Chapter 31: Start Over

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Lillie's POV

The sudden sound of the ship telling it has arrived wakes me up from a deep sleep, and I get up, moaning:
But of course, there was no body laying next to mine. Y/n stayed behind in Kanto, and although I hate it, I also understand why he wants to stay there longer. This problem involving Team Rocket is too big of a threat.
I just hope you stay safe, Y/n...
I gather my belongings and head outside. The warm yet fresh Alolan breeze touches my face, and I sigh:
"If only Y/n was here..."
As I'm walking down the gangplank, I see a familiar face, jumping up and down like a madman.
"Lillie!" Hau shouts, as it wás him. I run up to him and give him a long hug, and tearing up, I exclaim:
"Hau! I'm sooo happy to see you again!"
I didn't get further than that, since I had no words.
Hau kept hugging me 'till I stopped sobbing out of happiness, and he released me, saying:
"I'm glad you're back too, my life has been so empty without you..."
He looks around, and looks into my eyes:
"Where's Y/n? Did he not come with you?"
I shake my head, turning a little sad:
"I'm here mainly because of him. He chose me to secure Alola."
He furrows his brows:
"What do you mean, secure Alola? What's going on? Alola is doing just fine!"
I smile, not wanting to tell everything whilst standing here at the marina:
"I'll tell you in a bit, I'm too tired now from the journey." I say, and I bend in to whisper in Hau's ear:
"Who knows who's watching us?"
Hau looks around and nods:
"I might have grown a bit more serious, but I'm still pretty addicted to malasadas! Wanna grab some?" He asks, winking. I nod, and we head off to the Hau'oli malasada shop.

It was good to be back in Alola and Hau'oli City again. We decided to have malasadas first, then go visit Y/n's mum, then visit my mum today.

"So, tell me everything!"
I smile:
"Well, where do I start?"
Hau laughs:
"Well, um... did you catch any cool Pokémon?"
I shrug:
"I caught some, but nothing too special. Only a Mew."
Hau shrugs too:
"Oh well, that's alright... wait, what?! A Mew?!"
I nod, smiling:
"Yes! I'll show you in a bit, not now though."
"Really? That's so cool! I can't believe it!"
Hau looks around and continues consuming his malasadas, saying:
"I'm really happy you're back, you don't know how much I've missed you."
I smile:
"I've missed you too, Hau. I can't wait to see mum. And Y/n's mum too, she'll be worried sick."
He just nods, and I take a quick bite of my malasada:
"So, you said Alola was doing great? Nothing happened while we were away?"
He shakes his head:
"Not really... this famous James person has become a legend here, he's done a lot of good for Alola. I beat every challenger for Y/n, and nothing important happened."
He stands up because we were both finished, helps me to get up and pays the bill.
Walking to Y/n's house, he asks:
"Did you have any encounters with Team Rocket in Kanto?"
I stop:
He gives me a hug, longer than necessary. I release him first:
"I-I'm alright, Hau. I've grown a lot since leaving Alola. It has made me a lot stronger."
He smiles sheepishly:
"That's great to hear!"
We walk on in silence, 'till Hau takes a deep breath and asks:
"So, um... how are things going with Y/n?"
We lock eyes:
"We're a couple now, Hau. I'm sorry."
He shakes his head:
"No need to be sorry, I knew it all along. I'm very happy for you! You're the best couple in Alola, even in the world! My congratulations!"
I smile, a bit surprised by his excited reaction:
"Thank you, Hau. That means a lot to me."
He opens his arms:
We hug, and I whisper in his ears, in tears:
"You're still my best friend, Hau."
He stays silent, smiling, and a few moments later, we arrive at Y/n's house.

Hau rings the doorbell, but walks inside anyway:
"Auntie! I've brought you a visitor!"
A voice coming from the bedroom shouts:
"Who is it?"
A second later, she bursts out:

I'm sorry, I was doing my hai-"
She drops the brush when she sees me, and her facial expression was amazing to see:
"Lillie?!" She asks, running towards me and pulling me into a long hug:
"I've missed you! How have you been?" She looks behind Hau's back, and turns a bit sad:
"Where's Y/n?"
I sigh:
"He sent me here with a mission. He's staying in Kanto for a bit longer, to protect everyone."
Hau leaps onto the sofa:
"What mission?"
I start telling the plan, and Y/n's mum and Hau keep listening attentively.

After hearing the story, Hau jumped up:
"Do you really think James is bad, Lillie? I mean, he's done a lot of great things here!"
I nod:
"We'll see soon enough."
Turning around, I say:
"I need to go to Aether Paradise now. I'll be back around the evening, okay?"
Mom smiles:
"We understand. Have fun!"
I give them both a hug, a smile on my face, and I leave to the Marina with Hau. He'll head back when I'm on the boat.

Y/n had been sitting at this very place for six months... I still can't believe how he was able to do that.
Watch me sitting here in a few days too, I think by myself, and smile. Hau sees it:
"What's up?"
"Oh... nothing!" I say, blushing.
He smiles and turns away:
"I think this is where we say goodbye, for now. I'll see you later this evening, right?"
I nod:
"Sure thing, Hau!"
An Aether employee awaits me:
"Miss Lillie! It's been a while!"
I smile:
"Good to see you again too, Adam."
"Let me escort you to Paradise!"
I nod, and wave at Hau:
"I'll be back in a bit!"
Hau waves back, and I laugh inside.
Waving at people while being on a boat seems to have become a habit of mine!
But soon, my face turns serious:
Mother, I'm coming.

