Mystery Seven: The Goat

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Your next task was to herd the goats. The frogs had told you that you would be herding the goats at a ranch that belonged to a man named Fado. Herding was something Link used to do every day. The issue now was that you didn't know when Link would show up to herd the goats. It was a game of Russian Roulette. So everyday, you herded the goats, hoping that one day he would see your diligence.

There was one goat that was always stubborn. The goat was a different shade from the rest, with a gold ring on one of its large horns. It would take you longer to get this specific goat into the barn, but you eventually gathered all the goats nonetheless. Fado would always stand dumbfounded after you herded the large creatures. He never thanked you for the completing the task, but at this point you were already used to the villagers of Ordon ignoring you. It were as if they couldn't see you.

You headed later to the ranch one particular morning, passing by the serene spring you slept at not too long ago, the same spring where you saw the large mystical goat. You only saw it once because it disappeared within the blink of an eye. The spring was still empty with the calm waters swaying at the edges of the sand.

I don't know why I thought I saw something. And I don't know why I thought that something would return. 

You left the spring and headed to the ranch, ready to herd the goats. As you walked on the elevating path that led into the pasture, you saw a figure in the distance, grooming one of the goats. You saw Talo talk to the figure, a smile plastered on the older man's face before he retreated back into the barn.

You didn't have to look twice to realize it was Link who was grooming the goats. You felt spark of happiness resonate in yourself since your efforts had finally paid off. You walked down the path and farther into the pasture slowly until you were on opposite ends of the field. 

Any rational person would have found this situation extremely awkward, and that was exactly how you were feeling. You were a stranger to Link, and he was a stranger to you despite the connection that two of you had. Both of you were unaware of that connection and were unsure of how to take that first step now that the moment had actually come. The difference was that you knew things about Link and his past while he didn't know about you.

How does one approach such a situation as this?

You sat on the fence, near the group of goats that gathered around you when they noticed your presence. They started to graze on the grass and fill up their stomachs before you took them into the barn for the day. You constantly stole glances at Link, wondering if he even saw you enter the pasture. The frogs were not with you today so you were rather lonely.

The stubborn goat that you always found a pain to herd approached you. Its large horn gently hit your shoulder and you eyed the creature with a curious glance. It was only then that you noticed that goat had very mystical eyes and its horns were rigid instead of smooth.

"I knew you were different," you said to the goat. "But I never realized how different you were."

"You have a keen eye, dear youth," a voice sounded in your mind. 

You had averted your gaze to the blonde boy only to jerk your head back to the goat. Along your journey, you've heard voices from frogs, a wolf, and a horse, and perhaps even the fish from the river. You thought you had heard it all, but frankly, you were wrong.

"I can hear you too, goat?" you asked the creature. The goat nodded in reply and you let out a sigh. "Why does your voice seem so calm and soothing when you're actually the most stubborn goat here? Don't get me wrong but sometimes it can be a pain in the behind."

"It was a test," the goat replied. "And you have passed."

Another test? Just how many tests are these animals going to put me through?

You saw the goat frown at you, indicating that it also had the power to read your mind. Your eyes widened and you quickly apologized.

"Everything that has happened to me in this village has been strange, goat. Can you tell me why? All the animals here seem to be very well versed in what is going on," you told it.

"Traveler, my name is Ordona. Please call me Ordona. The strange occurrences that you are experiencing is because you are like one of us."

"What do you mean one of us?" You remembered that when you met Alevina, she told you of something similar. She said you were just like her. Now this strange goat was telling you the same thing.

"It is not for me to say, dear youth. However, I do know that in due time you will learn of the what we speak. There is something that has pulled you to this village, correct?"

These animals are indeed intelligent.

"How did you know that?" you asked Ordona.

"Do you remember the spirit at the spring that you saw when you first arrived?"

You nodded as you recalled your thoughts from earlier. Finding it strange that the goat mentioned it.

"What you saw was my real form. Only certain people can see me in that state. When you saw me, that is when I called upon the wolf, the one you know as Alevina."

You noticed once again the goat's statement of certain people. Ordona knew something about you that you did not and you were determined to learn what is was. You also realized that Ordona was probably the one who led you to meet Alevina. You started to wonder what all this information had to do with one another. 

You seeing Ordona. Ordona telling Alevina. Alevina and the other animals putting you through tests. Tests all to help Link and Alevina with a curse of some sort. But what about yourself? What did you have to do with all this?

"Ordona, why am I constantly being tested?"

"We, the animals, are looking for something. Though Alevina and the frogs have already seen it, I wanted to see it for myself."

"What are you looking for?"

"You will learn in time, dear youth."

Just as you were to ask more questions, you saw the familiar blonde heading in your direction of the field.

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