6. The Ghost of You

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I open my eyes to find a soft, pale yellow light filling up the whole room of mine. I'm feeling so excited and happy.

A melodious sound of someone's laughter is making this morning more and more pleasurable. I quickly step ahead to get out of my room. Dispersing all curtains, I run through the corridor to reach the main hall and dinning area. She is not here. Where is she? Where She can be?

I run to check in kitchen and called my Mom, " Mom, where is she?"

Mom is not answering, She is not even there. My heart sank a bit. I felt as if the rays of Sun falling on my face through window, is turning hot. Hot, then it has been ever before.

Yet, I chose to peep out of the window. Giggles of her, still giving me enough reason to look out for her.

There, in garden, Scotch is playing with someone. I know, it's Her. I rush out from back door of our home.

Home! Back Door! Wait a second, I'm living in an three BHK apartment, that too on top floor of our building.

I turn around to look at the building, I just came out from.

I can't believe, It's not any foolish apartment. It's our Home. Our, My... my home, where I have lived the best part of my life. My childhood.


I can't be wrong to identify this voice. It's Mom!

"Mom!" I screamed aloud to see my mother standing just few steps away from me. I broke into tears and fall on my knees like a toddler, unable to take a steady step anymore. She steps closer to me, just as She has always done.

I look up as I felt her soothing hand on my head. She smiles at me with twinkling eyes. Her palms cups my face and she kisses my forehead.

This is too much for me, I broke into worse sobs and hug her waist firmly to dig my head in her stomach.

She pamper my head and says in her melodious voice, "Don't cry my son. She is there, just look behind yourself. You are my strong boy. Don't give her chance to laugh at my son. Go, get her before She runs again."

I look up at Mom. The Sun is not scorching anymore. It's light is pleasing once again as if a gentle cloud has covered it.

I stand up to turn around and takes a few steps away from Mom. I can see her playing with Scotch. Though her face is not visible to me. I look behind to have a look at Mom, but She is not there.

I run torwards her, Mom has gone. I can't let her go. Mom has told me, not to let her go.

As I reach behind her, I call aloud her name, "Estella..."

She turns around, swirling her white knee length dress.

For a moment It felt like my heart will stop beating. Her smile is reaching to her eyes. Her eyes sparkling with life and joy, more than I have seen ever.

I quickly cover the distance between us and grabbed her by waist, to hug her firmly. But She twirls away like a gust of wind.

Guffawing and slipping from my hands, each time I try to hold her. With each failing attempt my anxiety and need to feel her against me increasing desperately.

I'm running behind her like an insane and She is enjoying to tease me like this.

She escapes me again and runs inside the home. I catch her hand at Staircase, before She can run anywhere else and pull her into my arms.

I breath in her essence, closing my eyes. I felt her heart beat, beating with the perfect synchronised way possible with my heart beats. I still can feel her smile against my heart.

She moves a bit but I encircle my arms around her fragile frame more firmly, denying to let her go anytime sooner. I need this, I need her heart, beating against mine. I need her warm breath on me. I need Her, with me, like this forever. I'm feeling so satisfied, so relaxed like never before.

Her warm breaths reaches to my ear, "I'm sorry Ryan."

And all sudden It feel like She is slipping away, I tried to hold her tight and open my eyes. She is looking into my eyes with tears.

Why is she crying?

The sparkle of her eyes has doubled up thousands of times I have ever seen, her lips parted a bit as if She wants to tell me something. Her sparkling eyes searching each and every pore of my face as if memorizing by heart. I feel sheer amount of Love in that look of Her's.

"I'm sorry." She whispers in dizzy, shaking voice and next second she starts to crumble away from my arms as if someone had burnt a beautiful painting and it's turning into ashes, flying fragments of which filling the whole surroundings.

I stand still, dumbstruck!

When her face starts to pull apart and turn into dust a shrill cry escape my throat.


I sit up on bed with a jolt, screaming her name, spreading my arm in futile attempt to catch her and save from falling apart.

I can feel my heart thumping against cage of ribs, so hard as if It will break them or jump out from my chest. I wipe off the sweat from my forehead and looked around.

Only to realize, there is a girl, sleeping soundly, just an arm's length afar from me.

"Shit! I can't believe it's actually happening." I mumble between lips and raise as swifter as I can ever be.

I grab my shirt from the side table next to the bed we are laying and made my way out of the room. It's a sweet of one of my Seven Star in town. I know Dad will never get to know about this hook up like previous one's.

At times I wonder, what if He ever get to know about all this I'm doing, all these years after Mom has left.

I don't want anyone to see me like this, wandering, pathetic, segregated piece of shit!

I pull on my hoodie and step out of the elevator. Usually I leave some note etc before leaving the room but it's not like anytime before. Tonight I'm not feeling like myself at all. It's worse, worse than I have felt ever. The flashing lights out at street are not disturbing me at all.

I check my watch to find it's not even night anymore. The clock is striking at 4 of morning. I never wake up before 9 in morning since Mom. But from past two weeks after meeting Estella, I'm not able to sleep more than four to five hours. And I have to accept it's getting worse. Earlier she used to appear in my dreams, I'm unable to concentrate on any girl apart from Her. She is on my mind 24*7!

And it's a limit, tonight when after two weeks I finally tried to spent a night away from Her. She scared me like this.

I close my eyes to calm myself but again it's happening. She appeared in front of my eyes. Smiling, even laughing at me. I smiled at my foolishness to find her cute. But again, She started to crumble down!

I open my eyes in horror. I can feel the same shiver and thumping heart. I fish out my cell from pocket in panic to call her. But, No. Why should I call her? What will I tell? Why I called?

Uhh! It's so frustrating. Instead of calling her, I open the blog and start to go through it's posts. Then I find what I needed.

A wise suggestion.

"Scotch!" I call out for my emotional support and he woofed from my bed only.

Oh this Cutie! Never disappoints me to cheer up. I laugh at his excitement and hit the bed beside him on bed. I hug him and fell into the darkness of sleep.



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