Lost and Found Au part 1

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George Washington was not a weak man.


George Washington was a strong man.

He had faced many great threats in the wars he fought. He had led many good men into battle, a lot of which never made it home. After the lost of his many man because of his failures. George Washington continued, even though the lost of his men saddened him he still carried on. He informed some of the families that their Husbands, fathers, brothers, mothers, wives, and sisters alike would not be returning home.

He stopped before he got to the tenth family.

No, George Washington was not weak.

If he had wanted to, he would have told all of the families about the loss of their loved ones.

Even though he didn't speak to all of the families. He wrote letters to all of them, each handwritten and personalized to fit each of his fallen soldiers. It was better this way, for all of them.

They didn't have to wait until he left to break down.

And he didn't have to watch the hope shatter in their eyes.


George Washington was not a weak man.

But even the strongest man can be broken.

When Washington got back home to his quiet town in the Caribbean's, and just like all the times before when he came home, Martha was waiting for him at the door.

If you asked George, Martha's smile got better every time he saw it.

Today was no different.

When she saw him, her face might as well have been the sun itself. When she opened to front door in only black yoga pants and black bra, she immediately grabbed his face and gave him the biggest kiss she could. Washington put his hands on her hips and pulled her close. Even though he had only been gone for 3 months, the shortest amount of time he has ever been gone, he new the reason for such a reaction.

He wouldn't be going back to war for a while. She would get him for the next 2 years. His time was now their time. The war would be waiting when he got back.


It's time to start a new chapter in their lives.


Martha Washington had always wanted children.

She dreamed of having a full house with children running left and right. She adored the thought of being called mom. She couldn't think of something she wanted more. She wanted to have kids with her love. She knew he wanted kids just as much as she did, if not more.

That's why it made it ten times worst when they found out that their dream was dead before it ever saw the light of day.


Days after their doctor had shared the dreadful news, Martha was laying in their bed. She stared at the door hoping that George would come out from his study and just lay with her. He had been devastated when he found out the reason they couldn't have children.

The Doctor said the Martha could carry a baby just fine. But it was George who had the fertility problem. When George heard this, Martha saw something in his eyes break. After they got home, George kissed her cheek and ran off to his study without a word.

Tears filled her eyes as she thought of that day. George had not come to bed since. He never left the study but he didn't need to, Martha brought him food. She moved her arm to lay across the spot of her love's that had now been empty for days. She thought back to the day before their dream died. She had wanted nothing more then to have a baby with George.


Now all she wanted was her love to come back to their bed and hold her. She wanted to cry with him. She wanted him to kiss her in the morning and tell her it will be okay. She wanted to hold him even tighter and kiss every spot on his face, until he remembers the reason she will always be by his side.

With that thought, she got up from her place in their bed and puts on one of George's shirts, which was comically to big for her and nearly reached her knees. Her hair was pulled up into a high bun on her head with a few shorter strands falling out of the bun. Her legs were cold, which would only be natural considering she was only wearing her underwear and her love's shirt along with her favorite black bra.

She opened their bedroom door and walked into the long hallway.

Whatever possessed her to stop, she'd never know.

She slowly turned to look at the wall that held many pictures of their life on it. Her eyes immediately went to the one of their wedding. Her eyes filled with tears but she made sure none of them fell. She remembered that day like it had happened yesterday. She remembered the happy look on George's face.

She loved that look.


She loved him.


She loved her husband.

He was her everything.

She vowed that day that she would be by his side for the rest of her life. That nothing would be able to keep her away.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

When she opened them again, she smiled.

She turned to go down the stairs to her husband's study. She didn't bother to be quiet.

She knew he was awake.

When she made it to the door, she raised her hand with no hesitation and knocked. When she received no answer, she grabbed the door handle. She pushed open the door and stepped in.

All the lights were off, except for the lamp at her husband's desk, at which he was seated. He was slouched over his desk, his shoulder and arm moving slightly, indicating that he was writing something.

"George," Martha's voice was but a whisper in the near silent room.

He didn't answer.

She took a step closer.

"George," She tried again.

Still nothing.

She took multiple steps forward, not being quiet in the least, until she was standing behind her love. She lifted her hand and placed in ever so gently on his shoulder. She went to say his name again but before she could the taller Washington jumped in his chair and swung his head around, his brown eyes meeting her now shocked ones.

He slumped in his chair when he saw who it was. He put his hand up to pinch his nose.

"My love, if you would, next time announce your presence, it would save me from having another heart attack," He said sounding more tired then he ever has before. He had bags under his eyes and looked ready to pass out.

Martha looked at him with sad eyes.

"I did," She said sounding sadder than she intended.

George looked at her for a long moment, then turned to the clock sitting on his desk.

He shook his head.

"Hon, it's three in the morning," He said standing up, "You should be in bed, dear."

He put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her toward him and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"So should you," She took the opportunity to say. She wrapped her arms around his hips and looked up at him. He turned his head away from her.

"I have work to do, I have a meeting tomorrow morning and I have to get these papers together."

Martha could tell something was bothering him.

She just didn't know what.

She removed her arms from around him and put her hands on his chest. She pushed at him until he was seated in his chair once more. She then climbed into his lap wrapping her arms around his torso, while laying her head on his shoulder.

"Honey, what's wrong," She whispered into his ear. He kept his head turned away; he wouldn't look her in the eyes. She moved back, unwrapping her hands from his torso, and put them on the side of his face. She forced him to face her, but he still looked down.

"Babe, if I don't know what's wrong, how can I fix it?" She whispered, placing her forehead to his.

"You know I love you, right?" She said closing her eyes.

She opened her eyes just enough to be able to see his lips move, but not able to hear what was said.

"what was that love?"

"Me" He said again.

She pulled back.


"You asked what's wrong," He said finally looking her in the eyes.


Martha's eyes filled with tears.

"Oh baby..."

His eyes looked wet, but nothing fell from them.

"I'm the reason we can't have a family." He said his voice strained and full of sadness.

Martha smiled at him with sad eyes.

"Oh George," Martha laughed, wiping her tears "We already are a family, us."

Her love shook his head.

"A real man has one job," He said voice now cold, "to make and to take care of his family."

Martha's eyes darkened at this. She moved to get out of her husband's lap. He tried to pull her back, but gave up when she pulled harder. When she got up, she faced the door.

"If you think that that is all a man is good for," She stated," You're wrong."

She walked towards the door.

"A real man is kind, loving, and doesn't need to act tough to prove himself."

George went to say something, but Martha cut him off.

"And a real man would not have left his wife alone to swim in his own self-pity."

She turned her head and glared at him.

"And when you get that through your head, I will be waiting upstairs for you in our Bed, ready to cry with you at our terrible loss."

She turned back to the door before her husband could say anything more.

"Goodnight, Mr. Washington."

She opened the door and left through it leaving her husband to his work.

And if later he just so happens to wonder up to their room, and crawl into their bed and pull his wife closer, not knowing who shed the first tear, well...

That was nobody's business but their own.

Hope that this was a good first au, i already have some art work to go along with part to that I did myself but if anybody else wants to help with some of the art message me, and we can work together.

But anyway hope you like it, hope you all have a great day, peace.


1717 words 

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