19. Too Good at Good Byes

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It's been a whole week since we patched up. And there was hardly even a single day when we haven't talked.

Most of the time I visit these beautiful ladies. It would be an utter lie if I say that I come here for Estella only.

Spending time with Rose is also my new addiction.

I told her about Scotch and She wanted to see him too. So here I am at their place with my young boy.

In this past week Estella has proved herself a great support for my weaker self, certainly unknowingly. I never admitted to her but whenever I feel low, missing my parents I come here, I talk to her about them and She listens to me without passing any judgement.

I know I can trust her when it comes to my personal stuff as I blurted my family dispute with her when we wanted to hide it from media and paparazzi were behind us for any kind of hot news to increase their sell.

She knew everything, anyone would have paid a high amount to know. She could have made a nice amount and no one would ever guess how it came out? But She didn't. She helped me without letting me know, all these years. Even now, no one knows that my parents have been parted their ways, that I'm not with Dad, that I'm not on good terms with any of them. That I don't know where my mother is.

For rest of the world we are a happy family. Who has successfully kept their personal life peacefully away from media.

I certainly pops up at their page three columns with new girls. So for them, I am a spoilt brat for them enjoying my life before succeeding my father in business.

Where the fact is, I do it intentionally to grab my mother's attention. Wherever She is. I have no plans of joining the family business or even to help Dad. He didn't help me to stop Mom. When She was leaving with her bags, I was begging her to stop and what he did? He held me back so She could leave!

"I hate You Dad! I hate You!"

Unconsciously I mumble between lips thinking about all this.

"Ryan, don't say anything that you don't actually mean." Estella's soft voice breaks my reverie.

"Umm.. sorry, can you repeat? I couldn't get you!" I expect a rectification but she repeats her words exactly the same.

"Estella, you don't know why I hate him then how can you say if I mean it or not?" I inquire.

"As I can see you don't hate any of them. They haven't taught you that I guess." She says with a suppress smile.

What! Ahm! It's weird but how can She say that?

Yes, She is right. Dad always taught me to forgive and forget while Mom always preached about the power of love. How powerful it is and how much strength it gives you to be at peace and harmony with your surroundings.

"I'm right I guess. But it actually a wonder to me that you are actually single." She says with a smirk.

"Changing the topic?" I question as I can see it clearly.

"Umm... you can think of it that way. Or maybe I'm really interested in your relationship status." She winks at me this time mischievously.

My heart must have a somersault at this that's why I laughed at this gesture of hers out of happiness.

"In that case I will think you are interested in me. Are you sure you don't want to hook up with me?" I try my luck this time.

"Or maybe, I'm interested in matching you up with someone else." She says more mysteriously.

"Utter crap! You liar! You are falling for me." Her words left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Haaa! Your desperation says something else Mr. Willsworth. That you are falling for me." She says jovially.

"I will fall for you in your sweet dreams only dear." I reply back to see her bursting into laughter.

"What? Don't tell me, you are already having fun with me in your wild dreams Girl!" I push back my own dream of leaning to kiss her.

I hesitate to recall but it's almost a norm for me to see it every now and then. And the most surprising thing is, it doesn't bother me any longer. Even I wake up with a smile the night I watch her dream.

"You Dirty Devil!" She exclaimed with wonder while hitting me on bicep.

"Aau..! What's there?" This time her exclamation is out of curiosity.

"What? My muscles. What else?" I push up my sleeve to give her a clear view of my bicep. "I don't waste my time in gym for nothing." I add up as she stands there with partially open mouth, gawking at my arms.

"Still not interested in The Handsome Nerd, Estella?" I wiggle eyebrows to catch her attention.

"Ah! Don't be too happy. I was checking you so..."

"At least you admit that you were checking me out." I cut her words in mid.

"Shut up! Let me complete. I was checking you so can find a perfect match for you." She says slyly, covering up for herself.

"Yeah... Yeah.... I can see." I step back to have a proper look of her delicately beautiful frame.

"What?" She narrows her eyes, quickly hugging herself as if trying to hide from my eyes.

"Nothing, I was just thinking," I took a pause to make it more dramatic, " Even you are not that bad. I mean just to go out. You look fine and fun loving and a good time pass too."

Her eyes widen and quickly she grabs the glass jug from table, next moment She runs behind me as I have to run for my life.

"How Dare you call me Time Pass! Mr. Willsworth, call your lawyers and jot down your will! Because you are dead today!"

She screams aloud running behind me.

"Rose! Rose help me! This woman has gone mad." I scratched and run in the whole house.

"Wait, Ryan! Just once I catch you. And you will learn what not to call A Woman!" She roars throwing at me whatever comes in her hand.


For almost half an hour we destroyed the beautiful decor of the living room and kitchen in our silly catching game, until Rose heard sound of vase breaking and came almost running.

I expected a good scolding but instead of scolding she hugged Estella and ask if She was fine?

I wonder how calm A lady can be!

But it was the calm before the storm. Once She made sure that none of us got hurt.

She sentenced us to clean all the mess we have made, certainly with the same calm.