Reader's POV

You sigh, sitting at the table in your house in Celadon, and you can't get Lillie out of your mind.
I hope you're doing fine, honey...
"Anyone an idea of where Rocket's base is?"
No one answers, and you sigh:
"I must admit, they áre good at hiding."
May nods:
"They'll keep doing little raids here in Kanto, but we can't find their hideout."
Steven calms everyone down with his comforting voice:
"Heads up, Lillie is investigating the Alola region for us right now, isn't she?"
Yes, and that was a stupid decision.
"That's right. They haven't caused any problems in any region but Kanto and Johto, but I just want to be sure."
Cynthia seems unsure:
"But... what about the other teams?"
You look at her expectantly:
"What about them?"
"Well, do you think they'll rise up again if they hear about Team Rocket's ascension?"
You shake your head:
"They won't. Team Rocket is rising, but it will fall harder."
You stand up:
"I'm done with talking for today. We have a lot of members already, I think we're ready for some training!"

You close your eyes, having fifty metres of space between you and Lucario.
Y/n, can you hear me?
"I can" you say to Lucario, speaking telepathically.
Good. Go further away.
You keep walking back, and you are still able to understand each other.
Your Aura is strong, Y/n. I'm sure your plan is going to work.
You return to Lucario:
"If you want to do it, then I'm fine with it. There might be a few risks though. If someone doesn't allow you to reach Lillie, everything might fail.
I'm always ready to take the risk, Y/n.
You nod:
"I understand. I'll send you to Alola with Charizard. Manage to find her, maybe even train her so we can communicate! If something might happen, protect her at all costs."
You send out Charizard as you said:
"Good luck, friend."
It nods and mounts Charizard:
You'll need more luck here.
You smile, and Charizard flies up, heading in the direction of Alola.

You go back inside, and sit down on the sofa. Lance sits down next to you:
"Thinking about Team Rocket?" He asks gently. You smile:
"I always am."
He nods:
"We'll find them."
An awkward silence falls between you, 'till Lance asks something again:
"Thinking about Lillie?"
You nod:
"I always am, more than about Team Rocket. She'd better be home soon."
Lance gets up:
"She's already home."
You smile:
"She is."
You stand up too and head over to Alf:
"We might need you soon. Are you ready for some action?"
He nods excitedly:
"Every second of the day! Tell me what to do!"
You laugh:
"Nothing yet. I'll work out a bit, want to join me?"
He nods again:
"Sure thing!"
You go to the garden and do your exercises. Alf joins in, while saying:
"Hey, Y/n... Lillie'll be fine. You'll get through this together, and it'll make you stronger. Both of you."
You nod:
"It will."
Suddenly, Blue walks up towards you:
"Ooh, look at the boys doing some workouts! What are you up to?"
You smile suspiciously:
"Nothing yet, but I might have an idea."
He laughs:
"Keeping a secret, huh? Fair enough, I'll smell it later anyways!"
You smile:
"You will!"
Suddenly, you get a message:

Y/n, love,
Today is a special day for you, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you today. My first hours in Alola have been lovely, and soon, I'll go to Aether Paradise! Unfortunately, calling from Alola to Kanto wastes a lot of money, but we'll find a way, somehow!
Words can't explain how much you mean to me, and you're the only one I'll ever love.
I hope you're doing well, that you're being safe and sound, and that you're not thinking about Team Rocket too often. I'm only thinking about you, each and every second I'm breathing.
Happy birthday, my dear, I love you!

That's chapter 31 now, judas, that's something, isn't it? I'd wish I could write more but school and life doesn't really allow me to do so. There'll be more chapters coming, of course, but it won't be finished before Usum comes out, which is a bit unfortunate, but meh, we'll manage ^^

I wanted to publish this chapter today because today ís indeed my birthday, yaaay xD birthdays are not really my thing though.

Thank you all so much for the 15k reads too, I mean, ... that's like 15 times the amount of people in my school xD I don't have words, you are amazing ^^

Next chapter will hopefully be an Ascension chapter, I really need to write on that soon xD

Also, I have the new Fire Emblem game on the switch, can't wait to play that, although I don't have a lot of time ^^

Q of the day:
"What do you think about Pokémon moving over to the switch?"
I'm really sad about it, although I have a switch. I know many people don't have one, and for the moment, all I can see is Nintendo making a lot of money with people just buying the switch to play Pokémon games, which makes me a bit sad. I also liked Pokémon on the ds, with the handheld console and the 2 screens ^^ (don't tell me the switch is a handheld console now xD)
But of course, the switch has many advantages too! Pokémon games will have even better graphics, and there's a lot of space for Game Freak to go all out!

I hope you're all having a great day/night, I hope you'll stay safe too, and I hope you've enjoyed the chapter ^^ I'll see you in the next one, peace out!

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