Chapter 7: Dark Directions

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You woke up, sweating and you don't know why, and you had no idea of the time, so you just got up, and walked to the living room. You check the clock: 5 AM.
"What a time to get up" You whisper. You couldn't go to bed again, you were too awake now. You walked to the bookshelf, groggy like a zombie. You pulled out a book, called: The Legends of Kanto. There were much tales and stories in that book, but the part you were looking for was about team Rocket, Giovanni and Red. You searched for the name Blue, but couldn't find it. You read the whole part and inculcated it in your mind. You went outside to practice your battling, because you can never be too strong, and because you haven't battled in a long time. You let your Pokémon form pairs and let them fight against each other, to let them train their instincts. Meanwhile, you did your usual fitness: jogging around the house, doing some push-ups,...
When you entered the house, your mom was up. She did already prepare breakfast, but you waited for Lillie to start eating. You did drink your daily coffee though!
Your mom asked:
"Y/n? Can you get the newspaper, please?"
"Yeah sure!" You said, and you ran to the mailbox. The paper was there, but next to it laid a letter, with the Aether symbol on it. You took both, kept the letter for you and gave the paper to your mom. You sat down and read the letter:
Hey Y/n,
If you could spare a moment, come to Aether Paradise. There is something I'd like to tell you, something strange has happened here. I'd also just like to see you and Lillie again! So pay a visit anytime!
Yours truly,

You read the letter again...
"Seems that we won't train today either, Lillie" You thought. Just as you were thinking that, Lillie appeared, speaking of the devil... or the angel, in this case. Her hear was still messy, but you didn't mind. She was as happy as ever:
"Goodmorning!" She exclaimed, even gave you a hug, and hugged your mother too. You ate all together, and you said nothing about the letter because you were too happy to talk about it, and because Lillie just woke up. Your mom suddenly smiles: Hau was in the newspaper. He had given an interview about how he wanted to beat me. You laughed:
"He's got to practice very, very much if he wants to win!"
Lillie looks skeptic:
"I still don't understand how you could like fighting with Pokémon..."
That remembered you of something:
"Oh yeah Lillie, we were going to train today but I received a letter from your brother, Gladion, we're invited to come to Aether Paradise. Will you join me?"
A rhetorical question really, because you were already sure she would say yes.
"Yes, of course! Is it important?"
You nodded:
"He said he wanted to talk with me about something, he didn't say what it was though. It could also just be something silly."
Lillie also nodded:
"Well, let me dress up and we'll be on our way immediately!"
A few minutes later, you went on your way, again flying on charizard, and again Lillie had her arms around you. When you arrived at Aether, all the grunts saluted Lillie and you, and they all stepped aside as Lusamine walked to you two and hugged you both:
"Welcome to Aether paradise, a real paradise now! My son wants to speak to you, Y/n. Lillie, could you spare some time? I want to talk with you."