Did I mention that we have to clean it all before She comes back with Scotch from the nearby Dog Park?

"By the way, you haven't apologize for your mean word Ryan." She says wiping the spots out of the refrigerator, we had thrown earlier in an attempt to attack each other.

"Uhh.. You are still stuck there Estella. Ok fine I take my words back. You are not a 'Time Pass'." I turn back to see her while setting the cushion on the sofa.

"Thank you, you better have never said that." She says with a victorious smile.

"You are something for a lifetime." I mumble to myself unconsciously, looking at that cuteness of hers.

"What, you said?" She squeals from kitchen in an attempt to start a fight again.

"Nothing, Nothing, was just thinking about a cup of coffee." I lied just to realize that She is already making it.

"On your way Sir." She says with a soft smile this time.

"By the way Estella, Why are you still single? I mean you have looks, and nice humor too." I inquire just like that, just to keep talking.

"Yes I do have it all, but the thing is, I am not ready to Love. I think it demands too much than I can offer." She exhales pouring coffee in cups.

"Demand like?"

"Umm... like... I have to be in touch twenty-four seven, Hey Baby! Hi Baby! You had food? You looking dull, what happened?" She moves in different tones handing out the cup to me and sits next to me on the couch.

I can't help but laugh at her savage mocking of lover's talks.

"I mean what? Don't your 'Baby' have watch or appetite to realize hunger?" She adds on and on and I kept laughing.

"You are savage Estella. You know it, Right!"

"Absolutely, I know." She accepts with pride, sipping at her coffee.

"So you won't fall for anyone." I inquire.

"Ummm... you can say that." Her brow twitches as she accepts.

"Not even, if you hangs out with someone as handsome as I."

She looks at me with narrowing her eyes, "Are you trying to say that I will fall for You?"

"No, I am not trying. I'm telling you. You are single because you haven't dated anyone like me. And dating Me is something like The Dream of any girl." I announce with pride.

"Haa... in your dreams." She replies non chantingly, fluttering her hand toward me.

"Challenge?" She is questioning my wooing skills, my charm! How dare She?

"Accepted! But what if it went in the opposite direction. What if You fell for me?" She questions back.

"That's not even a probability." I finish my cup and placed at table, leaning toward her to watch into her eyes just to give her a glimpse of what she is walking into, "but what if you fell for me seriously but I don't? I will feel bad to break your kind heart Dear."

I try my best to sound enticing.

"Is it? Sorry, but I won't feel bad to back out if you falls for me Honey." Her husky voice sent a shiver to my spine.

Next second she bursts into laughter and doubles up at her place. Her chuckles helped me to get back my senses and I laugh at it hiding my real shaken self.

God! What was that?

"Seriously Ryan, let's not get into all this." She suggests controlling her laughter.

"No! It's fun. Let's do it. Come on Estella. Don't be a spoilt sport."

"Ok, but what about your hook ups? I don't want to be in your bad books for spoiling the time, you may find Your One in." She questions seriously.

"Crap! I am not 'searching for Right One' guy. And I'm not going to take you seriously either. Let's have it as fun. Be friends like we are and try our charm. Let's see who's big charmer. And yes if I start to feel for you I will tell you and it will end up there. Same is applied for you. No heart breaks, No loss of friendship, No damage at all." I spread my hand toward her which She accepts after a few blinks.

"Ok, so you can go for any girl you feel like. I can go for whatever I feel like. Just to let you know I have few conditions if you are fine with it." She adds up withdrawing her hands back.

"Conditions? Come on Stella Baby, how can you put conditions in the game of love?" I exaggerate the sweetness in my words.

"Ryan! I don't want to lose a friend in this game." She says with seriousness in her voice and I have to take her seriously this time.

"Ok, tell your condition. Conditions." I rectified myself before she can do it.

"Ok, so the thing is I have some dreams to achieve, some secrets to hide. You will never inquire if I'm not comfortable. And no touching at all. And if I'm not in town you will not search for me. No calls, No texting at all."

She kept on and on as if we are seriously going to date.

"Estella calm down! I know you haven't told me about Your secret weapons like that master card you used on Jerry. I don't want to know too. Even I have things to take care of. I know you won't interfere. So I'm not saying about it all." I assure her.

"Yeah, right. I hope I will not need to use that card on You honey." She winks at me mischievously.

"Hey Babies, I'm home. Hope all cleaning has been done." Rose announces as She enters with Scotch.

We look at each other at her Hey Honey word and burst into laughter.

Scotch approaches us and goes straight to Estella for some pats.

"You know at times I wonder. How Scotch allowed you in our life and home so easily? I never get any girl to home because Scotch is there. You are the first and only girl to be there." I explain my wonder at their strange bond.

"Well maybe it is because, Scotch has good memory and he wasn't drunk that night." She says getting up from the couch while Scotch jumps on me.

"What's that mean?"

"Mean that night when we met for the first time. I had Scotch but as you were in love with him at first sight. I had to give up on him."

"What? You gave me Scotch?" I exclames out of wonder.

"Yes. Thank me later sometime." She says with a beautiful smile

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