Chapter 26: Back on Track

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"Are you sure about this, Ash?" You ask, standing at the Vermillion marina with him and Lillie.
"Yes, Y/n, I've taken my decision."
You walk back to the desk, thinking about the future, while holding hands with Lillie:
"It feels weird to say, but I'm really going to miss you, Ash."
He grabs your arm tightly:
"Me too, Y/n. And Lillie too."
Lillie gives him a quick hug:
"Be safe!"
The sound of 'Despacito', the infamous song by Roxie, destroyed your ears, and your face goes dark:
"Please make this stop..." You whisper, annoyed. Ash begins to tap his foot to the rhythm:
"Oh, man, I love this song so much! Deeespaaacito..."
You grin:
"Okay, forget everything I said about missing you. I hope your ship doesn't sink."
He chuckles:
"Thank you!"
The lady at the desk looks at the time:
"Sir, the ship's going to leave soon."
You look at him one more time:
"Good luck out there in Kalos, Ash. Find Serena, and remember, in Kalosian, 'I love you' becomes 'je t'aime'."
He nods:
"Je t'aime, right. Got it. Thanks for everything, guys. We'll meet again, one day."
"Of course we will! Goodbye, Ash."
"Goodbye!" Lillie shouts, while Ash turns around and leaves for the ship. You hold Lillie in your arms:
"This is good news."
"Because now we can finally continue our Gym adventure!"
She kisses you:
"Yes! I'm already excited!"
You fly back to the house on Charizard, Lillie clamping onto you. Lance and Cynthia were having a conversation with the Fellowship about the enemy, sitting around the table, and when you arrive, they stop their discussion:
"Is Ash gone?"
Lillie nods:
"He is. But that doesn't matter. What were you talking about?"
Lance throws his hands in the air of frustration:
"Blue wants to search for Team Rocket with his Elite Four, which is a stúpid idea!" He says, turning back to Blue. Lillie touches his arm, and whispers:
"Calm down, Lance."
She walks over to Blue:
"And what's Lance's idea?"
Blue shakes his head:
"He wants us to wait until our company is big enough, and then attack."
A commotion between team Blue's plan and team Lance's plan began.
"I second Blue's idea!" Daisy shouts immediately.
Cynthia stands up:
"I support Lance in this."
You look over to Lillie, who's clenching her fists. She looks confident, and an icy fire is burning in her eyes:
"I think both of your ideas are stupid!"
Everyone stops talking and looks at her, expectantly. She takes a breath and continues:
"Blue's idea is too risky, because five people will get beaten once they find Team Rocket in its full force. Lance's idea is overconfident, for we don't know where they are. We don't have a single clue. Besides, moving in one giant pack makes us vulnerable to ambushes."
You walk over to her side and throw your arm around her:
"She's right. I say we stick to the plan."
Alf raises his hand:
"I don't know 'bout you guys, but I'm with them."
Misty stands up too:
"Me too."
In a few minutes, everyone was confident about the plan, except for Lance and Blue. Lance looks at you:
"I don't know about your plan, Y/n. It seems kind of dumb, no offense. But when I saw Lillie's confidence in your plan, and her passion, I believe there's no better leader for a man to follow than you. Or her."
You smile:
"Thank you, Lance."
Blue nods:
"I've known Y/n for some time now, I know what he's like. He can burn people, but he can also be very kind. I'm following him, whatever he does."
Lance shakes hands with Blue:
"So am I. Count me in."
Blue chuckles:
"Does he have your bow?"
Lance flashes his white teeth:
"He has."
Alf cheers:
"Glad that's over. Time for a little celebration?"
Surprisingly enough, Gladion nods:
"I'm down."
Blue grins:
"Hopefully not literally!"
Gladion's eyes widen for a second, but he restrains himself:
"Of course not."
Alf heads to the fridge and pulls out some cocktails:
"Let's get started with this!"
You shrug:
"Just a Komala coffee for me please, and a Moomoo milk for Lillie!"
Lillie was about to order what you just said, and she blushes:
"Well, that's easy, having a boyfriend who orders the drinks I want for me." She says, giving you a kiss.
Alf gives the others and himself a cocktail and gives you and Lillie your drinks:
"Lillie, I've added some alcohol to the milk for the flavour." He says, just as Lillie is taking a sip of her milk. She gulps and restrains herself from spitting it out. Alf laughs:
"Just kiddin' though."
Lillie starts coughing, and you pat her on the back:
"Well, Alf, look what you've done now." You say, smiling.
"In Team Rocket, they would've hit me for that." He says, thinking back to something that was undoubtedly a dark memory.
You chuckle:
"Luckily you're not there anymore."
Alf nods and goes away, and you give Lillie a quick kiss:
"Everything okay, Lil?"
She nods, smiling cutely:
"Y-yes, thank you. I was just scared for a second there."
You hold her and let time pass, breathing in the sweet aroma of her hair. Suddenly, Lillie jumps up:
"Arceus, Y/n! I forgot! Don't move!"
You laugh:
"What are you up to?"
She chuckles:
"Nothing..." She says, turns around and disappears, out of sight.

