Chapter 12: The Dawn Disaster

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You startle awake, jump up and look around. There was nobody, it was just Lillie, sleep talking, or sleep screaming, one might say.
You lay down again, but couldn't sleep anymore, so you get up.
It is only 5 AM, but who cares?
A few days have passed since the Gym battle, and Lillie and you have been training a lot together. Your Bulbasaur and Lillie's Pokémon correspond very well. You did your daily fitness, listened to great music, and were just feeding your Bulbasaur when suddenly two hands covered your eyes, and everything went dark:
"Goodmorning, Y/n! How are you doing?"
The girl released her hands. It was Dawn, in a pretty, blue dress:
"Haha, goodmorning, Dawn! Waw, going to a party today or something? You look great."
She blushes instantly:
"Oh, me? No, nothing special! Ash is not such a romantic type who would take me to a party..."
You think about parties now:
"Wait... is there a party anytime soon?"
She nods, excited:
"There is! Have you not heard about it? It's next week! Here in Pallet."
Perhaps that's a good opportunity for Lillie and me...
"Really?! Well, Lillie and I are probably going to go, then! You can come with us, Dawn, even if Ash is not coming."
She blushes again:
"That's sweet, Y/n! Thank you so much! I'll come too then!"
You smile:
She smiles too, still blushing:
"Are you always up so early?"
"Often, yeah. I'm an early bird. The others are still sleeping, probably 'till 10 AM. Now it is...7."
She laughs:
"I know that, Ash sleeps 'till noon! I am always awake so early, and he always sleeps so long!"
You were finished feeding Bulbasaur, and Dawn asks a question:
"Well, since they are all sleeping... do you want something, like going shopping or-"
I have nothing else to do... Lillie won't mind. Hopefully...
"Yeah, shopping seems great! Come, stand behind me."
"You'll see." You say, as you call your Charizard-glide. Dawn scares up and jumps behind you:
"You have a Charizard?!"
You laugh:
"A Charizard-glide, as we call it in Alola. It's kinda mine, but I can't fight with him. He's my flying partner!"
You jump on, and help Dawn get on too.
You fly off, and Dawn puts her arms around your chest, but it doesn't give you the exciting feeling as when Lillie does it. Dawn keeps talking, and asks:
"Where are we going?"
"I heard that the Celadon Department Store is great, let's go there! Or anywhere you want to go to?"
"No, the Department Store is an excellent idea!"
Charizard suddenly goes faster, and Dawn tightens her grip on your chest even more. She even puts her head on your shoulder!
The wind is blowing hard, that is, but this is a bit... excessive...
Doesn't she have a relationship with Ash? Yes, she has! I'll ask her about it.
"And, Dawn, how are things going with Ash and your relationship?"
What a smooth operator I am, Arceus.
She whispers in your ear, her head is yet still on your shoulder:
"It's going... alright, I guess. Ash is kind, but as I said not very romantic, he's pretty and such, and he's sweet..."
You feel a 'but' coming:
"But... he's always texting a friend of his... she's called Serena. She lives in Kalos, he met her on one of his journeys, and..."
Damn, she's jealous!
"That's...stupid. But I'm sure that you don't have to be anxious, he loves you."
She didn't hear the last part, apparently:
"It is! I'm sure you wouldn't do such a thing, would you, Y/n?"
Uh, if it was Lillie who was in Kalos, I'd do the same... but I can't say that!
"No, of course not... but-"
She interrupts you:
"You and Lillie are just so kind, so... perfect. I'm so glad I've got to meet you!"
You laugh:
Nobody is perfect, Dawn.
"I'm also glad I've got to meet you and Ash, Dawn."
She gives you a kiss on the cheek:
"You're so sweet, Y/n!"
Oh no, don't start acting like Lillie now. When she does that, it feels good, not when you do that... going shopping with you, was that a wrong choice?
Luckily, you arrived at Celadon City.
You immediately went to the store, and searched for clothes for Dawn. It reminded you of buying clothes with Lillie, back in Alola. Dawn is as picky as Lillie was back then!
After half an hour of searching, you finally found a good one:
"Dawn! I think this one suits you perfectly!"
It was a white, silver dress, simple, but beautiful things don't need to be complicated! A yellow bow was on the back of the dress, which you found funny. It's absolutely going to suit her eyes and her blue hair. Simply beautiful, even better than the dress she wears now.
She jumps for joy, and runs to the dressing room:
"Give me a sec!"
She returned in a minute, and the dress suits her, as expected. She looks in the mirror and coos:
"It's beautiful! I'll pay it off immediately!"
You shake your head:
"I'll pay it."
Oh no, she's going to like me... why did I do this? The inner gentleman.
You buyed the dress and flew back to Pallet Town. It was 10:30 PM!
"Dawn, I have to go, the others are going to be worried otherwise!"
"Thanks for today, Y/n. It was so much fun, I'll see you tomorrow then! My regards to Lillie."
Well, then I'd have to explain everything, and I don't want that, so...
"Mine to Ash!"
You said goodbye and walked to "your" home. Luckily, only Red and Blue were awake. Blue immediately sees you and shouts:
"Hey, Y/n! What's took you so long? We didn't see you!"
Uh, yeah...
"I was over there, training with Bulbasaur!"
You point at a random spot, at the outskirts of Pallet.
Blue looks at the spot and believes you:
"Oh! Well, we didn't look for you there, that's for sure! Why didn't you train here?"
"I thought: 'Well, maybe there are some nice Pokémon over there to catch!'"
He laughs:
"Well, I'm sure there are no Pokémon there at all!"
You fake a sad face:
"I found out, thank you."
He laughs again, and you walk inside. You didn't plan anything to do today, except training.
Perhaps relaxing is all we need for today...
There was a Pokémon contest on TV, and you wanted to watch it, Lillie or not, so you did.
That girl and her Braixen are very good! What's her name?
You focus on the commentator:
"Ooooh, what a lovely move! And who  could do it better than Kalos's own Serena?!"
Oh, Ash...

Few, that was chapter 12! I was able to make this during the exams, which have just begun. Decided to make a simple and easy chapter this time, otherwise it would be a bit... how do they say that... overkill XD? I'll try to keep on making chapters, but keep your expectations low XD Can't wait for the summer vacations! I'll be able to write all day, all night! Okay, perhaps not... XD
Also, thank you for the amazing support, we are already at 1.7k reads! Btw, ultra sun and moon!!! What do you guys think about it? Anyway, thank you, see you in the next chapter, and keep on catching!

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