Chapter 3: Meeting Mates

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*From now on, all events will take place in the present, so no more flashbacks except from thinking of the past, just so you know*

Reader's POV

You knock on the door 3 times, and go inside the pokémon lab. In Alola, it is considered normal to let yourself in, a bizarre habit, if you'd say. You startle as you don't see the person you'd expect, but calm down when you see that it's Kukui's wife, the kind Burnet.
"Why hello, Misses Burnet, it's been a while! You scared me for a second, I expected your husband!"
"Oh Y/n, it's good to see you again! Yeah, Kukui is euhm..." She stops as she is interrupted by a loud yell: "ALOLA Y/n, sorry, I was in the basement, yeah, testing pokémon moves, woo! So, why did the salty breeze bring you here today, cousin?" He asked as excited as ever.
"Hey Professor, I came here just to say hello and also... to tell you that I've succesfully completed the Alola Pokédex!"
"Wow, that's amazing, yeah! I've never seen anyone completing it so quickly! How long have you been working on it, like 7 months, yeah?"
"Yeah, something like that..."
Filling the dex had been one of your life goals, but since Lillie's gone, you filled it just to move your mind, to think of something that's not about Lillie. You caught the tapu's, you caught the UB's, Necrozma, you defended your title over and over again, and you even participated in the battle royals a few times, all to move your mind.
"Would you like a cup of coffee ? We can perhaps even host a little party if you'd want!" Kukui asked you, because he wanted you to stay.
"No, Kukui, I'm sorry, I haven't got much time..." You said, although you didn't know what you wanted to do next.
"Okay, Y/n, see you next time, I'm proud of you, cousin! Goodbye!"
"Thanks Kukui, and goodbye! Bye Burnet!" You shouted as you closed the door behind your back. You can just hear Burnet shouting back: "Goodbye Y/n!"
You smiled.
"There still are some good things in the world, I've got good friends and I still have my Pokémon by my side" You whispered as you were strolling back home.
You hear a voice from behind you: "Talking about me?"
You smile grows as you recognized the voice, and you begin to laugh when you see the person you expected:
"Gladion! Good to see you again!"
You shout as you bro- hug him. You like Gladion. He's perhaps not as kind as Hau, but he's got some kind of cool air around him, which you like. Also, he reminds you of Lillie, they've got the same spirit.
"How are things going? Silvally and I are doing well, if you might ask. Y/n, I'd like to ask you something. What is disturbing you?"
You feel confused, and ask back:
"What do you mean, what is disturbing me?"
He nods and explains:
"Lately, me and some other people were thinking that you seemed to be a little... how do I say this... distracted maybe... of course you're still doing your duties as a Champion, but you don't talk much, you don't go to parties, and you barely sleep."
Shocked about the last part you ask:
"How do you know that?!"
"I've seen you sitting at the marina a few times, doing nothing but looking at the sea, your feet hanging in the water. What were you thinking off?"
"Well, to be honest, I was wondering about Lillie... she said: Someday, I'll come back to Alola again... that someday, when is it going to come? Do you know, Gladion?"
"I'm sorry, Y/n, but I don't know, nor does anyone else here in Alola... I do sometimes worry about Lillie as well, and about mom too. I hope they'll return soon!"
You sigh but nod and ask him:
"If... if they return someday, will your mom be Aether president again?"
He nods:
"I suppose so... I don't care about being the President, I like adventuring with Silvally better."
"I can understand that, I miss the adventures, the thrill of intense battles..."
"So do I. Let's meet again this week, alright?"
You're happy with this offer, as you spent much time alone, not knowing what to do:
"Alright, I'll ring you up! It's been nice to see you, Gladion, see you this week!"
You mount Charizard, thinking about where you should go now:
"Do I still go to the marina?"
You look in Charizard's eyes, and somehow you feel that he tells you something like:
"Of course you will still go!"
"Yeah, you're right..."
And off you go.
"Talking to Pokémon... maybe I've not talked much to people the last 6 months..." You smile and withdraw charizard. You went to your usual spot at the marina and sat down. Waiting has become a habit for you, but you don't care. You smile as you watch the waves go back and forth...

Okay guys, this was chapter 3, hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for the slow upload sometimes, that's because I can only write on wednesdays , weekends and holidays. Also my apologies for the slow hype build-up, I like stories to be long and slow XD.Anyway, see you in the next chapter!

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