiiiiikkkkk...."

Manik nods with a smile and continues,

"Thank you. Thank you so much. Now, tell me how many of you have read Nutty M's books and how much do you like them?"

This time the deafening cheer echoes in the entire hall.

"They are the readers' delight. We loooooove Nutty M. She is our ultimate solace."

Some boys even yell,

"I want to marry her...please tell herrrrrr..."

Manik looks at Nandini and gives a nonchalant smile.

"Better luck next birth.."

He winks at her and whispers. Nandini bites her lips in satisfaction. Manik again faces the throng and goes on,

"If I tell you that she is here with us? What will be your reaction?"

His words get suppressed by the thunderous hooting,

"Wooooooooo.....we want to see her...we want to see her...we want...."

Nandini looks around and licks her lips with a pounding heart. Manik feels her grip on his hand becomes tighter. He inhales sharply and announces,

"Nutty M is none other than Nandini Murthy. The girl I love. The author I am a huge fan of. But the funny thing is, this was a secret even to me until tonight. I was totally oblivious that the person I made my agony aunt and the girl to whom I have lost my heart is the same person. Okay, I don't want you all to be confused. So, here is our weird love story.."

Manik starts to narrate the whole story. Sometimes the audience laughed and sometimes they just moved into tears. It was like a fairy tale for everyone. The story of a Rockstar and his secret Cinderella. After 15 to 20 minutes, Manik ends his story and asks,

"Now, tell me what should she do? Being awkward for her poll apart image or accept the truth that she is what she is?"

The zealous crowd bursts,

"We love you Nandini Murthyyyyy.....You are beautiful....the way...you are...You are the queen of our heart...Manik loves youuuuuu....accept your Lost Boyyyyy.....wooooooooowww....Manan...Manan...Manan..."

Cabir and Navya come to them. Cabir teasingly says,

"Wow...they have already blended your names and made it Manan. Nutty M...oops sorry, Nandini, grab your Lost Boy before he really gets lost...ha...ha..."

Manik glares at him. Nandini smiles at Manik and turns to the hooting audience. She shows her hand to stop their shout. Gradually, the crowd becomes silent. Nandini takes a deep breath and starts,

"I have never thought that one day I would face my fans and feel their love for me. Because I was always afraid of my boring and simple appearance. I thought that only my pen can do miracles. Until I met Manik. Manik Malhotra the heartthrob of the nation made me realise that love doesn't depend on looks and outer appearance. Actually, we both make each other realise that love doesn't follow any rule or stereotypical thoughts. If he got his secret Cinderella then I got my Prince charming. I have always written about love in my books but to be frank, I have come to know the real meaning of love today. Love is not 'if' or 'because'. Love is 'anyway' and 'even though' and 'in spite of.'

The whole crowd again bursts in zest.


Navya murmurs with dreamy eyes,

"Hmmmmm....I wish someday they will cheer for us as Cavya...Cavya...Cavya..."

Cabir frowns at her and asks quizzically,


Navya flares her nostrils and utters with frustration,

"Cabir plus Navya is equal to Cavya...you stupid. That's why nothing happens to us...uff..."

She stomps on the stage. On the other side, Nandini pulls Manik and again stands under the bright spotlight. Today she has to come out of her cocoon. The cocoon of her image and hesitance and has to speak her mind. She looks into Manik's eyes and passionately mouths,

"I know you are eagerly waiting for those three words which I haven't spoken yet. So, here it is..."

Manik widens his eyes and eagerly awaits.

"Will you be.....My Agony Aunt?"

Her lips curve in mischief. Manik gapes in surprise,

"WHAT? These are your three words? Nandini...please.."

He sounds helpless. Nandini chuckles and wobbles in denial.

"No...I don't need any word to say that..."

She raises her heels and stands on her toes to reach his lips. In the next moment, two soft petals touch Manik's lips. Manik slowly shackles her waist and sinks his lips on hers deeply. The audience again bursts with cheer. Their once accidental kiss turns to an acceptance kiss. It is truly said,

"Once in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, love gives us a Fairy Tale."

Author's note: So, here ends their fairy tale love story. Rockstar Manik Malhotra gets his secret Cinderella and Nerdy Nandini Murthy gets her Prince charming. Hope you enjoyed the whole journey. I again want to remind that this story is dedicated to my sisters mahaenterprises and jasmine_r22I love you sisi. 😘😘😘❤❤❤

Thank you all



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