She came back after a minute:
"There we go!"
She was holding two packages.
"So, what are these?"
She tries to hide her excitement:
"Mother sent them to us, remember? Faba brought them."
"Shall we open them for each other?"
She nods:
"That's a good idea! I'll open yours first."
She opens the package, and pulls out a letter:
"There's a letter too! I'll read that first:
Dear Y/n,
The present I sent has become a precious memory of mine. James and I went to Ten Carat Hill together, and there he caught this little fellow for me! Whenever you use it in battle, remember your Alolan adventure.
Much love, Lusamine and James."
You smile:
"What did they catch?"
Lillie grabs the Pokéball and gives it to you, and you release the Pokémon:
It was a Rockruff!
"Oh, it's so cute!" You say, as it rubs you with the stones around its neck. Lillie gives it a hug too:
"It is!"
You place Rockruff on your lap and open Lillie's present:
"Your turn!"
"Yay!" Lillie coos, while watching you opening it.
You read the letter first:
"My beloved Lillie,
This present is bought for me by James, but since it will be more useful to you, I hereby hand it to you, dear. May you use it well, it is very valuable. I hope its journey didn't break it...
I will keep patiently waiting for your arrival.
Much love, and be safe,
You look up at Lillie, who had a tear in her eye, but luckily she was smiling too. You open the box, and it reveals a beautiful silver necklace, with five stones in it. A diamond, a pearl, a sapphire, a ruby and a stone that had the colours of a rainbow, so it had to be a mega stone. You grab the necklace, making sure it doesn't fall, and show it to Lillie. Her eyes widen:
"Holy Arceus!!! Does she give thís to me?!"
"Don't you like it?"
"It's beautiful!" She says, touching the different stones. You smile:
"May I?"
She nods and turns around, and you gently put the necklace around her neck. She touches the middle stone:
"This is a mega stone!"
You nod:
"It is. When your Squirtle becomes a Blastoise, you are going to be able to mega evolve it. It looks beautiful on you."
She throws her arms around your neck and kisses you passionately. You grin between the kissing:
"Watch out for the necklace, Lil!"
She blushes, says "oh, yes!" and puts the necklace back in the box. Then she goes back to what she started. Rockruff barks happily, and Lillie smiles:
"Do you want a kiss too, little boy?" She says, giving Rockruff a kiss between its eyes. Suddenly Blue joins in and grabs the box:
"Wow, this is a nice box, hic! What's in it? Is it a Pokéball?" He asks, dropping it, almost, because you reach out and catch it in the air:
"Careful, Blue. It's a necklace!"
He laughs:
"Of course, sorry. I think I'm a bit drunk." He whispers to you. Daisy appears behind him:
"Brother, what were you going to show me?"
He turns around, smiling:
"Oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot! Come with me." He says, taking her hand. Daisy shrugs, smiling, and follows her brother. You sigh:
"I've had enough of drunk people. I'm ready to call it a day, what about you?"
She smiles cutely:
"Me too."

You lay down in your bed and look at your arm:
"I can't believe the wound healed so fast. You can't even see where it was!"
Lillie takes your hand and gives it a kiss:
"Well, for my part, I'm glad it's gone!"
You nod:
"Damn straight!"
You turn around, with the moonlight reflecting in her green eyes:
"Good night, Lil."
"Night night, Y/n!"
You give her one last kiss, and with her body in your arms, you fall asleep very quickly.

"Please... save it... save Nebby!"
You feel your legs moving, and three times, the bridge nearly collapses. You protect the little Cosmog with your body, while the Spearow start scratching your arms. Suddenly, a blue light appears, destroying the part of the bridge you are sitting on. You fall, and fall, and fall, screaming.