You walked to the conservatory, where you found your friend Gladion. He walked towards you with open arms, and you gave him a bro hug:
"Y/n! You want to know what I've been wanting to tell you, I imagine ?"
You nodded.
He continued:
"Well, a few strangely dressed guys walked in a couple of days ago... they asked for me, and I did speak to them: first they were kind, but their real intentions showed up soon: they asked me if they could work together with us, the Aether Foundation, which I didn't accept, because they seemed hypocrite. They seemed to have expected that answer, and said they had heard I had a sister..."
You shivered:
"And of course you answered them. Describe them."
"Fully black clothes, with a red R in the middle."
You nodded:
"Great job! Now we're not safe anymore, nor is my mother..."
"What do you mean?"
"You told them where Lillie is, so the location of my house!"
He suddenly shook his head:
"I didn't! I told them she went shopping with you and that she would return tonight!"
You sighed:
"Thank Arceus!"
He nodded:
"So I just wanted to know: Who are these people?"
"They're Team Rocket."
He doesn't seem to know them:
"Team who?"
You forgot most Alolan people don't know much about the other religions.
"Team Rocket, probably the most notorious team. They were active in Kanto and Johto, but their leader, Giovanni, disappeared a time ago. It seems he has returned."
"I don't understand, why would they want to see Lillie?"
"I don't know... nor do I know why they would want towork together with Aether... is it because they wanted to have a base here in Alola? Aether Paradise is a good location for a base."
You and Gladion decided to go to Lusamine and Lillie, who were still talking. After having lunch there, you and Lillie left, flying on Charizard, back home. Your mom ran to you immediately, horrified by something:
"Y/n, black dressed people are searching through Iki town, apparently searching for you and Lillie! I heard they're fighting over there!"
You sigh:
"Lillie, stay here. I'll go to Iki town."
"I won't! I won't leave you now! I'm coming with you!"
You sigh again:
"Lillie, it's going to be dangerous. Team Rocket at full power is not a game, it's not a training. I don't want to risk your life! Thereby, they're searching for you."
She insists:
"They are also looking for you! And I don't want to risk your life too!"
You blush, and concede:
"Alright, but stay back a bit then. Let's go."
You jumped on Nebby, helped Lillie get up as well, and rode to Ikki town.
A single house was burning, and a dozen of grunts were fighting against Ikki town natives -but they didn't stand a chance against those trained grunts- and against Hala and his grandson, Hau. You jumped off Nebby, helped Lillie again and threw out Incineroar:
"Incineroar, Flamethrower on the grunts' Pokémon!"
Totally surprised by the attack from behind, most of the grunts shattered and fled, but one sent out a Mudsdale, which Earthquaked your Incineroar, and it fainted. You fell down to the ground by the Earthquake, the Team Rocket grunt smirked and bowed over you. Your bones felt like they all broke. He wanted to tie you, but suddenly he was blasted away, he flew 10 meters far, fell on his head and didn't move anymore. You managed to turn around and saw Lillie with her Squirtle. She smiled, both happy and angry:
"I told you I didn't want to risk your life, Y/n!"
You got up, half standing up, half falling down. Everything seemed safe now. Hau and Hala approached you and Lillie. Hala began to speak:
"Y/n, thank you for helping us out! Without your help, we wouldn't probably be here anymore!"
You shook your head, which made you shrink back:
"Without Lillie's help, I wouldn't be here either, although it seemed he didn't want to kill me..."
He nodded:
"Yes, thank you too, Lillie! You saved our very own champion here! They were searching for you two, but when we didn't tell them where you were, they attacked us! I hope nobody told them your location..."
You laughed, but not warmly:
"I hope so!"
You turned around, nearly fell, managed to stand ground and climbed back on Nebby. You nearly forgot something, and you rode back to Hala:
"Hala, here is some money for you, to repare the damage."
You gave him 100.000 Pokédollars, helped Lillie on Nebby and rode back home. Your mother hugged you both, she was very glad you were both safe, but she scared up when she saw your damaged shoulder. Apparently you hit a rock with your shoulder when you fell by the earthquake. She wrapped bandage around it, and you laid in bed, to heal your shoulder a bit. Lillie sat next to you. She began to talk:
"You know, Y/n, I didn't think about my action earlier today... I just demanded squirtle to use Water Gun on that grunt, it all happened so quick... did I kill him?"
You nodded:
"You probably did... but you did the right thing, sometimes you just don't have a choice. You don't know what you did there: You saved my life, that means a lot."
She smiled and joked:
"I had to, for that dress you bought me!"
You laughed too, and you sustained the pain:
"What you did is worth more than a 100 dresses. I owe you my life!"
You coughed, the pain in your shoulder took away your breath.
You managed to continue, quietly:
"You know, when you were gone, I promised myself that if you ever came back, I'd never let you go...
I said to myself: "I will protect Lillie with my life!" but when it came down to it, you had to protect me... I have become too heedless."
She shook her head:
"Hey, head up! Just... be a little more cautious sometimes, OK? I don't want to lose you... you didn't battle strong opponents in a long time, you need an adventure. Perhaps this is what you needed!" She joked again.
You didn't nod because of the pain:
"Perhaps you're right, I need to train more... again, thank you so much... I owe you one, Lillie."
Lillie did shake her head:
"You owe me nothing, Y/n. You're the're my champion."
And with those words, she gave you a kiss on your forehead and left the room:
"Night night, Y/n."
"Night night, Lillie."
Still thinking about Team Rocket and Lillie, you remembered now you forgot to search further for Blue. The pain became too much, you fell unconscious and slept longer than before...

That was chapter 7, my friends. Hope you enjoyed it, and leave a comment: What's your favorite Pokémon? I'd like to know! Anywaaay, I'll see you next time !"

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