And you wake up, sustaining the scream. The golden light of a sunrise is shining through the curtains, and you pull them open:
"Wake up, sleepyhead! Time to get going!"
Lillie wakes up too, moaning:
"Y/n...? Was that really necessary?"
You give her a kiss:
"Alola! Yes, we're going to be continuing our Gym journey today!"
She dresses up and prepares her bag:
"What do I take with me... um..."
"Me?" You say, joking.
"Yes, of course! Get in the bag, Y/n!"
You chuckle and place a foot in the bag:
"I don't think I can fit in."
She grins too:
"You tease. Anyway, my comb..." She says, laughing and packing her stuff. You pick up the Pokéballs of your Alolan and your Kantonian team with the addition of Rockruff, plus Tapu Lele. Something told you it'd come in handy someday, if you were ever in danger. Besides, it saved your life after all. It deserved the joy of a journey.
Everyone was still sleeping, and that was a good thing. You and Lillie head outside silently, hand in hand, trying not to wake up anybody. You walk past the tents of Lance, Gold and Misty without making any noise, and make your way to Fuchsia City.

With Lillie sitting behind you, her arms put around you, you ride Tauros to the Cycling Road.
When you arrived there, Lillie immediately made you stop:
"I've read about this! You can only pass the road by cycling."
You smile:
"No problem. Charizard!"
You summon your Charizard Glide, and let Lillie hop on first. You take a seat behind her:
"Try flying with Charizard, Lillie!"
She turns around:
You nod:
"Yes, this looks like a good moment! Don't worry, we won't let you fall off! Besides, it's handy to know how to ride Charizard."
She nods and grabs the reins:
"Okay, Charizard... yip yip! Um... vole! Vuela! Um... fly?"
Charizard flies up, and Lillie screams but stays calm enough to handle the reins. She turns her head, and you see her eyes sprinkle:
"I thought you'd have some special codeword to let it fly!"
You shake your head:
"I usually just say 'fly'." You say, giving her a wink. She lets Charizard soar over the Cycling Road, and she sighs:
"This is lovely!"
You lean back, relaxed now:
"Told you so."
She releases the reins and lets her hands touch the clouds, spreading her arms:
"I want to fly Charizard forever!"
You laugh:
"Not this time though, because we've already arrived."

You land safely, give Lillie a hug and head to the first inn you see. The innkeeper welcomes you:
"Welcome, friends! A room for two, I suppose?"
You nod:
"That would be nice, thank you. We'd like something to eat or to drink too."
He nods too:
"Of course, sir! I'll have your room prepared. Breakfast is served over there." He says nicely, pointing towards the other side of the room. While you're sipping from a coffee and Lillie's drinking her Moomoo milk, you inform her about the battle to come:
"The next Gym Leader's name is Janine. Her father is Koga, ex-Gym Leader and now one of Blue's Elite Four members. His daughter, Janine, took over. She uses Poison types like her father."
"Poison... so Ground and Psychic are effective, right?" Lillie asks.
You give her a warm smile:
"Correct! Your Sandshrew and Butterfree will be pretty effective. My Metang will also be very useful."
"Seems like this is going to be a piece of cake then!"
You laugh:
"Better watch out, Poison is very dangerous!"
She lays a hand on yours:
"And do you know how dangerous I am, Y/n?"
You hear people hesitantly murmuring, and you turn around to look at the TV that was placed in the room. A journalist was interviewing a man with a beard:
"Sir, can you explain what happened?"
"Y-yes... so, I was sitting here at the marina, and... and I saw the S.S Pan leave to Kalos... and suddenly it started to sink! I saw no one escape the ship... I only saw one man, flying away on a Charizard."
The journalist turns around to face the camera:
"So as I can confirm, the S.S Pan has been brought to the bottom of the sea,
rumours say by a Team Rocket submarine, some nearby guys said it was yellow. One boy escaped. There are no other survivors. The police will investigate this case further. This was Kanto news, and until next time. Have a nice day, and stay safe."

Maaaan, this was chapter 26, I hope you enjoyed.
School started, but some really nice games are coming soon, including Pokémon US/UM! I'm so hyyyped!
Anyway, what did you think of the chapter?
I'll ask this once and again:
"What would you like to see happening in this story?"

Q of the week, as usual:
"What's your favourite legendary trio?"
Mine is the 'legendary beasts', also known as the 'legendary dogs'. (although Raikou isn't really a dog but a sabertooth... I digress XD)
They just look cool, especially Entei.

Anyway, I hope you've had a nice day, and I hope you'll have many nice days yet to come! See you in the next chapter!

P.s: Collab with TheLoneWanderer17 is coming really soon, I promise XD.

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